For those who think Cleveland can win the whole shabang...

H.R. Pufnstuf

Pretty much a regular
Since 1975, 30 of the 31 NBA championship teams had an All-Star big man or Michael Jordan on the team.

The only exception to this stat was the 1988-89 Detroit Pistons.
I agree, HR.

Books are going to make a killing on the public loading up on LeBron at +300ish.

What the public won on LeBron last night will go right back to The Man on this series.
H.R Pufnstuf, you say since 1975 30 of 31 NBA championship teams had an all-star big man or Michael Jordan on the team.

Who's to say Lebron James is not a Michael Jordan type caliber player. Also, Gibson did not have a role on this team for most of the year. This is a completely CLE team than the one we saw all year long.

I love CLE in this series. GL
I agree with joebrensports. A guy like Daniel Gibson makes stats from the last 31 NBA championships kind of worthless. If Lebron isn't the next MJ then Gibson is the next Bird. What a shooter. Cavs in 3.
I think it's funny how you phrased all of it. All of the champs had all-star big men, except these 7 teams (shouldn't it be 8 since Pistons won back-to-back?). That's a lot of exceptions, and to assume Lebron isn't gonna be another one of those exceptions is kinda strange, imo. Almost as strange as assuming Lebron automatically wins because the last several "superstars" all won titles in their first trip to the finals... except Shaq...

I like the Spurs. Six games sounds reasonable, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were in 5 at CLE.

I'm not counting out CLE and we might even learn a little something from the Warriors. Seeing as how they swept DAL during the regular season, but when it came to the playoffs, that fact became irrelevant to would be bettors . Seeing as how CLE took down SAS 2-0 during the regular season, I'm guessing that counts for something here as well. I think they take a couple.
alot more value in takein clev in the series +375 then spurs book just went from cavs +300 and sprus -400 to i missing something yeah spurs are a great team but lebron has figured out how to win games against good defensive teams....if they don't help take the shot if they do help pass it....the question is does he have any help....i think he will....spurs in my opinion shouldn't even be here if cheap shot bob did tackle steve nash...i am goin to hope clev steals one against spurs at is possible....
LBJ's letdown off game 4 was as predictable as it was inevitable. He's still no Jordan yet. Gibson pulled one out of his ass, now he's in the position of a letdown. Its simply the realm of fantasy to expect either to do what each has done in 1 of the last 2 games, for 4 combined games against a team like the Spurs, when in fact thats exactly what they'd have to do to win this series. James notching 4 x 40+ games against the Spurs? Gibson going bananas for the same? not happening in my book.

As for CLE's regular season success against the Spurs, 2nd game of the season in a B2B situation (CLE off a days rest) after having a huge game in Dallas the night before? I think I can understand the Spurs taking the Cavs lightly. As for their loss on the road, they also lost to Minnesota the next night, those games coming on the heels of a 12-3 run, part of a 3 straight losses set. No team can sustain form forever, CLE caught them at the right time (as did that great team Minnesota).

Spurs had CLE at home in their 2nd game last season, too, but it wasnt on a B2B off Dallas. The difference? They won by 26 points. Ahh theres the real Spurs. They did lose to CLE in CLE that season as well, but only after going 13-1 their previous 14 games playing in a B2B situation, oh and they lost to Philadelphia in their following game, as well. Thats almost exactly this seasons scenario repeated - long period of form finally giving way to a letdown in that form, proven by losing to an even worse team in their next game (Minny/Philly) after Cleveland.

However, I do think CLE's home regular season wins these past 2 seasons are enough to believe they will get a couple of home wins this series given the format. If the Spurs go up 2-0 I can see them being satisfied to win the solitary road game, and then rest on winning 1 of their last 2 home games to win it all.

Outside of Hamilton, Detroit didnt show yesterday. A rather pathetic ending by the number 1 seed.
MJ on this Cavs team in his prime loses to San Antonio in 5
god here we go. no one gave them a chance versus motown.....NO ONE, and if you say you did you are lying to everyone on this board and yourself. i like everyones points on here, but come on fellas...
and i, for the second straight series, am not claiming or saying cle will win, just voicing my thoughts. i respect everyones opinion tho

god here we go. no one gave them a chance versus motown.....NO ONE, and if you say you did you are lying to everyone on this board and yourself. i like everyones points on here, but come on fellas...

Maybe I was reading the wrong threads but besides the boys from Detroit I didn't really think that the board was on Detroit's nuts. I personally didn't have much of a take on the series at all. I supposed I figured that Detroit would pull it off, but I wouldn't say it was a monumental surprise by any means. It's better for your boys if they have no pressure on them in the series. Last thing you want is the world putting more pressure on LB to win this thing.
god here we go. no one gave them a chance versus motown.....NO ONE, and if you say you did you are lying to everyone on this board and yourself. i like everyones points on here, but come on fellas...

cough cough ... i took em to win it all trading deadline. hence i believed.
i knwo you did brewer, but your one of the few. my apologies saying NOONE, but 99% and thats a tru stat