Fondybadger's Wednesday Baseball


CTG Partner
A nice 4-1 record on Tuesday night. Dealing with a few family situations so I'm a bit stressed out and I'm not sure how much you'll see me around the next few days. I'm ready to take a few days off as I'm getting burned out, but things are just going too well right now to let off the gas. There's a few other games I like, most notably SD under, Det, Yanks (wang), that I need to cap a bit more before I pull the trigger.

Overall MLB Record 156-96-2 +$5471

Money Line Plays 117-65-1 +$5243
Run Line Plays 14-8 +$1305 (17-5 +$1538)
23-21-1 -$920
Parlays 2-3 -$157
$34,120 in total wagers
$137 average wager

<st1:city><st1> </st1></st1:city>$150 Braves -137
Value play fading the Nationals

$300 Dbacks -113
Arizona hasn't gotten the respect they deserve for how they're playing this season. They've played very solid on the road this season, and getting Brandon Webb at this price is way too good to pass up, especially with the troubles that Aaron Cook has had this season.

$100 San Diego -168
Peavy is 4-0 when starting against Cincy with an ERA of 1.90 and a WHIP of 0.985. His team's record is 6-0 (+6.1 units) in these starts."

Game Leans (326-244 +61.39 units)
I'm going to keep track of a pick for every game this season for shits and giggles. These are NOT plays, but are the side I lean as I want to see my pick % for the season. All leans are graded as 1 unit wagers on dogs and to win 1 unit on favorites.

Braves -140
Marlins +107
Brewers +122
Mets -123
Giants -103
Dbacks -113
Padres -168
Dodgers -153
Indians -179
Tigers +120
Baltimore +160
Tampa -105
Yanks (Wang) -113
Angels -140
A's -195
$300 Dbacks -113
Arizona hasn't gotten the respect they deserve for how they're playing this season. They've played very solid on the road this season, and getting Brandon Webb at this price is way too good to pass up, especially with the troubles that Aaron Cook has had this season.

"this season.... this season... this season" - Jesus, I need a drink...
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Nice card Fondy! On these too! GL bro!
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
What's the Brewers' psyche like, Fondy? I'm definitely tempted to take them as a dog with Supp on the mound. I just can't picture them losing 3 straight like this. I usually like a team on the rebound off of tough losses, but hey, that's why I was on them yesterday.

I've never bet the +1.5 RL, but I think it might be in order here. If Mil loses, I'm guessing it's on another heartbreaker, not a blowout.
I've watched every game on this road trip so far, 3 vs. Mets and the first 2 versus the Phillies and something is "off." I'm really not sure what it is, but if I had to guess I think the national media attention in New York got to them a bit. Between the interviews on Cold Pizza and Baseball Tonight and the decision that a handful of Brewers were going to be on the Young and the Restless (Hall, Capuano, Suppan, Hardy, possibly one more), and all the talk about them being the best team in baseball might have went to their heads. There was just a big article recently in the Milwaukee paper about how Turnbow turned things around, and I think it has messed up his mind and he's going to have some trouble for the next week or two. The team is hitting, they're playing solid defense, the pitching hasn't been too bad, but they're giving up that one inning where a 2 out bloop single is followed by a walk which is followed by a double that scores two type of thing...

That said there's value on the Brewers tomorrow, but it will be a while before I bet against Cole Hamels at that price. Next time I have a bet on the Brewers it will be after they've won a game. I'm not down on them, but they're in a bit of a funk right now, and I need to see how they respond to adversity.

Good luck if you decide to make a wager on it Dystopia.
I was tailing you yesterday except those under play on NYM/CHC (lucky me). Would like to thank you for your work, much appreciated by me. Sorry about your familly problems, my friend, hope everything will be ok.

good luck on today :shake:
I was tailing you yesterday except those under play on NYM/CHC (lucky me). Would like to thank you for your work, much appreciated by me. Sorry about your familly problems, my friend, hope everything will be ok.

good luck on today :shake:

Thanks for the kind words Songo. I'm just a bit burned out taking care of my grandmother who's living me. She belongs in a nursing home, but I need to get her finances in order first so that all of her money doesn't disappear. My uncle stopped by yesterday and told her that he has surgery today for prostrate cancer and she's been a nervous wreck with already losing one daughter to breast cancer. We had been trying to keep things from her until now. Then the stress of trying to figure out a decent place to live in Milwaukee when law school starts in the fall is starting to get to me as most leases it appears around campus start June 1st. Doesn't help that Marquette is right by Milwaukee's worst part of the city. And to top off my bitching, my "friend" got a job yesterday in Phoenix that she wasn't suspecting she'd get... So yah I'm grumpy today. Probably should go to sleep, but what fun is that. I still have a few more hours of poker ahead of me before I have to go to sleep so I'm up in time for the first pitch of those 7pm games.
yo fondy do you used to hang around sportshark? your name is really familiar.

but that's some messed up sh*t that you are going through. hope things turn around for ya:cheers:
fondy..... hope things on your personal side ease up with the stress, that stuff is not fun. goodluck on the games today bro.
Thanks for the info, Fondy. And I hope everything turns out well for ya. Keep picking those winners, and hopefully that will help keep your head on straight.
Good luck Fondy! I finally found all the guys from BTB!!! Damn...Hope to see you in some of the IN-GAME-FORUMS..
4-3 -$210 I think... Just did the math in my head... Gotta be more careful of these big faves. I warn everyone else earlier in the week, a trend of dogs in coming, and I don't take my advice.