Firestone 600


Pretty much a regular
18-22 (+3.385) dropped little less than a unit in Detroit. They did some testing in early May with the the domed skid plates and everyone was bitching, but things worked out fine at Indy, and especially so for the Hondas. Will that carry over to here for them?? I am cautiously optimistic. The single most important thing we are looking for here is if the tire degradation we saw here last year has been addressed. If so, then we can look forward to some of the awesome racing we have seen here in years past, if not, we will get the shit show where they lose their grip in 15 friggin laps. I will be back when we have some numbers up, till then.....
Hinch -115 Bourdais

Aleshin -115 Sato

Kanaan +100 Pagenaud

probably have a few more, no to win odds up yet. The above I couldn't hit submit quick enough
Kannan jumped out at me too

he smokes this track and the +875 they posted is tempting. I'm passing for now. I have no idea why I'm not playing Munoz vs Marco either. Marco having a worse year than usual, and that's saying something. Let's see some track time and we'll go from there. Good luck Shooter.
RHR -115 Ed - I don't trust Ed anymore and in his last 8 races he has two top 10's and the other six are 17th or worse. Also throwing .03 on Hinch at +3300.
Just about finished watching the only practice session before qualifying this afternoon and Chaves wrecked and was clearly rattled. Doubt we see him in a matchup, but he's a definite cull for a long shot. Rahal had a mechanical failure, but don't know the details yet. Kimball with an under the radar p4, and am interested to see fresh numbers on him. This will be the last race we see Rossi/Chilton matchup, they'll have to upgrade Rossi to someone else. Chilton is a turd. Be back after I get to watch qualifying. Mental note tho, race trim is so so much more important than qualifying because 600 miles is a long damn race.
Hinch wasn't here in early May for the testing, and it shows. He says they know what changes to be made, but I have my doubts. Power didn't seem particullarly happy, but that's probably Power being the sour puss that he is. All the drivers are of course saying they want to see how their cars perform in the practice session this evening after qualifying, and of course I do to, because the temperatures will be more like race conditions for tomorrow night. Newgarden will be a factor as well.
Thanks Wise, hope you have a good one as well. I was glad to see Munoz get his first career pole and he certainly can win it the way he runs ovals. If you gave me three bullets to fire, I'd go with Dixon, Newgarden and Kanaan fwiw. Power was making wholesale changes during the final practice, so the Dixon -165 is probably a good wager. I'm just hanging tight with what I have though. If the final practice is any indication, and it should be, we are in for a good show. I'm not saying it's going to be Fontana from last year, because those are truly few and far, but I hope so. I like where I'm sitting so turn em loose. As always on these blistering tracks, I hope they stay smart and keep it clean. GLTA
Aleshin, Dixon and Bourdais are all racing at LeMans, so I'm guessing they are gone. So if you're involved with them, naturally your bets will be canceled. TMS rescheduled for 1pm, and that's when the 50% chance of rain arrives and pretty much maintains thru out the afternoon. We are going to need Mother Nature to cooperate, good luck with that.
Just a reminder they finish this race tonite. Can't bet on it but I consider myself an ambassador for the sport and should be a good show. They always need better TV ratings. Hope they keep it clean. GL with whatever you have today. :cheers3:
Awesome finish, reminded me of the old irl races at texas

man oh man was it. Fifth closest in history at .008 seconds. Rahal might want to wait till he actually crosses the line next time before he starts celebrating. It was the only lap he led. Kind words he had for Clauson and JW and I'm sure there were many that appreciated it. Had some real shit shows here recently so it was nice to see a good one like back in the day as you mentioned. Looking forward to Watkins glen