Fantasy Leagues

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Hopefully these leagues can continue into the future. I think we can all say that the draft's were very challenging. Great competition on here for every sport.

I'm also glad that the Fantasy Forum is being used for smack talk and what not. I remember just a few months back, this forum had very little content.

Hopefully these leagues can continue into the future. I think we can all say that the draft's were very challenging. Great competition on here for every sport.

I'm also glad that the Fantasy Forum is being used for smack talk and what not. I remember just a few months back, this forum had very little content.


I like what we're doing with the CTG football, but CTG hoops will die a slow death unless more members participate next year.
Def. count me in next year. The $100 league was tuff. Sorry couldn't have been more comp but when you lose Harrison, A. Green, L. Johnson, and others, it's tuff. Good luck to all that are remaining I'm concentrating on taking the CTG Football pick'em contest at this time. See ya'll boys around campus.
I reached on Reggie Bust ..... substitute a "h" for the "t" at the end of his name at your own peril. he killed me.
sometimes you take a chance on a player and it makes you look like a genius ... sometimes you take a chance on reggie bush and he makes you look like the idiot you are for drafting him.
atl does have a good team in the $50 league.

My record should be a lot better but in the beginning of the season I was getting so drunk Friday night that waking up 30 minutes after kickoff killed me. Gametime decisions on some of my players killed me (like starting Maroney twice when he wasn't even playing or Addai one time).

No matter how big the headache or if I'm still drunk I get up 30 minutes before each game now.
haha i overslept last week, and it hurt. 5am still drinkin, no way i was getting up. two week playoff game, tho, so i still have a chance.
I'll beat wearo dog in the football pick'em league for you also, haha.

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never
Should be an interesting next couple of weeks.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Which Walker?

Hershel retired and no walker did anything. Javon or Darius?

You lucked out unless you don't have anyone else.
yea Javon got me two points... it was him or gaffney, or cotchery. i started him at the last minute because i heard stokley was out. mistake. add that to the fact that i sat cotch for santana moss last week, because the stupid website said cotch was out for the yyear. cost me 8 points and im down by 2 going into the 2nd week. hopefully these points won't lose me a few hundo.

LT+AP+Barber+Gates better beat manning and a bunch of WRs. but i wish i hadn't seen that stokley was out

Now I I have to choose between Gado, MacDonald or Burleson.

Our games basically mirror each other, except I need Indy to get points and you need Dallas to score.
I'll beat wearo dog in the football pick'em league for you also, haha.

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never
<!-- / message --><!-- sig --> Should be an interesting next couple of weeks.

I got sick of the scenery in first, I was there forever. I decided to draft you a bit until my late season rally, haha, good luck.