First Leans

Supposedly Chipper and McCann resting this evening...agree with dodgers even at the hefty chalk and certainly some rl action there. Toronto minus the short number looks like one to me as well. GL.
My understanding is McCann is out and Chipper uncertain. This problem is why it is currently just a lean. If I do not see him in the lineup Atlanta will not be bet. Thanks for the input and BOL
Think I may be stealing plays from Sparkie and Satyr. Seattle and Frisco. Seattle is 12-8 last 20 at home to Angels 8-12 road. Clear edge last ten in right handed hitting .283 Angels to .342 Seattle. I give Seattle a minor Edge in Pen. Edge to Seattle in Covers Chart and days of Week. Last 10 Angels 54 runs with 18 in 1 game. Seattle 61. See the pitchers as somewhat random here. Just waiting on ump here. Frisco needs more study.
The Phils dogged for tomorrow at plus 17c looks like it could be a huge play for me. I do not like SF tonight, but agree w/ Seattle.
I may actually plays Phils first 5 tonight. Utley plus Howard seeing the ball and this is Lawrence's last start high probability so not expecting early run support.
Cleve under and Minn game both small. strong under ump with no real cling to home favs.
Off Dodgers. Surprisingly National better pen even with yesterday. Dodgers 4-7 last 11 at home vs lefties. Kent possibly out 2 of 5 vs National pitcher. Dodgers 8-12 last 20 at home while Nats 9-11 last 20 away. Fundamental such as Bacsik 7-3 last 10 to Lowe 4-6 outweight trends supporting Dodgers.
Yes it does look good and I got Phillies first 5 but Minn under I had .5 a unit disaster and just chump change but Minn ml also disaster. Do not bet totals just on ump but good ump, good pens and under trends will force my hand with little time to think. Still a good day so far.
I've been expecting those Tribes bats to come around for awhile now after being heavily on under results for a few weeks on end. Maybe finally having breathing room as a division leader will be what they need to relax at the plate. But that lineup is too potent, on paper at least, to keep churning out unders at the rate they have been.