Fondybadger's 2017 CFB Week 4


CTG Partner
2017 College Football 198-158-10 +$4098
Last Week 73-59-4 +$1794
This week 34-40-1 -$1870

$50 Idaho +3.5
$50 Akron +17 -122
$50 Washington St o47.5
$100 UAB +13
$100 Oklahoma o45
$350 Florida Atlantic/Buffalo u60
$200 Buffalo u31
$260 Ball St o19.5 -115
$150 Ball St +10 -120 (bought half)
$200 Mississippi St +3 -120
$200 Mississippi St o22
$150 SMU -2.5
$50 SMU o37.5
$50 SMU 1H -1.5
$200 San Diego St -4.5 & $200 San Diego St -3 -105
$60 San Diego St 1H -1.5
$60 Syracuse +21.5
$60 Bowling Green +7 -105


$400 Penn St -11.5
$250 Penn St 2H -7 -120
$150 Florida -2.5
$50 Florida 1H ml -120
$120 Utah St -1.5
$100 UTSA -13.5
$50 Missouri o21 +110

$200 Notre Dame -3.5
$80 Notre Dame 1H -1 -115

10:00pm & later
$300 Oregon -13.5
$100 Oregon o45
$100 Oregon 1H -7 -115
$50 Oregon 1H o23.5
$150 Washington -11.5
$60 Washington 1H -6.5 -115
$200 Wyoming -7 -115 & $100 Wyoming -4.5
$100 Wyoming 1H -3
$200 UCLA +7.5 & $100 UCLA +7.5 -120 & $50 UCLA ml +260
$200 UCLA o26.5
$100 UCLA 1H o12.5
$80 UCLA 1H +4 -104
$20 UCLA 1Q o3.5 -115
Last edited:
$200 Wake Forest -3 -115
$200 Michigan -9.5
$200 Miami -13
$200 Notre Dame -3.5
$200 Oklahoma St -12
$200 San Diego St -4.5
$200 UCLA +7.5
gl this week! hopefully ND can show up with a passing game...or just run the ball like crazy!
If so you should like under I'd think...while I still think they get too much love and I'm not happy only laying 7 with the islanders I think Allen and co are overrated and overpriced. GL to your wager, I'm against and think Hawaii can win straight up but his supporting cast is garbage. Of course the travel will always leave the Cowboys as live so not like it can't hit, of course it can. It could be some shitty 23-7 type game, that I can see and as always I'm wrong many more times than I'm right.
$200 Utah -3.5
$100 Virginia +14 -120
$100 Virginia o18
$50 Virginia 1H +7.5 -120
$40 Virginia 1H o9.5 -105

Will be adding more wagers on Utah game closer to game time.
You have any thoughts on the total?
Gun to my head I'm on the over. That being said I think the number is right on. It really depends on Utah's ability on defense to not allow AZ the big play. If AZ hits a few big gains(air or run) this goes over. If Utah keeps them burning clock and driving the field I think we'll see under. Another x factor is Utah in the RZ, if they keep settling for FG's no way this goes over 61.5. I'm hoping this is the week Utah turns RZ trips into 7 more often than not. I know for a fact that we've only seen a fraction of the play book. I'm not confident either way though, sorry.
$120 Texas A&M -2.5
$100 Florida St -10 -121
$60 Texas Tech +7 -125
$60 Tulane ml +135
$50 UMass +28
$50 West Virginia -21.5
$50 Ohio St 1H -25

$200 Pittsburgh +10 & $50 Pittsburgh ml +310
$150 Pittsburgh o23


$150 Tulsa o39

$150 Virginia Tech o40
$50 Ohio ml +120
$50 Idaho +3.5

$200 Maryland o32
$200 Maryland -4

$25 California ml +600
$200 California o23.5 -115
$200 Oklahoma St o41.5
$50 Cincinnati ml +350
$100 North Carolina ml +105
$100 Clemson o43
$100 South Carolina -9
$100 Rutgers +12
$50 Miami Ohio -1.5
$50 Georgia Southern +24
$50 Alabama -18.5


$100 Michigan o30

$50 Akron +17 -122
$50 Washington St o47.5

$100 UAB +13
$100 Oklahoma o45
3:30pm Addtions
$100 Wake Forest -5 ($300 total)
$150 Wake Forest o27
$100 Wake Forest -3 1H -115
$80 Wake Forest 1H o13.5 -115
$20 Wake Forest 1Q o6.5 -165
$300 Oklahoma St -8.5 ($500 total)
$100 Oklahoma St o38.5 ($300 total)
$120 Oklahoma St 1H -5.5 -105
$60 Oklahoma St 1H o20 -115
$20 Oklahoma St 1Q -3 -125
$60 Cincinnati o21.5 -115

3:30pm Additional 1st Halves

$80 Cincinnati 1H +6 -120
$50 California 1H +10 -130
$40 Clemson 1H o25 -115
$40 Duke 1H ml -125
$40 Miami 1H -7 -115
$40 Alabama 1H o17 -105
$30 South Carolina 1H -6
$20 Rutgers 1H +7 -115
$350 Florida Atlantic/Buffalo u60
$200 Buffalo u31
$150 Florida Atlantic/Buffalo 1H u30
$100 Buffalo 1H u14.5 +105
$40 Buffalo 1Q 7.5 -165
Lean Florida Atlantic ML
$260 Ball St o19.5 -115
$150 Ball St +10 -120 (bought half)
$100 Ball St 1H o9.5
$50 Ball St 1H +6
250 Ball St 1Q +3 +100
$200 Mississippi St +3 -120
$200 Mississippi St o22
$60 Mississippi St 1H o11
$40 Mississippi St 1H ml +130
$150 SMU -2.5
$50 SMU o37.5
$50 SMU 1H -1.5
$200 San Diego St -3 -105 ($400 total)
$60 San Diego St 1H -1.5
$60 Syracuse +21.5
$60 Bowling Green +7 -105
Rough stretch here and ongoing wagers aren't looking all that great. Not much jumping out right now for 2Hs either. Going to get rest of my card in and probably ignore and 2Hs in this round of games, with one or two exceptions.
$400 Penn St -11.5
$140 Penn st 1H -6.5 -115
$150 Florida -2.5
$50 Florida 1H ml -120
$120 Utah St -1.5
$100 UTSA -13.5
$50 Missouri o21 +110

$80 Notre Dame 1H -1 -115
10:00pm & later
$300 Oregon -13.5
$100 Oregon o45
$100 Oregon 1H -7 -115
$50 Oregon 1H o23.5
$150 Washington -11.5
$60 Washington 1H -6.5 -115
$100 Wyoming -4.5 ($300 total)
$100 Wyoming 1H -3
$100 UCLA +7.5 -120 ($300 total)
$50 UCLA ml +260
$200 UCLA o26.5
$100 UCLA 1H o12.5
$80 UCLA 1H +4 -104
$20 UCLA 1Q o3.5 -115