Fantasy football

The league I played in the last few years lost a few guys and folded. So I grabbed a team at Yahoo pay league.
Sucks for privacy purposes cuz ya have to give your SS# to enter, but what the hell, a few days ago the news said hackers got everyone's SS# anyway so what's the difference?
The league I played in the last few years lost a few guys and folded. So I grabbed a team at Yahoo pay league.
Sucks for privacy purposes cuz ya have to give your SS# to enter, but what the hell, a few days ago the news said hackers got everyone's SS# anyway so what's the difference?
Lol yea no one is safe on the Internet them scammers are heartless
Something has to be done about cyber-scammers, that sh*t's getting out of hand.

I'm pro death penalty. Some say TOO pro.
Murderers? Yes.
Rapists? Sure.
Pedo's? Oh yeah, definitely.
Internet scammers who con old people out of their life savings? Yup.
That Nigerian Prince guy? Affirmative.
The Kardashians? Uh-huh. Even Chloe (I used to give her a pass when she was with Odom but then she became plastic surgery addicted and is unrecognizable now.)
Every member of the '69 Mets? YES! (Oriole fan here.)
Linda Swenton? Yeah. (broke my heart in the fourth grade.)
Nickelback? Goes without saying, no?

I'm sure there are others I just can't remember right now,
The league I played in the last few years lost a few guys and folded. So I grabbed a team at Yahoo pay league.
Sucks for privacy purposes cuz ya have to give your SS# to enter, but what the hell, a few days ago the news said hackers got everyone's SS# anyway so what's the difference?
Why in the world would they need an SS#? Thats unreal.
The stated reason is it's for state and federal online gaming regulations.

I've always declined in the past but I spoke to a friend of mine who's been doing it for years with Yahoo and he's never had any problems.
It's a risk, but what isn't these days, there is no privacy left. I saw a league I wanted to join so I jumped in this year.