For those looking to bet LA tonight


Money Addict
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=Column_Date_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=7>NBA Basketball - Thu 6/5

</TD></TR><TR class=Column_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=3>Game</TD><TD>Spread</TD><TD>Money Line</TD><TD>Total Points</TD><TD>More</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Thu 6/5</TD><TD>501</TD><TD>Los Angeles Lakers</TD><TD>+2.5 +102</TD><TD>+132</TD><TD>OVER 191.5 -101</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2>Props

</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>06:05 PM</TD><TD>502</TD><TD>Boston Celtics</TD><TD>-2.5 -108</TD><TD>-142</TD><TD>UNDER 191.5 -109</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
The above line is taken from Pinny. It looks as though the line will go to 3. This is good news for want-to-be Lakers bettors. I would very much like to get +3 tonight.
its up to 3 on BM. im going to probably take the ML, but that extra half point is def nice to have in case i end up taking the points.
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=Column_Date_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=7>NBA Basketball - Thu 6/5

</TD></TR><TR class=Column_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=3>Game</TD><TD>Spread</TD><TD>Money Line</TD><TD>Total Points</TD><TD>More</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Thu 6/5</TD><TD>501</TD><TD>Los Angeles Lakers</TD><TD>+2.5 +106</TD><TD>+136</TD><TD>OVER 191.5 -102</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2>Props
</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>06:05 PM</TD><TD>502</TD><TD>Boston Celtics</TD><TD>-2.5 -112</TD><TD>-146</TD><TD>UNDER 191.5 -108</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
It was at 3 at BM when I played the moneyline

I paying tribute to redbearde tonight... ML dog!

I am just holding out hoping for better than +120 at my book, but will bet it if the price does not move.
Just curious as to why all the Faker love?

I can only guess one of two four letter words. KOBE or PHIL.

Any other reasoning?
found the time...

I was set to take the Lakers in Gm1 (ATS and ML) but then I doubted myself when a successful poker pro and sports bettor I know said "if there was ever a must-win game, it's Boston winning Gm1." This completely threw me off my game.

I think strategy will win Gm1, and coaches decide strategy. There are very few people who would argue LA owning a coaching edge in this series. My thoughts were that LA surprises the Celts, Boston fans, and the public by winning Gm1. Boston then turns around in Gm2 and wins in order to prevent embarrassment of losing both home games to start the finals. The series goes back to LA at 1-1. The prop bet on LA taking one of the first two games is over 2-to-1 in Vegas. Phil Jackson has a series record of 41-0 when his team wins Gm1. I bring this up because I think LA wins the series; therefore, I think the odds of LA winning Gm1 are greater than their odds to win Gm2.

I've locked in LA +120 but am considering going back for more. I held back when betting this the first time because I thought I would go back for seconds on the LA ML in Gm2 if I lost in Gm1, but the more I research the situation, the more I like LA's chances tonight.

cannot blame anyone but the lakers for missing open shots in the second half

I dont blame the fakers.

I credit the celts defense for limiting penetration and keeping htem out of the paint, forcing the fakers to take those perimeter shots and mid range jumpers

honestly, as soon as i saw bavetta was reffin i got pissed. fuck, why not throw violet palmer and salvatore out there while they're at it. shoulda known better than to think stern would let this series be decided after one game.

not too concerned tho. at least 2 of the games at staples should be giftwrapped for the lakers. these things even out and in the end the better team will win the series.
honestly, as soon as i saw bavetta was reffin i got pissed. fuck, why not throw violet palmer and salvatore out there while they're at it. shoulda known better than to think stern would let this series be decided after one game.

not too concerned tho. at least 2 of the games at staples should be giftwrapped for the lakers. these things even out and in the end the better team will win the series.

:36_11_6: I said the same shit when I saw fuckin Dick Bavetta as a ref for game 1 :shake:
its alright Phil jackson 3-1 in the NBA finals after losing game 1

'91, '98, '01, '04, '08.

The first three he still won the series, we'll have to see about this year.
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I credit the celts defense for limiting penetration and keeping htem out of the paint, forcing the fakers to take those perimeter shots and mid range jumpers

perimeter shots and mid-range jumpers are shots that professionals should be able to make. the lakers did not, and they lost. the action and reaction is pretty simple to see in this case.
what do you mean should? it goes in or it doesn't. it wouldn't be much fun if everyone shot the same % every game.
how many series is gonna take before people realize that the C's D is just good and that people don't just coincidently shoot bad against us. lebron, the pistsons, kobe.. etc.
kobe mentioned he missed a lot of "bunnies" last night. Give me a break. Kobe was not getting any looks that i'd call "Bunnies" in game 1.
how many series is gonna take before people realize that the C's D is just good and that people don't just coincidently shoot bad against us. lebron, the pistsons, kobe.. etc.

kobe mentioned he missed a lot of "bunnies" last night. Give me a break. Kobe was not getting any looks that i'd call "Bunnies" in game 1.

buddy, i understand boston has a good defense (maybe the best in the nba) but don't try to pass last night off as boston's great defense.

i saw the hands in kobe's face during the 1h, but boston's defense was not responsible for la's drought of almost 4 minutes starting the 4Q.
I can't give Boston's D credit for last night???? forcing kobe to take 24 jumpers on his 26 fg attempts.... 4 minutes. Is that really that uncommon? A team to have a bad shooting draught for 4 minutes??? KG was in a draught the entire second half, so i guess the two cancel each other out.
A team to have a bad shooting draught for 4 minutes??? KG was in a draught the entire second half, so i guess the two cancel each other out.

whatever floats your boat, slug

gm1 is over... my bet lost... i'll likely sit out the rest of the series and root for the celtics