Fantasy Bases, CTG Style


CTG Partner
check this thread in the fantasy forum, if you're interested in playing. two leagues are set up, 14 teams per league. but all the info is in there.

also...registration PMs went out to all who were interested in a few more...but i forgot to say in the PM that it's on Yahoo.

so rather than resend a bunch of's this thread, which i'll delete in a day or two.

jump on in, guys. filling up...though H2H much more than Roto.

anyways, once these are full...we'll open up another H2H.

OK...i sent a ton of PMs out at various go register finally, everyone. Get in there!!!

But based on those PM's, and what looks like the demand, i created a 3rd H2H league on yahoo...and will open it up shortly, as these others finally fill up.

Anyways...if anyone else is interested who hasn't already PM'ed me yet, or received a PM from me, jsut lemme know and i'll forward you the registration information.

But let's get these things finally filled up, and move on to drafting.
I've literally sent double the PMs as there are league spots...yet there are still spots open. (?)
update, 2/21

The Head-to-Head league has 13 people signed up, for 14 teams. Need one more to get in there, and it's filled.
The draft is still tuesday 2/27 at 8:30PM pacific.

The Roto league has 8 people signed up, also for 14 teams. We need 6 more to get this one filled.
Sent a ton of hopefully this fills up fairly soon.
The draft for this is tuesday 3/6 at 7PM pacific.

And, hot off the presses, we jsut added a 3rd league. Another Head-to-Head, based on all the PMs i received.
Currently there are only 3 people signed up, again, for 14 teams. But i haven't really released the registration info for this 3rd league yet. If you want in a head-to-head, and missed the first one, PM me and i'll give you the registration info for this new league.
The draft for this 3rd league is tuesday 3/13 at 7PM pacific.

So anyways...if you asked for the registration info...well then, sign up already. Whatcha waiting for...
And if you're jsut reading this, or missed the info before, jsut lemme know...and i'll get you the info for the 3rd league (which is the 2nd H2H league).

Bases are almsot go register. All members are welcome.
yo have you checked out ESPN fantasy leagues. They are free this year and much better overall than yahoo. They have free live scoring and a smoother overall interface. might want to make the switch.
yo have you checked out ESPN fantasy leagues. They are free this year and much better overall than yahoo. They have free live scoring and a smoother overall interface. might want to make the switch.

didn't know they made it free this year. oh well...we'll make the switch next year for sure then.

The first H2H league is full. Still 6 spots left in the Roto league.
Also, like i said, jsut opened a 2nd H2H league...and there are still 11 spots open there.

So post here, or PM me, if you'd like the registration info. All members are welcome, if they enjoy playing fantasy bases.

didn't know they made it free this year. oh well...we'll make the switch next year for sure then.

The first H2H league is full. Still 6 spots left in the Roto league.
Also, like i said, jsut opened a 2nd H2H league...and there are still 11 spots open there.

So post here, or PM me, if you'd like the registration info. All members are welcome, if they enjoy playing fantasy bases.


anyone else interested?
reminder...the draft for the first H2H league is this tuesday night.

still 4 spots open in the Roto league, with the draft a week from tuesday.
the Roto league has lost a couple spots. definitely need to fill more, if we're gonna do please let fondy or myself know if you're interested in playing.

also, i'm gonna push the draft back a least until this league fills up.