Fantasy Football Trading Question


CTG Moderator
Staff member
If someone posts on your league message board they are looking for a WR or RB or whatever...

What do you do more often:

1. Send out lowball offers you think only an idiot accepts

2. Try to be fair in a potential offer and send it

3. Contact the owner and ask what they’re looking for more specifically

Curious to see how other people act in how they run their teams...
Definitely 3. I feel like 1. is gold-digging and incurs distrust of future offers but 2. is also risky in that you could be shorting yourself. So i like to feel him out and talk on equal and respectful terms 3.
a fair offer that i would take is what i'd offer, but it takes too long to trade so i hardly do it
Best when you know or see the people in person frequently.

Found it’s harder to trade in a CTG league or maybe just coincidence. The Thursday games really throw a wrench in trading too, hate the two day default veto period.