Fantasy Bases, CTG Style


CTG Partner
There's a lot of general info relating to this in the thread entitled "So?" in case i'm leaving things out.
But i set up 2 leagues today, for CTG members.

Both are 14 team is roto, one is head-to-head.
There is a $25 buy in to each league, or per keep it interesting, and to keep everyone (hopefully) involved all season long.
It's on the honor system, so we'll figure out how to pay the winners later. But 1st place is $200, 2nd place is $100, and 3rd place is $50.

Also, all the options/features/categories/etc can be altered &/or changed later...depending on what the majority wants. But since today was the first day to sign up on yahoo, i jsut set it up as to how i've usually played. But whatever we all want is cool.

Anyways, please post and let me know if you're interested in playing in one or both of the leagues. If/when they fill up...and if there's demand for another league...we'll add one or more accordingly.
But for now, here's a list of who i know is interested in playing in one or both of these leagues...

myself, shsuhorn, CKR, Fondy, Jump, Hile, Seabass, and ETG.

PMs are down tonight, but i'll be PMing all of you the registration information over the weekend. Anyone else who wants to join, jsut lemme know. To keep it to members only...i'm not going to post the registration i'll jsut PM it to you.

Think that's about it. Most other stuff is in that previous thread. But like i said, any of these settings can be changed to suit the group.

The live drafts are set up as follows for now...
Already, there were hardly any decent time slots left available, so this was the best i could get. That said...i'll keep going back, looking for a better time...hopefully in March.

Head-to-Head = tuesday 2/27 at 8:30 PM pacific

Roto = monday 2/26 at 8:30 PM pacific

Everything decent was taken. I know it's late for the east coast, so i'll keep checking for a better time slot.

Well, that's it for now. Just post here if you wanna play, and i'll shoot you a PM back w/ the details.
Spring training is here.:cheers:
awesome, Renew.

i'll begin PMing out tonight for sure.

So who else is in??? Don't be afraid to speak up, if you enjoy fantasy bases.
btw...sorry i didn't mention it in the PMs that went out...but the leagues are on Yahoo...jsut like we spoke about in that other thread.
Yanks, joined the HTH league. Thanks for setting it up.
i love the grind of fantasy baseball.....all those small moves u make in april and may setting u up for august and sept, love it

OK...i sent a ton of PMs out at various go register finally, everyone. Get in there!!!

But based on those PM's, and what looks like the demand, i created a 3rd H2H league on yahoo...and will open it up shortly, as these others finally fill up.

Anyways...if anyone else is interested who hasn't already PM'ed me yet, or received a PM from me, jsut lemme know and i'll forward you the registration information.

But let's get these things finally filled up, and move on to drafting.
I've literally sent double the PMs as there are league spots...yet there are still spots open. (?)
if you have room i'd love to be included

absolutely. i'll send you a PM w/ the info.

btw...all are invited. jsut keeping the registration info to PMs, so it's for members only. too many spammers and so forth getting on the site...didn't want them to screw up any of our fantasy leagues.
update, 2/21

The Head-to-Head league has 13 people signed up, for 14 teams. Need one more to get in there, and it's filled.
The draft is still tuesday 2/27 at 8:30PM pacific.

The Roto league has 8 people signed up, also for 14 teams. We need 6 more to get this one filled.
Sent a ton of hopefully this fills up fairly soon.
The draft for this is tuesday 3/6 at 7PM pacific.

And, hot off the presses, we jsut added a 3rd league. Another Head-to-Head, based on all the PMs i received.
Currently there are only 3 people signed up, again, for 14 teams. But i haven't really released the registration info for this 3rd league yet. If you want in a head-to-head, and missed the first one, PM me and i'll give you the registration info for this new league.
The draft for this 3rd league is tuesday 3/13 at 7PM pacific.

So anyways...if you asked for the registration info...well then, sign up already. Whatcha waiting for...
And if you're jsut reading this, or missed the info, jsut lemme know...and i'll get you the info for the 3rd league (which is the 2nd H2H league).

Bases are almsot go register. All members are welcome.
The first H2H league is full. Still 6 spots left in the Roto league.
Also, like i said, jsut opened a 2nd H2H league...and there are still 11 spots open there.

So post here, or PM me, if you'd like the registration info. All members are welcome, if they enjoy playing fantasy bases.
The first H2H league is full. Still 6 spots left in the Roto league.
Also, like i said, jsut opened a 2nd H2H league...and there are still 11 spots open there.

So post here, or PM me, if you'd like the registration info. All members are welcome, if they enjoy playing fantasy bases.

anyone else???:36_7_3:
1st draft is done. Took forever...but got to hear Capt bitch a lot, so that was fun...

Anyways, the draft for the 2nd league is in a week...for the roto league. Still 4 spots open...
1st draft is done. Took forever...but got to hear Capt bitch a lot, so that was fun...

Anyways, the draft for the 2nd league is in a week...for the roto league. Still 4 spots open...

That was my first draft where I've ever been too tired to finish the last rd (even though I only ended up skipping the final round). Holy shit was that thing long.
i wish there was a way to shorten time for your pick.......if we could make it 1 minute, thatd be great, cause in a 14 player draft, thats gonna be a long time for u to figure out a handful of guys for yourself
yeah...long indeed. usually, for a draft this big, it takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. 3 hours was jsut too long. i agree, Hile...they should limit the time more.
1st draft is done. Took forever...but got to hear Capt bitch a lot, so that was fun...

Anyways, the draft for the 2nd league is in a week...for the roto league. Still 4 spots open...

we need more peopel for the roto league, if interested. lost a couple spots, and as a result i'll push the draft back until the league is full.

PM myself or Fondy is you'd liek to play.