Fausto Carmona = name changing bitch boy


Moderator (Honorary)
MLB Exhibition 2013: 34-21-1 +19.56 units
Regular Season 7-5 +3.63 units

Won 1.05 units despite going 3-3 yesterday. Lost a tough one at the Trop, and got sucked into betting the fucking Eddings under in Oakland that I should have known was too good to be true... I swear I lose 70% of the unders I play with Eddings.

TB Team total under 3.5 +105 one unit
Baltimore -105 first five innings two units

Gonz finished out last season pitching his ass off and despite last night's scoring fireworks, TB's offense still doesn't impress. They took advantage of some well placed hits while Baltimore's infield was using the shift to have a big inning against Strop, and that's where they broke Baltimore's bat.

What Tommy Hunter is doing in a game in the 9th inning is beyond me. Buck must've been hitting the sauce hard yesterday. Made no sense.

This clown pitching is Fausto Carmona who somehow changed his names hoping nobody would notice. Well, I noticed and think he still sucks.
Yeah G - tough to find much of a weak spot in the Baltimore offense if he hits and Roberts stays healthy. Still would like to see them sign a pure DH with some power but that offense is going to make some noise....
He's played like 3 weeks in the past three seasons. Shame for the birds. At one time he was the catalyst of their offense, and arguably the best second baseman in MLB at the time.

2-0-1 on the day. I'll take it.