For all of you betting University of Houston - Interesting News


Pretty much a regular
This is all over the sports radio in Houston:

U of H is leaving Saturday morning by plane for the game at UAB. They aren't spending Friday night in Birmingham because there are no hotels to house the Cougar team due to the Alabama/Tennessee game taking all of the hotel rooms in the area.

Im in the middle of writing a paper so I dont know if this all makes sense

in a nutshell:

U of H is flying in the morning of the game and they have never won a game in the state of Alabama in the history of their program.
great info. this has to be worth a couple of points in a spread. who's got a column in their database with the ATS records of teams that fly the morning of a game?!money;:36_11_6:
not on the game myself as ive seen how capable the UH offense is, but have also seen how dismal the UAB team is. GL in whatever u play
if you like the uab side you should probably wait until thursday night .... it is hard to fathom a math model not favoring houston in this one. seems drbob would either not be on the game or be on houston.

especially since bob compares how offenses due vs average defenses and how defenses due vs average offenses.

tulan >500 yds vs uab
fsu >500 yds vs uab
mich st > 500 yards vs uab
tulsa >700 yards vs uab

sorry but that defense is playing far below that of an average defense ...... and tulane and fsu are not world beaters on offense. tulsa has a prolific offense ... but 700 yards ?!?!?! and michigan state is solid but i watched that game and michigan state coasted after the first half when they were crushing, hey could have put up even more yards. If the travel bugaboo does not hurt the cougars .... neither will uab ...

like i said ... suggest waiting until after bob releases ... hard to believe he could be on the uab side.
Great post Kyle...I agree

ynnhoj....excellent information. I have seen this hurt teams before. Thanks for the heads-up.
how often does a planned mix up like this happen BAR? do u have any past examples?

Not off top of my head. I do remember a Det Lions-Oak Raiders preseason game last year maybe where we flew out the day of..unreal..and got murdered.
You can also look at weather issues...teams getting into towns much later in any sport..usually doesn't bode too well.
the last time I remember a team flying in the day of the game was like 3 years ago when Nebraska flew into Colombia to play Missouri and they got beat straight up and ATS (I could be wrong here)...all I'm saying is flying in the day of the game is not a good thing at all for Houston...
Did Tennessee fly in the game of the day against LSU on that Monday night game 2 years ago? This was the game that was re-scheduled due to Hurricane Katrina. I know LSU was winning big at half (and covering), but ended up losing SU. I remember cause I was on the Tigers.
There is no way this can be a positive for houston ,, it has to hurt on some level. i just cannot quantify how much it hurts. Helps to have Briles in this type of situation though.