Flad to be back to the living after I guess ingot the swine flu. Bn bd sic

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What a beat down in favetville. Decent chicks but definite bottom of the sec. Bama chicks there had em 5-1 in looks and party wise. Homestly for the most part the fans where great. But ulwaysbgit those miniaturize wanna bees. i was about to hit him(bad then the night before we lefts I whooped to big dudes and sent me off in there truck and my hand and hurting pretty bad. So my buddy says first off he Prabavkynhas a crime hand from dealingg with regards last night and won't let us take hinting he hospital. Well jackass had to run his mouth and was like poor pitiful u.! So I cold cocked that fucker he went night lol. The crowd was laughing so hard they where literally losing themnselfZ. I just turned around for my hat and walked off.
Hope you're feeling better man...swine flu can fuck with your body and vocabulary pretty bad.
Man Britnif iwas laying either way Bemba. Havent enet bet in anything this week so far. Gotta a soccer game to go tj tomorrow gonna be gold and medded up and have another big day with the books
Man Britnif iwas laying either way Bemba. Havent enet bet in anything this week so far. Gotta a soccer game to go tj tomorrow gonna be gold and medded up and have another big day with the books

Make sure to Uber to the soccer game. GL on your bets.
Got my boys here. Just relaxing taking pain meds and a few bars. My damnhand is still killing me though. Wanna be thug asses need to learn I don't duck with and old school guy. One of em is still in the hospital lol