Frank Thomas is gone...

I thought they could of used him there? I guess last time this happened they did the same thing, i don't remember the players name but the guy had a beef with the manager and the team cut or traded him.
Shea Hillenbrand?

He's a has been now, hehe.

Yea that is who i mean't. But i thought he was picked up by another team and played on it last year. I like the way toronto's front office sides with management instead of the player as today's sports arena is becomming more and more centered around the individual player instead of the team concept.
Frank the tank to follow in the football of Canseco, Sierra, and all the bums and head to NY?
He could stand at first base just fine.

Giants first base depth chart<TABLE class=tablehead cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3><TBODY><TR class=oddrow vAlign=top><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR class=evenrow vAlign=top><TD>First Base</TD><TD>Rich Aurilia (R)</TD><TD>John Bowker (L)</TD><TD>Dan Ortmeier (R)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

yabba dabba doo.