Fondybadger's NFL Conference Championships


CTG Partner
$400 Packers O19.5 -110
$200 Packers +8 -115
$200 Packers 1H O10 +110
$100 Packers +4 -105

$200 Colts O23.5 -110
$100 Colts +7 -125

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Why Colts? I was hoping you pick the pats

I think the games a coin flip, so happy getting a TD (even if it is juiced). Don't feel that strong on the side at all, but think that game will be a shootout. Want to check weather prior to hitting game over.
Why Colts? I was hoping you pick the pats

If you're paying attention to who the Colts are today, as to who the Colts were just 5 weeks ago, there is a vast difference in the defense now. Injuries plagued them all season and they are as healthy now, as they were at any time all year,
$400 Packers O19.5 -110
$200 Packers +8 -115
$200 Packers 1H O10 +110
$100 Packers +4 -105

$200 Colts O23.5 -110
$100 Colts +7 -125


GL today. C'Mon Man... get a few dollars on those money lines!
I think the games a coin flip, so happy getting a TD (even if it is juiced). Don't feel that strong on the side at all, but think that game will be a shootout. Want to check weather prior to hitting game over.

Just watched the weather buddy. Rain surrounding Foxboro but looks like it'll stay relatively dry. If game runs late it could get wet but as of now calling for just "chance of rain" throughout & temps in the 40's.

Think Indy shot their wad last week but GL on your other plays.
Just saw the GB TT line move from 20 120 to 17.5 130 on BOL. Thoughts? Thinking of waiting and eventually playing GB TT but curious to hear your thoughts on this line move.
Just saw the GB TT line move from 20 120 to 17.5 130 on BOL. Thoughts? Thinking of waiting and eventually playing GB TT but curious to hear your thoughts on this line move.

Hawks have some starters coming back today that weren't in last weeks game.
Just saw the GB TT line move from 20 120 to 17.5 130 on BOL. Thoughts? Thinking of waiting and eventually playing GB TT but curious to hear your thoughts on this line move.

Weather weather weather. My computer decided it wanted to do an hour of updates today so haven't had a chance to look at anything since I went to sleep and I'm heading from milwaukee to Madison now. My thoughts are GB gets the team total relatively easy and I see no difference between 17 to 21 or Pack has trouble getting double digits.

While I said weather it all depends on the calf on a bad field too. That's where the double digits concern is.

zeke thanks for NE info

Song is awful

Good stuff cap
As a Bears fan I obviously hate the Pack but that was the worst loss I've seen in sometime. Everything added all up just literally everything that could go wrong in 4Q did. Feel bad for all Pack fans. The 2pt conversion and onside kick were just sickening.
Brandon Bostik & Bill Buckner.

Both surnames start with the letter B.
Both surnames have 2 syllables.
Both surnames have a syllable ending on a hard K.
Both players completely missed playing a ball with their hands.
Both actions led to losses late in the game from "should've won" positions.

Packers fans are channelling Red Sox angst today. Tough place to be, Fondy:craponface:
Brandon Bostik & Bill Buckner.

Both surnames start with the letter B.
Both surnames have 2 syllables.
Both surnames have a syllable ending on a hard K.
Both players completely missed playing a ball with their hands.
Both actions led to losses late in the game from "should've won" positions.

Packers fans are channelling Red Sox angst today. Tough place to be, Fondy:craponface:
If Bill Buckner fields that ground ball, it goes to the top of the 11th. If, however, Bob Stanley gets Mookie Wilson out instead of throwing a wild pitch a few pitches before allowing Kevin Mitchell to score the tying run, then the Red Sox win the World Series.

Revisionist history...
If Bill Buckner fields that ground ball, it goes to the top of the 11th. If, however, Bob Stanley gets Mookie Wilson out instead of throwing a wild pitch a few pitches before allowing Kevin Mitchell to score the tying run, then the Red Sox win the World Series.

Revisionist history...

That I obv. knew, but Buckner's folly became the focus of RSNation angst over the failure to claim that WS title. How underserving that focus on Buckner was, is seen by your failure to mention there was still another game to play [which the RS would lead 3-0 in], offering a further chance to claim that WS. Just as Bostik can't alone be blamed for Gby's failure (I personally think the defense of that 2-pt conversion throw was worse than Bostik's), neither can Buckner. Just another parallel.
That I obv. knew, but Buckner's folly became the focus of RSNation angst over the failure to claim that WS title. How underserving that focus on Buckner was, is seen by your failure to mention there was still another game to play [which the RS would lead 3-0 in], offering a further chance to claim that WS. Just as Bostik can't alone be blamed for Gby's failure (I personally think the defense of that 2-pt conversion throw was worse than Bostik's), neither can Buckner. Just another parallel.
You said "Both actions led to losses late in the game from "should've won" positions", meaning you believed had Buckner made that play, the Red Sox would have likely gone on to win that game since they were, as you said, in a "should've won" position.

Green Bay was still leading. The Red Sox were tied after the wild pitch. The "should've won" moment had already passed by the time the ball went through Buckner's legs.
You said "Both actions led to losses late in the game from "should've won" positions", meaning you believed had Buckner made that play, the Red Sox would have likely gone on to win that game since they were, as you said, in a "should've won" position.

Green Bay was still leading. The Red Sox were tied after the wild pitch. The "should've won" moment had already passed by the time the ball went through Buckner's legs.

I think you've misread the intention behind my wording of that parallel. We diverge in understanding when it comes to relating the first part of my sentence to the latter part [...from "should've won" positions].
- You're reading the latter part being intended to be understood as subserviant to the actions described in the first part: that I'm trying to convey the notion Boston should've won (/that the game is understood to be a should've won game) but solely for Bucker's error. Anyone who knows how that game stood at the time of his error knows that clearly wasn't the case (and as a known RS follower, I struggle to believe anyone could think I'd was ignorant of where that game stood at the time of his error).
- My intention was to place both player's errors-that-led-to-losing within the overall context of occurring in games that are viewed as having been contests that, at some point late in their being played, "should've been won" by the teams these 2 error makers were playing for, not that they should've been won but solely for the errors made by each player. That that WS game 6 as a whole is viewed as one Boston "should've won" (from the position they were in late in the game, a point which also reflected their third lead in a game they had never trailed in) & is one they lost late due to Buckner's error, hence my drawing a parallel with the context of Bostik's error coming in a game Gby were in a position earlier (much stronger than at the time of Bostik's error, which came at the time of only a 1 possession lead) that has been construed as a "should've won" situation.

I can understand your reading my sentence as you did, and I think the insertion of a comma in a particular spot might've saved both of us some time and energy, but there you go.
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Brandon Bostik & Bill Buckner.

Both surnames start with the letter B.
Both surnames have 2 syllables.
Both surnames have a syllable ending on a hard K.
Both players completely missed playing a ball with their hands.
Both actions led to losses late in the game from "should've won" positions.

Packers fans are channelling Red Sox angst today. Tough place to be, Fondy:craponface:

Brian Billick speaking of double B's. 1999 NFC championship game as the OC for Vikings. horseshit second half play calling, fucker. Marlo & P-Unit will remember this one as well.
If Bill Buckner fields that ground ball, it goes to the top of the 11th. If, however, Bob Stanley gets Mookie Wilson out instead of throwing a wild pitch a few pitches before allowing Kevin Mitchell to score the tying run, then the Red Sox win the World Series.

Revisionist history...

If Clemens never comes out of the game the Red Sox win.