
Miami's so bad they could honestly draft anybody in that spot and it would make sense.

Miami has a lot of potential to be this year's version of the Falcons or even 2005's Raiders.
i think you've got to go with JL. anything else is amistake. they need a rock to rebuild around. an awesome tackle is about the best way to start that. he can come in and produce right away, but will still be there in 10 years.
Former Bucs, Dolphins, and Jets quarterback Jay Fiedler has taken up pro beach volleyball.

He made his debut Thursday and lost. The AP says "Fiedler retired in 2006," but he was making free agent visits as recently as last April. He finishes his career with a 69-66 TD to INT ratio and 11,844 passing yards in eight years. His best season was 2001, when Fiedler led Miami to the Division Round. Apr. 10 - 5:04 pm et
In addition to Michigan OT Jake Long, the Dolphins are reportedly discussing a contract with Ohio State DE/OLB Vernon Gholston.

The talks began last week. No negotiations with Chris Long have taken place yet, but they still seem likely. Matt Ryan is believed to be out of the picture to go No. 1. The 'Fins reportedly "haven't even sniffed at" Darren McFadden. Apr. 10 - 10:49 am et
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel
I'm pretty sure Parcells wants to trade out of this slot, but no one seems to have the value to make a deal for the Fins to trade down.

After essentially wasting last year's #9 pick on Ginn because idiot Cameron is friends with Ginn's dad, it's very important they get it right this year. Going after the best lineman, offensive or defensive, is the best way to go IMO. OL Long, DE Long or DT Dorsey would be the likely choices. As a Fin fan, I am hoping they just take OT Long...creating a solid base at the most important position on the OL and helping their one position of strength which is RB. The defense is in for at least a 2 year overhaul regardless if they take DE Long or Dorsey.

It will take some time to clean up 5 years of poor decision making and bad luck. Sucks being a Fins fan right now.
The rumor is that a lot of teams want to trade down, but nobody wants to trade up.

Miami (and probably St. Louis) would likely be best served trading down and stockpiling picks, but if no one wants to jump up, there's really not much they can do.
drafting a dt to play in a 3-4 with the #1 makes no sense and i continue to stand by that.

Its gotta be Long or Long.
If Miami does go with Long, I cant wait to see Howie and Jimmy Johnson making comments on Miami games. Kinda reminds me of when Griese would be the commentator on a Michigan game when Junior was playing. Should be interesting. :36_11_6:
I'm pretty sure Parcells wants to trade out of this slot, but no one seems to have the value to make a deal for the Fins to trade down.

After essentially wasting last year's #9 pick on Ginn because idiot Cameron is friends with Ginn's dad, it's very important they get it right this year. Going after the best lineman, offensive or defensive, is the best way to go IMO. OL Long, DE Long or DT Dorsey would be the likely choices. As a Fin fan, I am hoping they just take OT Long...creating a solid base at the most important position on the OL and helping their one position of strength which is RB. The defense is in for at least a 2 year overhaul regardless if they take DE Long or Dorsey.

It will take some time to clean up 5 years of poor decision making and bad luck. Sucks being a Fins fan right now.

That was my thinking about 3 or so years ago when i was a browns fan. And then Phil Savage came in and he totally turned it around. It will take a little bit but the bottom line is if your good at teh draft then your gonig to have a good team.

Patriots, packers, colts, steelers, cowboys, and chargers have all aced the draft. Parcells will bring his success to the dolphins, just be patient it'll happen i'm sure he's too smart not to be successful.:cheers:
That was my thinking about 3 or so years ago when i was a browns fan. And then Phil Savage came in and he totally turned it around. It will take a little bit but the bottom line is if your good at teh draft then your gonig to have a good team.

Patriots, packers, colts, steelers, cowboys, and chargers have all aced the draft. Parcells will bring his success to the dolphins, just be patient it'll happen i'm sure he's too smart not to be successful.:cheers:

Man, I hope you're right. I thought the same thing when Jimmy Johnson took over but it never materialized. Parcels is more of a no nonsense kinda coach. We'll see but I hope you're right. :shake:
the Brownies are in the process of turning the corner and the Fins can only wish they were at that level. Do you realize how many bad decisions have to be made over the course of time to get as bad as the Fins are in a league like the NFL that promotes parity? Sprinkle in some bad luck with 5 or 6 yrs of poor decsion-making and you get to 1-15.

There is really only one way to go from 1-15, so I agree, Parcells will be successful in getting them to a better record. What I am really looking for are signs of good decision-making...for the Fins, that will potentially come thru the draft and the summer FA period. So far, all Parcells has done is essentially clean house which isn't a bad thing. I did not even mind seeing Zach go, because I like him so much as a player, I would like him to have a shot at a SB before he hangs it up.

If the Fins go with Beck at Qb this year, i really look for them to play some Parcells ball and rely on their two RB's (Brown/Williams) to pound the ball and take pressure off of Beck while shortening the game at the same time. I expect some very low TOTALS for Fin games in 2008, esp early on.
The good thing with parcells is that he will not put up with any shit whatsoever. I believe he already called Ricky WIlliams into his office and said if there is one more foul up then he'd be out of there. Because if there's one person that won't put up with players shit then it would be him.

I beg to differ on browns getting set back by draft picks. Courtney brown and tim couch really hurt the browns. Anytime you have consecutive first round picks being busts it really sets an organiztion back. I don't think parcells is the giong after free agent types. He is one who does his homework and drafts good solid players. I also don't believe that he will sign big FA because he is giong to want to make room under the cap to resign some of those players who he drafted. So right now the future dosen't look bright but i think it will eventually.

Speaking of drafting i've heard of Parcells doing something interesting on draft day that wouldn't hurt him but i've never heard of someone doing it on purpose before. It is that he will purposly not pick at #1 overall so that he try and save some money and select Vernon Gohlston at about pick 4 or 5. I think that would be a solid move but i think the agents would see right through it and argue that the intention was picking Gohlston regardless and that he should warrant top 3 money.

Although, i think that they should go after Jake Long as that is a glaring need and that the defense still looks ok but after all the offseason moves by Parcells i really don't know. This year won't be too pretty for them because everyone is still trying to get new team chemistry and working with the coaches and how they work with players. The key for coaches on this upcomming season is to see if the players they currently have are still fighting and trying when they get down at the end of games. I think that was the biggest key for the browns, to see what types of players they have in there and what types they want.
the Brownies are in the process of turning the corner and the Fins can only wish they were at that level. Do you realize how many bad decisions have to be made over the course of time to get as bad as the Fins are in a league like the NFL that promotes parity? Sprinkle in some bad luck with 5 or 6 yrs of poor decsion-making and you get to 1-15.

Not so fast. The Fins were 6-10 the previous season (2006)and 9-6 the season before that(2005). A big part of their problem was coaching and the QB issues. As far as last season goes, they lost 6 out of the 15 by 3 points. They just didnt close the games which tell me it was a coaching problem. Otherwise they would have had a semi decent season. I think Parcel's style of coaching and experience combined with a little help in the draft to beef up their O-Line should dramatically improve this team.
So they were 7-25 the L2Y and lost a bunch of close games. Not sure what your point is as the NFL is all about wins and losses, not how close you were. I've been a Fin Fan almost my entire life and last year was the worst roster I think I have ever seen them field. That is more than just the head coach. Even if they had won ALL six of those games you refer to, that would have given them 7 wins. Not a decent year for this franchise that has been perenially competing for playoff slots up until about three years ago.

I think a step in the right direction this year would be to see them get up to 6 wins; just as important, they need to make the 3 piks in the first two rounds really count and get 3 guys that will be starters in the upcoming years. Really important to upgrade this an article the other day out of some Fl newspaper that the only 'true' NFL starter that they have in their secondary is FS Bell. Lots of problem areas.
You missed my whole point......COACHING.....:shake: The right coach would have made a difference. And I've been a Fins fan since they became a franchise...haha..yes I'm old. I was also at their undefeated season Super Bowl....yowzeeeeeeee
I'd love to see the Dolphins return to glory. I was a passionate Dolphins fan before the Titans arrived. I really hate what's happened to that organization, that in my opinion is one of the storied franchises of the NFL. Parcells will get it together, he's got a track record of success and he will get the right people in the right places. .

EDIT: Funny story. I guess I was in the mood to get a new hat and I walked in to the sporting goods store and ended buying the 2008 Dolphins draft cap. The clerk and I had a good conversation about how bad the Phins are at the moment. He seemed genuinely shocked that anyone would buy a Dolphins hat. I'm that guy.
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HAHA that fan too. They'll be back. After a re- orginization like Parcels is doing it will take a couple of seasons to get into high gear but I can feel it. They'll be ok. :cheers:
Good news for Fins fans. Ricky Williams looks more commited now than he's ever been to the Dolphins. Reports are that he's giving it his all in practice. I think between Williams and Brown that Miami will have their running game back. Its gonna take baby steps for this team but already it's starting to look promising. I also think that you will definitely see Jason Taylor playing again this year.

Im just hoping. :cheers:
shark-I'm telling you man. 7 wins this season for Miami and Joey Porter will get a cheapshot on Marsha Brady that knocks her out for the year.
its going to be fun going back and forth with you all this year

if i start a jets thread will you all post in it :)

Jets fans talking smack with their two division titles and being the historically worst professional sports organization, lol. Sorry Cap its too easy.

And yes I know what the reply will be 'The Dolphins have sucked for the last ten years, we've beaten you guys a lot lately'. Thats true but here's the difference the Dolphins and the Jets, that's the best the Jets will ever be whereas the Fins will be winning division titles in two years. I'd be bitter if I were a Jets fan because it's gotta be miserable knowing that Draft Day is your Super Bowl every year for the foreseeable future.
ohhhhh shit. you dirty bastard fish fans!!! this thread died down and i didnt even see your little response!

welll now i see it. and all i have to say is MONDAY NIGHT MIRACLE.

i will bask in that game for decades.
at least you all finalyl broke some records though, allowed the biggest 4th quarter comeback in NFL history.
i know thats the only record we'll ever set, (well second to biggest chokejobs/shanked clutch FG's in NFL history. we definitely own that)

i remmeber taylor saying "they aint comin back no way"--- but i feel for him, it must be tough to be stuck in a franchise that hasnt even made the playoffs in 7 years... and even when you did, didnt deserve to make it.
as the score showed (which was real close).... putting up a combined 3 points in both games (2000 and 01):36_11_6:

you are right about the offseason/draft though, and that shit was pretty funny lol, im not gonna lie. normally it is one of the most positive times for a jets fan because at least we know we cant be letdown or choke:tiphat:its a lot less stressful then the regular season.
although FINALLY this year we did make some big moves, and oh yeah, were takin the east this year. tell your friends!

Heres one lonely pathetic jets fan who will be laying the 3 points on the road for an easy victory in week one!!!
you all had the 70s. and thats it.

even making all the right moves and supposedly rebuilding your squad "the right way", you all will still find a way to fuck it up

and you still need a quarterback.... i pissed myslef when i read the other day you all are looking at that crackhead QUINCY CARTER.

all in good fun though.

both of our squads have a lot of work to do (fins more, but the draft picks and young talent should pay off in the near future)

i have to try to stand up for JETS FOOTBALL, hell i might be the only jets fan on here. its going to be fun upcoming season though with all the banter.:smiley_acbe:

how do the FISH fans outnumber JETS fans on this site??? how do fish fans outnumber any fans???
ill give you guys that, youre committed.
all in good fun though.

both of our squads have a lot of work to do (fins more, but the draft picks and young talent should pay off in the near future)

i have to try to stand up for JETS FOOTBALL, hell i might be the only jets fan on here. its going to be fun upcoming season though with all the banter.:smiley_acbe:

how do the FISH fans outnumber JETS fans on this site??? how do fish fans outnumber any fans???
ill give you guys that, youre committed.

Cap, I'm a Titans guy but I still have love for Miami since they were my team before the Titans arrived.

The Dolphins have always been one of the most popular teams in the NFL, probably only the Cowboys, Raiders, Packers and Steelers have more fans nationwide. They've always had more appeal than the Jets and probably always will.

Cap, I don't really see how you can trash the Dolphins from a historical standpoint. Miami is the number one team in the NFL when it comes to winning percentage. The Jets are 76 games below .500 and have only been to one Super Bowl. Miami has been to five and won two of them.Parcells will have them in great shape by 2011 and if history is any indicator the Jets will likely be drafting tight ends in the first round.
Now that Pennington has been released should Parcels pick him up? Afterall, he was the one that drafted him in 2000 so they have a history. My problem with Pennington is that he is always freakin hurt. Miami needs help in that position though so I suppose anything is welcome right now.
poor fins......picking up after our shit

in all honesty i think itd be a good pickup for you all though.
i would rather suffer with another shit season then pick up pennington and get another high draft pick.. we are in hardcore rebuild not patch it up.. regardless we are going to be a ball control offense it should be rather boring to watch.. hopefully many winning under bets
watched the Fins practice/scrimmage Wednesday... Pennington looked horrible..

What is your take on the over/under season wins total? I got a buddy who loaded up on the under.
watched the Fins practice/scrimmage Wednesday... Pennington looked horrible..

What is your take on the over/under season wins total? I got a buddy who loaded up on the under.

The most wins I give Miami this season is 4, possibly 5. It's a rebuilding year. I'm not concerned yet. :cheers:
My, my, my. What a difference a few months make. Kinda funny going back and reading some stuff...haha.
Well, the Fins have really surprised the shit out of me with 4 wins already and all 4 teams were pretty good teams. They beat New England, Buffalo, Chargers, and Denver. They have already surpased my expectations for this year so if they win some more it's just icing on my cake. And I will eat it too damn it!!! You hear me CapTwo? :eyes: haha
My, my, my. What a difference a few months make. Kinda funny going back and reading some stuff...haha.
Well, the Fins have really surprised the shit out of me with 4 wins already and all 4 teams were pretty good teams. They beat New England, Buffalo, Chargers, and Denver. They have already surpased my expectations for this year so if they win some more it's just icing on my cake. And I will eat it too damn it!!! You hear me CapTwo? :eyes: haha

I will let you have your cake and eat it too.

As long as you are eating it reading the newspaper:

New York at Miami <table class="s-o" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr> <td class="active" width="18%">Final </td> <td class="dataheadc" width="6%">1</td> <td class="dataheadc" width="6%">2</td> <td class="dataheadc" width="6%">3</td> <td class="dataheadc" width="6%">4</td> <td class="dataheadc" width="7%">T</td> <td class="dataheadc" width="12%">Odds</td> <td class="dataheadc" width="22%">Bet Final</td> </tr> <tr> <td> NYJ </td> <td align="center"> 7</td> <td align="center"> 6</td> <td align="center"> 7</td> <td align="center"> 0</td> <td align="center"> 20 </td> <td bordercolor="#CADAFF" align="center"> -3</td> <td bordercolor="#CADAFF" align="center"> Cover: +3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> MIA </td> <td align="center"> 0</td> <td align="center"> 7</td> <td align="center"> 0</td> <td align="center"> 7</td> <td align="center"> 14 </td> <td align="center"> 37</td> <td align="center"> Under: 34</td></tr></tbody></table>

I will let you have your cake and eat it too.

As long as you are eating it reading the newspaper:

New York at Miami <TABLE class=s-o cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=active width="18%">Final </TD><TD class=dataheadc width="6%">1</TD><TD class=dataheadc width="6%">2</TD><TD class=dataheadc width="6%">3</TD><TD class=dataheadc width="6%">4</TD><TD class=dataheadc width="7%">T</TD><TD class=dataheadc width="12%">Odds</TD> <TD class=dataheadc width="22%">Bet Final</TD></TR><TR><TD> NYJ </TD><TD align=middle>7</TD><TD align=middle>6</TD><TD align=middle>7</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>20 </TD><TD borderColor=#cadaff align=middle> -3</TD> <TD borderColor=#cadaff align=middle> Cover: +3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>MIA </TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>7</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>7</TD><TD align=middle>14 </TD><TD align=middle> 37</TD> <TD align=middle> Under: 34</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Cant wait :pillow:
WHO WOULDA THOUGHT? Fins Division Champs 2008. WOSERS

had to bump this thread. It's so funny:cheers::cheers:

Congrats Dolphin backers :shake:

From worst to Best :smiley_acbe:

we let you win. you all are the lesser of two evils....

congrats though, would much rather you in there then the cheaters.

thats karma for them! 11-5 and they missed the postseason.

gotta hand it to sparano though for the turnaround, pretty amazing feat. we'll give you that:cheers:

balty comes in and owns yall next week though.
This really was a great read.

Coming from a school that gives me a close look at an "HD" offense, the phins have it mastered. So fun to watch.