Federal Judge Rejects NFL Concussion Settlement

Painkiller lawsuit was recently appealed, probably gonna be thrown out again.

Players need to get their stories out and get more attention to the issue.

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Hope they get nothing out of the lawsuit. If they can sue for not knowing the dangers of playing football then they should have a coinciding lawsuit for the NFL taking advantage of mental retards.
Of course you would, the NFL has been creating and profiting off of mental retards for years. It's a lucrative business.
Also I'm stoked for that day when they do lose HUGE for the lame ass black and white commercials about head trauma
The game ruined itself, I'm not sure that's debatable

It created a monster, profited dearly, now must pay the piper. The participants didn't do it without help from the almighty shield.
Bigger, stronger, faster athletes made it tough. The collisions were that much more powerful and the brain still rattles the same whether you are a big boy or a little one. Shame. Was a great sport.
Now we're in agreement

It was inevitable the way the game evolved

Soccer is the future, laugh all you want and I've only taken interest in the last couple years but this sport is unsustainable at this pace...talking years down the road, obviously it isn't going away in the next decade or two
Or maybe more correctly I should say it was inevitable the way the athletes have evolved
I want soccer to get big here...I really do. I'm pretty excited for todays CL games. However I feel like people have been saying soccer is the future here for the last 20 years. It's gotten somewhat bigger but it's really only gotten bigger because of increased availability through television stations. Sure there are probably more white collar kids playing it and there are more hispanics than ever in this country but I don't feel like it's really grown exponentially just yet. The NFL falling apart would help but I feel like the NFL remains too big and too popular to suffer much of a fallout
Oh of course it's going to take something of a collapse in football but the writing is on the wall, only recently has the long term effects of the sport been attributed to athletes harming themselves-and others. I would expect as the time goes on the amounts of those incidents will increase (somewhat dramatically) and the public scrutiny will continue to force the NFL to change the game and do more black and white ad campaigns to regain the public trust. That vicious cycle can't last forever.
I want soccer to get big here...I really do. I'm pretty excited for todays CL games. However I feel like people have been saying soccer is the future here for the last 20 years. It's gotten somewhat bigger but it's really only gotten bigger because of increased availability through television stations. Sure there are probably more white collar kids playing it and there are more hispanics than ever in this country but I don't feel like it's really grown exponentially just yet. The NFL falling apart would help but I feel like the NFL remains too big and too popular to suffer much of a fallout

its never going to happen, can go back to the early 90's and people thought it was time for soccer.
its never going to happen, can go back to the early 90's and people thought it was time for soccer.

No they didn't. There wasn't even a pro league in the States in the early 90's. In the mid 70's I would say people thought that more with NASL and Pele in the States but the US national team was practically non-existent. the 1994 World Cup was the greatest thing to ever advance the sport of soccer in America and we are starting to see the benefits in a better pro league as well as the National tem being in better shape than at any point in history.

The NFL will be fine once somebody creates a safer helmet, but they covered up for years the impact of concussions and it leading to CTE.
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No they didn't. There wasn't even a pro league in the States in the early 90's. In the mid 70's I would say people thought that more with NASL and Pele in the States but the US national team was practically non-existent. the 1994 World Cup was the greatest thing to ever advance the sport of soccer in America and we are starting to see the benefits in a better pro league as well as the National tem being in better shape than at any pint in history.

The NFL will be fine once somebody creates a safer helmet, but they covered up for years the impact of concussions and it leading to CTE.

The thing is, they have a safer helmet, or at least an insert (made of kevlar I believe) that would immediately reduce concussions. I'm pretty sure James Harrison was one guy who wore the insert and said it was fantastic, and it was documented that he hadn't suffered a concussion after he started using the insert. Why the league hasn't mandated the usage of that is beyond me. The technology seems to be there to make the game safer...what's taking the NFL so long to mandate the changes?
It is kevlar, and it was James Harrison. Here are a few links about it...




Note that those articles are from 2012!!! It's 3 years later and these liners aren't mandated by the NFL? How is that even possible with the backlash they've received about concussions and CTE?