Former #1 recruit Nkemdiche so fat his career is over


Pretty much a regular
Robert Nkemdiche was the #1 player in the country when he signed with Ole Miss and a first round draft choice of the Cardinals.

He was cut by the Cardinals earlier in the year because he was so out of shape, then signed by the Dolphins. Yesterday he tried to work out for the first time with the Dolphins and is so fat and out of shape he couldn't even complete a single gasser (run the width of a football field and back).

He's only 24, but looks like his football career is over.

Next time we read about this guy the headline will be, Former Football Star Dead At Age 37.

It may be what is best for him so I won't pretend to judge. I would rather die ten years earlier and not eat the way the healthy folks around me do. So I get it if he just wants to do what makes him happy.

With that said, if he eats to deal with pain or pressure then this could make him deteriorate even more.

Were I a gm, and he were agreeable, i would offer him so long as i can employ personal trainers (cost will be a reduction to salary) to be with him at almost all times for three months.

He is a special player imo.
The problem is you don't just live a happy life, but die 10 years early.

Most people as obese as he is have horrible things that happen that make their lives miserable but don't kill them (I heard he was north of 400 when he showed up in Miami). Amputation of limbs, usually one part of the limb at a time, weak immune systems that may never recover, long illnesses, diseases obese people get that are brutal and ruin your life, stokes, heart attacks that render you helpless but don't kill you. You can't fit in movie seats or airline seats, you can't fit in most cars. There is no sport you can play.

There is no way his current condition is what's best for him.

Your idea of mandatory trainers and other help sounds like a good one to me, VK. That may be what Miami did. All teams now have dieticians and chefs and medical personnel available for their players. I think most teams now have chefs on staff and provide meals to young players to try and change their eating habits before they get fat in the first place. He ignored the help with the Cardinals, but maybe getting cut will wake him up.
Maybe I’m the insensitive asshole...but if I had the talent to make millions of dollars a year and part of that was that I had to eat a fucking salad every now and then; yeah i would eat the salad.

My personal life operation is roughly the same as VK’s. I stay in shape through running/HIT and accidental intermittent fasting, mainly so I don’t have to buy a whole new wardrobe, but if I die at 65 instead of 75 because I have chicken fried steak for breakfast instead of egg whites then so be it.
I promise you that eating healthy doesn't need to feel like a death sentence. And if those around you are eating miserable looking "healthy" foods then they're not doing it right. Seek out knowledgeable people who can help you.

And eat the damn yolk it's good for you!

Of course it feels like a death sentence. It isn't so much that you are eating bland foods.. some of those, like you say , are pretty tasty in their own way . It is what you cannot eat.

I don't think there is a more judgmental group in the world than healthy eaters. If you are going to judge others based on what they eat then the following must be true:

1. You are sacrificing something to eat healthy.

There is no way around that. If it all tastes just as good, and brings about an equal amount pleasure then there is no sacrifice and if there is no sacrifice then that means the healthy eaters are just eating what they like, while judging others for doing the same. Otherwise, you ARE sacrificing (aka feels like a death sentence)

Again, I haven't done the math or thought it through to that level of detail, to narrow it down to what my cut off year would be but I can tell you this ... If I make it to 60 without having major issues related to my weight, I have scoreboard over if I had done it another way. For me. Might be different for you or someone else.

It is actually one of the reasons I am super opposed to government run healthcare. Eventually they will tell you what you can and cannot eat. Already we have seen proposed sin tax (a regressive tax fwiw) for fast food and already have sin taxes in place on other items. We have people trying to prevent you from having however much soda you want, or preventing restaurants from cooking their food in particular types of oils. I will eat whatever I want and drink whatever I want, and I will allow you to do the same.

The good news is .... studies haven't really come close to the number of years of extra life being a decade or more, although it appears you can add close to that if you combine a bunch of healthy decisions (avoid a bunch of unhealthy decisions)

But let's say it is three years for the fun of it. If those 3 years are from 24 years old to 26 years old, then I would change my tune but they aren't. The average life span in the united states is almost 79 years (a little higher for females and a little lower for males). If I am sacrificing for 76 years to get the three years from 77 to 79, it is an easy choice for me. For me. I am not saying it is the right choice for anyone else.

The healthy people should happy, since the unhealthy people subsidize them through social security.

Healthy eaters are the most judgmental people I have ever run across in my 50 years on this planet (10 more years to go and I have won in my own mind with regard to eating whatever I want. Just an incredible level of joy that food has brought me in my lifetime. I cannot think of many things that bring me as much joy as eating what I want, when I want, has. If I have my heart attack tomorrow, and fall over and that is it for me ... I think I may have eliminated too many good years to have not made the sacrifices. But if I get to 60 .....
Yikes, this really spiraled in a strange direction. I definitely did not judge you nor do I judge anyone for what they eat (I really don’t care).

You proposed a scenario of dying a decade earlier based on your food choices which was a bit disheartening to read and even if such a scenario were true (which it isn’t) it’s just really an unnecessary trade off. It was then followed up by a post which highlighted how unnecessary this trade-off is.

Of course we all have free will to make the decisions we make in life regarding consumption of food, substances, drug use, recreational activities, etc, etc.

I can choose to have unprotected sex for the rest of my life and that decision might feel really good in the short term physically and psychologically. But if someone tries to dispel some myths and suggests that there might be a better way I wouldn’t label them an asshole for it. Because really they were just trying to help. I’m not trying to rip the food off your plate.

Back to football for me:-)
It may be what is best for him so I won't pretend to judge. I would rather die ten years earlier and not eat the way the healthy folks around me do. So I get it if he just wants to do what makes him happy.

With that said, if he eats to deal with pain or pressure then this could make him deteriorate even more.

Were I a gm, and he were agreeable, i would offer him so long as i can employ personal trainers (cost will be a reduction to salary) to be with him at almost all times for three months.

He is a special player imo.

You think so? Man he has been fuckin awful in the pros....played like 20 something games his whole career....

I knew people that went to school with him at Ole Miss.....his brother even more so, but Robert too. These dudes marched to a beat of their own drum. Ive heard 1st hand stories of these dudes trippin balls quite a few times at Ole Miss. Look, far from me to hate or judge on anyone partying anywhere or whatever....just don't hear of many 6' 7" 5 star Freak D line guys that dig paper acid lol.......
You think so? Man he has been fuckin awful in the pros....played like 20 something games his whole career....

I knew people that went to school with him at Ole Miss.....his brother even more so, but Robert too. These dudes marched to a beat of their own drum. Ive heard 1st hand stories of these dudes trippin balls quite a few times at Ole Miss. Look, far from me to hate or judge on anyone partying anywhere or whatever....just don't hear of many 6' 7" 5 star Freak D line guys that dig paper acid lol.......

Not saying he has been a good professional so far. Just saying I think he is NFL talented and if he were to get into shape, I think he would be a good contributor.
Not saying he has been a good professional so far. Just saying I think he is NFL talented and if he were to get into shape, I think he would be a good contributor.
oh he has the God given gifts in the frame

I guess it ends there tho
If he ever comes back I'll buy a drink for everyone on the board.

A professional athlete who is surrounded by a staff of health professionals there to help him and a team willing to pay him millions of dollars and he still gets this fat and out of shape is not coming back. It's hard to play football even when you're motivated and he lost all motivation.

And the idea that healthy food is bland or boring or tastes bad or whatever is amusing.

A healthy meal tastes as delicious as any other meal. What possible reason could exist for it not to?

Just had dinner last night at a good LA restaurant. It was all healthy dishes--catfish sauteed in olive oil with capers and garlic, green beans prepared as only the French seem to know how, roasted potatoes with peppers, spinach with mushrooms and garlic, sprinkled with Parmesan--and as delicious as food can possibly be.

Every dish was healthy and so delectable that if Robert Nkemdiche had been there with me he would weight 425 today instead of 410.
More aptly put, it tastes bland to me.

If you think it tastes just as awesome as non-healthy food then, of course, eating healthy is an easier choice for you.

And, of course, if you believe it tastes just as awesome, you are no more disciplined than the fatty who is eating what he/she likes.
More aptly put, it tastes bland to me.

If you think it tastes just as awesome as non-healthy food then, of course, eating healthy is an easier choice for you.

And, of course, if you believe it tastes just as awesome, you are no more disciplined than the fatty who is eating what he/she likes.
I know we have beat this shit to death, but try not eating garbage for a few months......and by that I mean like the Big Buford from Rally's

Going in after that time, it changes......they put something in that shit thats addictive and once you kick, you lose the taste

Except for Taco Bell.....that shit is always good

fucking magic
I know we have beat this shit to death, but try not eating garbage for a few months......and by that I mean like the Big Buford from Rally's

Going in after that time, it changes......they put something in that shit thats addictive and once you kick, you lose the taste

Except for Taco Bell.....that shit is always good

fucking magic
Is rally’s the southern version of checkers? Because checkers also sells a big Buford burger.
I don't eat a ton of fast food but i do eat a ton of reataurant food including a very high quality steak most weeks. If I couldnt eat Mexican food the rest of my life (trending opposite) ....
VK, you are arguing a point--healthy food does not taste good--even though there is no logic in the statement.

I doubt you really believe it makes sense to claim a healthy person eating healthy food has no more discipline than a guy who puts on an extra 120 pounds of fat in a few months at the age of 24.

That's what happens--as all lawyers learn the hard way--when you try to prove an opinion with no facts.

It's entertaining though
VK, you are arguing a point--healthy food does not taste good--even though there is no logic in the statement.

I doubt you really believe it makes sense to claim a healthy person eating healthy food has no more discipline than a guy who puts on an extra 120 pounds of fat in a few months at the age of 24.

That's what happens--as all lawyers learn the hard way--when you try to prove an opinion with no facts.

It's entertaining though

But you are also making a false assumption that you can’t have both.

Anecdotal, but I’m not an anomaly: I am 5-10, 160. I had a huge fatty brunch breakfast; beer for lunch, and am eating kraft Mac and cheese stuffed in sandwich bread right now for dinner. This is not an abnormal day for me