Favre Offered $20 Million To Retire

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
WTMJ-TV Channel 4 in Milwaukee, citing two sources, reported that Packers CEO Mark Murphy at least "floated the idea" of paying Brett Favre a package in the neighborhood of $20 million over 10 years to remain retired.

A bribe out of desperation? Both Favre and the Packers brass had to have known the future Hall of Famer couldn't accept that deal and keep his status as a revered NFL legend. If this report is true, then someone in Favre's camp would have leaked the offer to the press. Murphy won't discuss details of the meeting, but this is shaping up for an ugly showdown if Favre does report. Jul. 30 - 11:07 pm et
Source: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Don Majkowski Demands to be Reinstated as Packers Quarterback
Former Green Bay Packers starting quarterback Don Majkowski has entered in a bitter dispute with his former organization, admitting he is “guilty of retiring too early” 12 years ago, while demanding he be reinstated as the team’s starter or given the opportunity to play elsewhere.
“I was mentally drained after the 1996 season,” says Majkowski. “I couldn’t commit myself fully at that time to coming back, so I stepped away. That’s the kind of guy I am. I have to be able to promise that I’m going to give my all.”
But before long, Majkowski started to have second thoughts.
“I guess it was nine or 10 years later, I called up Packers GM Ted Thompson and told him I was thinking of coming back. That would have been 2005 or 2006, I guess,” said Majkowski. “But he just sighed and said it was too late. That the team had moved on to Brett Favre and had even drafted this Aaron Rodgers kid to follow in place of Favre. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t even open to considering my return after all I’ve done for the franchise.”
<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"> <tbody><tr> <td><!-- FASTCLICK.COM 300x250 MEDIUM RECTANGLE CODE for sportspickle.com --> <script style="display: none;" language="javascript" src="http://media.fastclick.net/w/get.media?sid=7092&m=6&tp=8&d=j&t=n"></script> <noscript> </noscript> <!-- FASTCLICK.COM 300x250 MEDIUM RECTANGLE CODE for sportspickle.com --></td> </tr> </tbody></table> Majkowski played six seasons in Green Bay from 1987 to 1992, earning the beloved nickname “Majik Man,” and leading the league in yards, completions and attempts in 1989, which earned him a Pro Bowl nod at age 25. He also was inducted into the team’s Hall of Fame.
But despite all of that, not even two full decades after Majkowski left the team the Packers says they are committed to Rodgers. So the Majik Man felt he had to go public, share his side of the story and make his case to his dedicated fans in Green Bay.
“Nothing against Aaron, I feel a little bit sorry for the position I have put him in,” says Majkowski, “I do. But I threw for 4,318 yards in 1989. That was only 19 years ago. Aaron has never accomplished anything like that at this level. This team can be something special and we need the veteran presence I can provide.”
While the Packers insist they have no interest in brining Majkowski back, he says he may just show up at training camp later this month to call their “bluff.”
“It’s going to be a circus there already as it is,” he said. “And if I show, do you really think they won’t hand the team back over to me? I am Don freaking Majkowski. There wasn’t a girl in all of Northern Wisconsin who wouldn’t remove her tight-rolled jeans for me back in the late ‘80s. I don’t think they can afford the negative fan reaction that would come from dumping me,” he added, pointing to fan protest outside Lambeau Field on Sunday that boasted numbers in the single digits, including his immediate family.
And if showing up at Packers camp doesn’t work, Majkowski says he will show up at the camps of the other 31 NFL teams to call their “bluffs,” too.
“None of them say they want me back either,” he said. “Well, I am very persistent. I will cause a circus at camp after camp until someone gives me a shot.”
Funny they are willing to pay there QB who will never wear the green & gold again, more money per year than there starting RB.
Just more Favre false rumors coming from his family

the only false rumors i've heard from this situation are from the packers organization, with the cell phone deal.

just a question i dont know the answer to...

i think favre has 3 years at 12 million a year left on his contract, when he retires (and said person stayed retired), does that contract pretty much get thrown out from both sides?

or, if he returned to camp after reinstatement from the league, and then the packers cut him after training camp, what happens to the contract at that point? do they still owe him the 36 million over 3 years? im assuming yes, and maybe thats why they're trying to buy him out with 20 million over 10 years, but am not sure how the contract shit goes.
The guy has destroyed his rep with the team he gave his heart and soul to for 17 years, to the point where the team is trying to keep him away with a suitcase full of money. Meanwhile he can't play for them and they won't let him play for anyone else.

It's practically the definition of the Madden curse.

madden curse

<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable style="WIDTH: 6.25in" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in" colSpan=2>Jets in serious talks with Favre<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
</TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; WIDTH: 11.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top width=15>

</TD><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; WIDTH: 453.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top width=605>The News
The Brett Favre Situation is closer to ending. The New York Jets are in serious discussions with Favre's agent, Bus Cook, and his flight to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Green Bay</st1:place></st1:City> was cancelled, according to the Green Bay Press Gazette.
</TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; WIDTH: 11.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top width=15>

</TD><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; WIDTH: 453.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top width=605>Our View
Finally, the Story That Won't Go Away may finally, thankfully, be over. Favre in <st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">New York</st1:place></st1:State> would be interesting, to say the least, but he is undoubtedly an upgrade over noodle-armed Chad Pennington and the unproven Kellen Clemens.
In terms of the Packers offering Favre money, they did that in March as part of a deal to keep him w/ the Packers... wasn't some type of bribe.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and ESPN's Wendy Nix both report that Brett Favre will compete with Aaron Rodgers to start in training camp.

Despite saying they've "moved on" throughout the summer, the Packers' reported plan is to open the job for competition. Practice snaps will be split between Favre and Rodgers. The Packers have reportedly also dropped their $20 million marketing offer for Favre to stay retired. Rodgers will almost certainly run the first team on Monday, but Favre has more experience in the offense and can still play, so we'd have to consider him the favorite to win. Aug. 3 - 4:18 pm et
Source: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
they give me 1 mil and i'll personally toss all CTG mods' salads :popcorn:

*things you do for dollah dollah bill yo*
This is great to see Favre on the Pack for Fantasy reasons. I put him up to #9 in my rankings. He just adds a solid #1 QB to a thin list this year. Jennings gets bumped too. He and Favre had a monster year. Driver gets a huge bump. His numbers were decent last year, and we can only assume the td's increase. I got Jennings at #16 and Driver #21.
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Vikings contacted about trade for Favre

Deal to rival still possible, source says


Posted: Aug. 3, 2008

Green Bay - The Green Bay Packers welcomed back quarterback Brett Favre from the reserve-retired list Sunday knowing full well that they've already taken the first step toward trading him to the Minnesota Vikings.
An executive in personnel for a National Football League team with close ties to clubs in the NFC North Division told the Journal Sentinel that the Packers called the Vikings on Friday informing them that Favre was available.
“They’ve kind of said through one of their (front-office) guys that if Favre did report they would potentially trade him within the division,” the executive said late Sunday afternoon.
The source said the conversation between officials from the two bitter rivals was brief. There was no discussion about possible compensation.
James “Bus” Cook, Favre’s agent, has not been involved in talks with the Vikings regarding a possible restructuring of his contract, according to the source.
The contact by the Packers was termed “a feeler” in the event Favre rejected the multimillion-dollar marketing and promotional agreement offered by Green Bay.
“They thought he would agree to it,” the executive said. “Evidently, he didn’t agree to it.”
The Vikings, according to the source, remain convinced that the Packers don’t want Favre on their roster in 2008.
It appears more and more as if the Vikings are the only team in the NFC North with legitimate interest in Favre. On Thursday, top officials of the Detroit Lions said they wouldn’t trade for him. In Chicago, coach Lovie Smith said he was happy with quarterbacks Rex Grossman and Kyle Orton.
“The Bears say they’re not interested,” the source said. “The Bears just kind of are what they are. I don’t see him in Detroit, either. At least the Vikings’ offense is what he’s used to. Old dogs don’t learn new tricks, especially in three weeks.”
At midweek, several NFL personnel people theorized that if Favre were traded the compensation to the Packers would be in the range of second- and fifth-round draft choices.
The source scoffed at that suggestion, indicating that the Vikings might consider parting with a fourth- or fifth-round choice but nothing more. He said no NFL team had any reason to offer Green Bay more than that because of the possibility the Packers might release him a week before the opener.
If the Vikings make a move on Favre, the source said they wanted to do so much sooner than later to prepare him for the Sept. 8 season-opening game in Green Bay.
Is it possible that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who has yet to rule on the Packers’ tampering charge against the Vikings, could play a role in ensuring that compensation coming to Green Bay would be more in keeping with Favre’s stature?
“He has no right to do that,” the source said. “He’s already carried this thing out too far. It’s kind of a joke.”
The Vikings’ starting quarterback is Tarvaris Jackson, a second-round pick in 2006 who started two games as a rookie and 12 last season. His record as a starter is 8-6.
One scout who saw the Minnesota-Kansas City scrimmage Friday night in River Falls said Jackson was sharp.
The Vikings’ offensive coordinator, Darrell Bevell, was an assistant in Green Bay from 2000-’05 and Favre’s position coach for the last three years.
Both the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and New York Jets have been involved in trade talks for Favre, but Favre was quoted as having said he wanted to play for an NFC North team so he could play against the Packers.
I dont know if I can believe that article. Especially the last paragraph. Brett would never say that. :4_12_12: