Finally Back Home!!!!!!!


All Around Hu$tler
Whats up to all my old buddies!?!?!?!? Mutuo, Toronto, Jimbof, you know who you are. Everyone on the site in a boy of mine. (abcs)--you are the only one not included. You have no friends on here or in real life.

Hows everyone been?? Still an avid boxing/mma capper and my roll dog Houston Alexander is about to put a hurtin on James Irvin in March.

Anyways, had to come back to post this: BJ PENN this weekend is an absolute mortal lock as is Felix Tito Trinidad.

Laying 6 dimes to win 2 on penn with a local and then shooting all 2 of that on Felix at +270. Shitty odds, cause you know how locals are with their 25 cent lines on fights.

Seriously guys, I havent been on a 3-1 dog like this since B Hop made history vs Antonio "Never Was Magic" Tarver. Best of Luck to my CTg bretheron. I'll be around my dudes,

Damn bro welcome back. I was wondering where you went. I haven't see you since your boy ran into Thiago.

For you non mma fans take a peak at this ass kicking. Make sure you don't get up for a drink because its over quick.
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I like BJ Penn as well.. good luck on that
"Houston has been telling everyone hes been working on his ground game"
Why do you like Felix, are you not worried that he might be a tad rusty?
abcs, bury the hatchet?? Its pointless to beef over a message board. I'm good with you and wont bad mouth you or your opinions if I get the same respect.

I absolutely love Tito. he touches Jones chin and its over. This is the worst Roy Jones we'll ever see. Especially after he drains every muscle in his body trying to make 170. Tito looked bad in his last fight vs who?? Winky fucking Wright. if he would have fough Anthony Hanshaw or Prince Abadi Jr, he would have finished those 2 clowns rather than take em to a decision like Toy Jones Jr did.

Thiago was the better man that night. You guys see when Houston got in that black guy wearing a Creighton hats face and they were barking at eachother?? I was sitting next to him. There were like 8 of us. That was a sad night to say the least. We all were like, "WTF?!?!?!" Why would you go to the ground when your bread and butter is basically brawling and outbodying people?!? Houston had no excuses, took it like the man he is and will take it out on James Irvin's face in March.

Trust me

Penn & Tito to the bank this Sat.

Best of luck to all, and it feels good to be back
Dude i never had beef with you or have said anything negative about you. I envied the fact you got to roll with UFC dudes backstage..
That was a quick fuckin reply. Love that image. Take care this weekend and lets make some motherfuckin money
Glad to see you guys buried whatever it was...

Good to see yas around lansky...

I like Felix Saturday as well.
Whats up YL? Wondering where you have been hiding. Welcome back.

I watch little to no boxing and only reason that I know there is a fight this Saturday is because of here and there is Puerto Rican fighting in it. That is about all I hang out with. And whenever a PR fighter, basketball team, baseball team plays, that whole island and every decendant of that island tunes in.

As far as the UFC, nothing really stands out to unload on. I think Penn walks away a very easy winner. He should bust up Stevenson's face pretty good. He has little standup skills and BJ hits hard.

As far as HA, I cant believe his game plan against Silva?!?! Easily said considering I am sitting on the couch LOL. But he went for the clinch 2 different times. Got tied up the 1st time and were seperated and the 2nd time go tied up but then got the slam. After the slam he should have gotten up and get everyone back to their feet. IMO anyways. Oh well, live and learn.

Good luck Saturday