Fellow CTG members...join me on my quest to turn $25 into 1 grand...

Capt. Slap

1st year apprentice of Sammy
K well..I'm pretty much done with gambling for awhile (unless this experiment works) as I met my goal and am trying to control myself from gambling/putting more money in my account until next year..

So here's the deal, I'm taking 25 from my account and setting it aside, I'm going to try and go 6-0 over the next 6 days, as there is a winner to be found each day, and roll over the winnings + previous bet on each bet. Starting with $25 dollars, if I go 6-0 I'll be at around $1100...so let's break this bitch down

Bet #1.) $25 to win $20 - CHARLOTTE +2.5 - WIN

Bet #2.) $45 to win $40.93 - DENVER -3 - PENDING

Bet #3.) TBA

Bet #4.) TBA

Bet #5.) TBA

Bet #6.) TBA

Therefore, the grand total after these 6 bets would be around $1,325...and quite the Christmas/New Years gift

So who wants to ride? I'm going to attempt this 3 times from now 'til X-Mas

All thoughts and insight are welcome in this thread, hopefully people can/will chime in and we can figure out a consensus pick for each day.

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I must add that the consensus for today around the forum seems to be the Charlotte Bobcats + the points or the ML

Public pounding Orlando and the line is going down in favor of the Bobcats HMMMMMMMM...

Considering we're just trying to go 6-0 with spreads taking the points might be the better route...but I'll see what other people have to say about this before making a decision
With Picks #5 and #6 wait an extra day or two to find a good play, just dont play because your trying to do 6 picks in 6 days.... Because chances are you wont find 6 straight days with 6 really good plays.

With Picks 1-3 you can decide to gamble and just take an ok play but with picks #4-6 try and be more picky and wait for a good play.

BOL in your quest :cheers:
Yeah if I get to #5 and #6...I probably won't even bet :an_roll_laugh: HOWEVER...if I do, I'll be waiting for a play that seems to be loved by everyone on CTG (like Denver the other night) or maybe a very nice halftime line (you know the ones when a team like the Spurs or an elite team are down 20 and end up winning SU)
I got some solid ones tomorrow. This can be done... I've gone 9, 10 in a row this season... just takes patience.
Couple of thoughts from my direction.

1. 45 plus 40 is 85, but who's counting? :)

2. If you get three in a row take your $25 back and play with the rest. It'll lower your final winnings by 100 bucks or so, but if you lose one of the final three you can do it again.

3. If you win 5 in a row take out another 25 so that you can do it again with the house's money.

4. Good luck, you're probably going to need it. I'll be rooting for ya.
Inspekdah said:
I got some solid ones tomorrow. This can be done... I've gone 9, 10 in a row this season... just takes patience.

Alright Inspekdah, I'll be lookin out for you tomorrow, if you remember reply to this thread

JP, yeah I'm even thinking if I just get to 300 I might start over, although the goal is 6 in a row...that 300 would be :dance3:

But I'll try and :balls: and go for 6...or maybe 7...or maybe 21 :smiley_acbe:

It's funny actually cause I've hit my last 7 picks, thats what gave me this idea...I doubt I'll go 13-0

$25 to win $20

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I'll ride the train captain, sounds like this could be fun, and profitable. Go Bobcats!!!</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
GL with this Captain. It can be done. I went 11 - 0 yesterday. Imagine if I had parlayed all my plays. I would be up 100,000 or something. So, it can happen. GL with it, I'll be cheering ya on at the ticket window.
Alright Ladies...we're 1-0...I'm gonna look at tonights games and see if anything entices me, although I'm a bit distracted by this football game

Anyone like a 1st Quarter bet...maybe fade Big Al, he's been doing to good lately :an_roll_laugh:

But forreal, if you go 2-0 again today then SMH I dont even know
Strongly considering Seahawks -6 for the 2nd half

We just need a touchdown to win...and the 49ers are playing like shit...this could be it :eek:
Chalk this bitch up as a loss :down:...wasn't even watching the game but figured Hornets +9 for the 1st Half would be a solid value bet
Captain Slap A Hoe said:
Chalk this bitch up as a loss :down:...wasn't even watching the game but figured Hornets +9 for the 1st Half would be a solid value bet

I never really understand this concept. You didn't bet Hornets +9 for the first half...that WOULD have been a good bet. Instead, you bet Hornets +2 for the second quarter. It's not like they can go back to the 1st quarter and re-play it (?)
Seabass said:
I never really understand this concept. You didn't bet Hornets +9 for the first half...that WOULD have been a good bet. Instead, you bet Hornets +2 for the second quarter. It's not like they can go back to the 1st quarter and re-play it (?)

Uh youre right, I just used that reasoning to make myself feel better

WEEEEEEEELPPPPPPPP.....time to start over :hairout:
I got on tilt and put $45 on Seahawks ML to win just over $40 just now...gonna re-do this bitch immediatly
You should start over and force yourself to play no more than one play a day, if that.

Nice hit on the original play.
*sigh* yeah JP...just got bored and placed these extra bets...it's cool though

I'm going to pretend I'm still 1-0 and disregard those last 2 plays and put $45 one more time on a play tomorrow...which is what I should have done in the first place

All is well, hopefully nobody tailed me on the NOK/Seahawk picks :-x
It happens, and I really don't want to preach because I'm as guilty as anybody, but the more you can keep it from happening the more you'll take home in the end.

I actually like this concept, I think it could be fun.
so number 2 is denver tommorow. if u like it grab it early as it will be a public play but i Like u think the celtics wont win 4 straight
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Captain-I hit the first, ate dinner and read all of this nonsense. Bro, don't fall into that trap again, Lesson learned. Last year I tried this method and it worked pretty well. I had one of my accounts down to $78.00. I bet $20 won, next day $44 won, next day $88 won, $176 won $355 won, $725 won, then I was too chicken to pull the trigger at $1,500.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
Supersav said:
so number 2 is denver tommorow. if u like it grab it early as it will be a public play but i Like u think the celtics wont win 4 straight

Yeah I'm thinkin Denver will be #2...like I said I'm just going to disregard those last 2 bets and pretend Charlotte was my only play, so I'll be starting with 45 on the Nuggets

Problem is that Sportsbook wont release the fucking lines until god knows when so I might get a crappy line...there ALSO might be something better tomorrow, so I'd wait to pull the trigger homie
Terpman92 said:
<table id="HB_Mail_Container" unselectable="on" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%"><tbody><tr unselectable="on" width="100%" height="100%"><td id="HB_Focus_Element" unselectable="off" background="" height="250" valign="top" width="100%">Captain-I hit the first, ate dinner and read all of this nonsense. Bro, don't fall into that trap again, Lesson learned. Last year I tried this method and it worked pretty well. I had one of my accounts down to $78.00. I bet $20 won, next day $44 won, next day $88 won, $176 won $355 won, $725 won, then I was too chicken to pull the trigger at $1,500.</td></tr><tr unselectable="on" hb_tag="1"><td style="font-size: 1pt;" unselectable="on" height="1">

Sup Terp, I pretty much got the idea from this...

I remember I first started betting 2 years ago (yeah I was 16) and I remember getting tired of it...I had 5 bucks left in my account and I was like, I'm sick of this...lets see if I can roll of 10 or so in a row...

I ended up getting to over 400 and that got me hooked like a motha effer on betting *sigh* haha...

We'll get this shit rolling again tomorrow though, believe that!
Well, the Nuggets line is actually out on Sportsbook so we'll see...I'm contemplating dropping the 45 on it but something is keeping me away...I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm a C's fan that I don't wanna bet this shit...but whats peoples thoughts and opinions on the game tomorrow? Lets figure out the best possible play :cheers:
Argh I waited and the line went from Denver -2.5 to Denver -3 in a short period of time!

Jumping aboard the Denver play right now...I'll update the first post
Captain, Boston in a rare vein of form, and Denver having their first decent stretch of road games this season. They had 1 good period vs ATL, but have otherwise stunk on this trip. I say all that not knowing if AI plays this game but even if he does, 2 ball hogs will surely take time to gel.

I'm sure there are better games out there.
BetCrimes1984 said:
Did he? shows you how much I was paying attention to sport yesterday.

That was a question :an_roll_laugh:

I was hoping you meant he got traded to the C's...I got confused by your reply