Flat Earth Guy...


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This is cute.

Learn to play defense before asking for trades perhaps?

Who wouldn't want to play with LeBron? He is one of the most unselfish players ever to play the game.
ESPN Sources: On Kyrie Irving front, Cavs were given four preferred landing spots: New York, Miami, San Antonio, Minnesota.
Butler and Towns have been recruiting him. Would be interesting if we could swap Teague for Irving in December when Teague is eligible to be traded, but he'd be in the same situation here (not being the man). Towns/Irving/Butler/Wiggins would be fucking awesome.
I actually fully understand Kyrie's demand.
A) It's annoying the way LeBron is playing mind games with his own team and can be frustrating for other players. He is talking about bonding with the players and chemistry, but always keeps looking for the next/ best move to try and win another ring... It should be very frustrating to play this season with him on the roster, with anything other than a title is a failure on one hand, but to build a great chemistry and so on, when the leading player is one leg out the door...
B) He can feel hurt from Cleveland, that while he stays with the team and plays great, everyone is talking about LeBron and he doesn't matter. Without Bron, Cleveland still has a good team, with good players. Not a championship caliber team, but a good team and it should be pretty annoying to see everyone just talking about Bron, while Kyrie and all other players on the roster don't matter and just spare parts.
C) This season can be a nightmare for Cleveland players and maybe Kyrie doesn't want to go through all that. He will face impossible expectations both this season and next one, with Bron gone after losing again in the Finals - if it will be Kyrie's team, what will be a success? Maybe he prefers a fresh and new situation here and now.

If I'm Cleveland, I'm doing my best to trade Bron now and give the keys to Kyrie this season already or Bron signing an extension now and putting an end to all the rumors about leaving and that may cause Kyrie to withdraw his trade demand as well.
I don't know how the numbers would work out but the Cavs should trade Kyrie straight up for CP3. That way Lebron is happy with one of his banana boat boys, and Kyrie is happy out of Clev.

I think CP3's style is gonna hamper that Rocket offense which likes to run and gun. And both CP3 and Harden are ball dominant players so we'll see how that works out. Kylie's style would fit right in with Houston.

Then with CP3 and Lebron together, they can go get Melo. Yeah it's just a pipe dream and doubt any of that happens. But I think Lebron would be happy with a CP3 and Kyrie swap.
I don't think Rockets could trade CP3 until December, but could be wrong about that.

Heard Wiggins for Kyrie rumors, that would be funny
Lebron either takes the shot or is directly responsible for a teammates shot. He will retire from the game with more than twice as many dribbles as any player in history. As a PG I wouldn't ever want to play with him. Sorry, Kyrie deserves more than "take over in the 4th I'm cramping".

Only players that can play alongside LBJ are really standstill jump shooters and non offensive big men. Wade, like Kyrie were the exception but you can only play fiddle for so long. He won the Cavs a ring, yes Kyrie did, and it's time to move on. Who would want to be stuck in that organization, especially without Lebron, too? Team is going to be epically bad for 20 years soon.
Team deserves an honest answer from Lebron on his future because if he's gone they should be pushing for Wiggins and assets from Suns for Love (Bledsoe, picks) so they have some foundation to grow on. The league rigged them all those 1st round #1s and they still stunk. Saw this with MJ no one will want to play for a team where the best just left. It's like a nuclear fallout.
The one thing Spek is Kyrie isn't a PG. I guess it is all hybrid nowadays but he is a scorer and that is about it. He plays no defense. His thing is scoring and creating for himself 'mostly'. He can be a guy that averages 26-29 points on the right team.

He is no building block whatsoever.
The one thing Spek is Kyrie isn't a PG. I guess it is all hybrid nowadays but he is a scorer and that is about it. He plays no defense. His thing is scoring and creating for himself 'mostly'. He can be a guy that averages 26-29 points on the right team.

He is no building block whatsoever.

Agree but the Cavs are better off trading Cramps in this instance than Kyrie and his zero defense.

Need to create the East's version of the Rockets.

Kyrie is definitely not a guy I'd build around but the Cavs aren't gonna get anything else anytime soon.

Might as well build a defense-less offensive juggernaut and have fun with it.

Kuzma or Nantz, Zubac and Clarkson plus whatever for Cramps (if he drops the no clause).

Lakers the best place for Cramps right now. Business ventures and the like. Fuck Cleveland.
It's a backup to give them options to trade Kyrie. But agree, Rose ain't close to the MVP Rose. Injuries and off the floor problems with him.
But at $2.1 million for one year, it's not the end of the world. Some of these average dudes are getting $15-18 million a year.
I think that Rose hurt his chances to get a much better deal, when he missed a Knicks game and just went off the grid. Not many want to gamble on someone like that with a decent offer. I also don't get why the Lakers wanted Rose as a mentor for Ball... Rose was a great fighter and a good player and everything, but he is obviously going through something... Interesting to notice that Tibs didn't even try to bring him to the Wolves...
Rose would have made no sense in Minny
They already have 3 ball dominant players, and need shooting from the perimeter
LeBron wanting to whoop Kyrie's ass according to SAS is hilarious

I think the hate he gets from certain areas, and posters here, is ridiculous. But don't know how anyone can defend him here because Kyrie struck first rather than wait to get fucked next year

He's basically played his hand, everyone knows he's gone next year, and stories have come out about the cavs potentially moving love oR even been willing to move Kyrie earlier this summer too

So just because Kyrie doesn't want to be stuck in Cleveland next year with no one around him and wants to get out before LeBron it makes LeBron act like a bitch and leak shit to windy

Even the banana boat guys don't want to to go to Cleveland, melo basically saying Houston only, all you need to know
LeBron wanting to whoop Kyrie's ass according to SAS is hilarious

I think the hate he gets from certain areas, and posters here, is ridiculous. But don't know how anyone can defend him here because Kyrie struck first rather than wait to get fucked next year

He's basically played his hand, everyone knows he's gone next year, and stories have come out about the cavs potentially moving love oR even been willing to move Kyrie earlier this summer too

So just because Kyrie doesn't want to be stuck in Cleveland next year with no one around him and wants to get out before LeBron it makes LeBron act like a bitch and leak shit to windy

Even the banana boat guys don't want to to go to Cleveland, melo basically saying Houston only, all you need to know

It is sort of an interesting bi-product of the trend he created when Lebron went to Miami and then this newer concept of players colluding to form superteams began. Finally got another player to stand up to the guy who thinks he can pull all the strings and everyone has to go along with it.
Yep, he's acting like a child
His plan isn't going exactly how he wants, last year in Cleveland and then leaving them with a competitive team in the east

If Kyrie goes I don't see a package where it's not mostly for futures, so he can't win this year, might even be behind Celtics, raps, wiz in East

Plus leaving Cleveland with a trash squad full of vets and no future depending on what a potential Kyrie trade gets, basically they go to Brooklyn level, removes a ton of the good will he got back after leaving the first time
The fallout will be real in Believe-land. And it will be very, very, bad. Lebron by insisting he will not waive his trade clause in any scenario takes away the only hand they have in trying to salvage some sort of future.

Remember, Cleveland is NOT Miami in terms of destination and there's no Pat Riley overseeing the transition.

They need to get picks and salary dumps via trades with Irving and Love. Management should come out publicly asking Lebron to commit to the Cavs now or they will enter a rebuild beginning now. Let Cramps finish his tenure on the Cavs playing with Kyle Korver and Felder.

I would certainly entertain trading Kyrie for the picks package from Boston if Lebron refuses to stay.
And another thing.. how do we really know the earth isn't flat? Because someone told us? Question everything.
A wise man once told me if you watch a ship slowly disappear in the ocean, the top is the last thing to go. A flat Earth wouldn't be so kind to it. Can't remember who it was but he seemed wise
I've been all around the world on ships. So far we haven't hit a huge waterfall where we just disappeared lol. I'm out of the industry now though so maybe I've been saved.
Basically the kid is salty because the world on LeCramp's dick and not his.

Everybody talking about Cramps leaving the Cavs next season and no-one talking 'bout Kyrie.