Fading Away Dynamic Experiment: FADE Team Plays: Baseball 2015

Good luck with the 2015 edition of the F.A.D.E.!

Thanks John. The Team looks pretty solid this year.

Im thinking of giving them a name like Cubs, Vikings, Etc.

So I am thinking of calling them the "Free Plays" or something

like that.

Maybe I will open the floor to names for the Fade Team.
Coach I remember following these in the past and they did quite well.

I like the idea of coming up with a name for these plays. It made me chuckle when you came up with Cubs. That would be great as they have been losers for over 100 years and hopefully for another 100 years.
We might have our first Fade Team play tonight.

A game that a few of them are loving. I just need a

couple more of the team to post to see if I have a qualifier.

There is no " I " in Fade Team.

Coach Kevy
Going to monitor these guys over the weekend. Probaly monday or Tuesday

we will have some plays.

Coach Kevy

Also any Touts or Services you would like to submit thru PM to me.

Also any proven Coolers and or Mushes may be submitted also thru PM

I am wanting to wrap up the roster and alternates in the next couple of days.


Coach Kevy
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Starting to get some last minute suggestions from several of you.

Thank you very much. This team is shaping up very nicely. The depth

Of this team is going to be unreal.
You guys are sending me some really good prospects.

Last year we struggled with depth. Not this year. You guys

are sending me some recruits that flew under my radar and a

couple of my assistant coaches radars.......lolz
I am stacked on the Tout/Service side from all the info many

of you have sent. I can't thank you guys enough.

BUT.......me and my assistants still need any good leads you

might have of any great fades/coolers/mushes on the posting side

at the various sites in the neighborhood for BASEBALL.

I got the Touts/Services and Coolers/Mushes selected.

Wrapping up evaluation and scouting of some different Posters
at different places in the neighborhood this week.

There are FADE sabermetrics and analytics and algorithms and
some rocket science that goes into the selection process.

And im waiting for my Assistant Coach PaidInFull to turn in his last
minute evaluations.

So I think we should fill his inbox with messages of scorn and ridicule
to help speed him up.
We got all the recruits late Wednesday night.


Will post what our criteria and filters will be here shortly.

Coach Kevy
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I have easily the best group i have ever had for this project.

In years past had more posters than touts. This year i have

2 touts for every 1 poster. Which is going to give us more

opportunities. As long as i can get the plays.

Coach Kevy
What im thinking and kicking around is looking for a play

that at least 30% or more of the group is on. Now i know some

will say why only 30%? That is what I did in the past. These guys

on some days will be scattered all over the place with the selection

of games. Maybe on short Monday or Thursday cards I filter at 40.

Full slate of games I stick with 30. This is a little different than fading

the Public Consensus sites or fading a Tout Tally count. Because these guys

can and will be all over the place with ML, RL, and Totals. In the past we mostly

seen ML plays. And the RL and Totals not as often. But we would still get them.
I think this Tuesday I am going to start the Tally each day for
The Fade Team roster.

Well we got our first FADE TEAM Play for 2015.


Fade Team is politically incorrect I will edit
out all references to it.

Everyone gets a trophy little league baseball anyone?

Coach Kevy
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They are not matching up anything else just yet.
They are all over the board. But enough of them liked
this one to qualify.

Coach Kevy
Whatever you post as a fade play, I'm going against you... This thread in my opinion is just stupid...Until you arrived it was just a normal forum of guys putting up their thoughts,opinions,stats on games.
Now this BULLSHIT I've kept quiet long enough

There is a method to the madness if you will.
I'm not trying to argue with you, just stating there are certain requirements for a play to be categorized in this thread. It's kind of like when you want to see who Joe Q. Public is on and play against it--like all this money seems to be coming in on one side yet the line keeps dropping.
Why has, for example, fading a Brandon Lang been so successful? If you have a lot of people on one side who are historically poor cappers I would argue this is a very valuable thread.
Also I feel as though there is a begging of money on Bum tonight at such a cheap price and also Det in oak (price -110) is off as they're begging for Detroit money.
This information is valuable and you can do as you like.
Have a good evening and good luck with your plays.
What we don't need is bashing and argumentative stuff.
Use the info how you like. Bet on or bet against.
There is a method to the madness if you will.
I'm not trying to argue with you, just stating there are certain requirements for a play to be categorized in this thread. It's kind of like when you want to see who Joe Q. Public is on and play against it--like all this money seems to be coming in on one side yet the line keeps dropping.
Why has, for example, fading a Brandon Lang been so successful? If you have a lot of people on one side who are historically poor cappers I would argue this is a very valuable thread.
Also I feel as though there is a begging of money on Bum tonight at such a cheap price and also Det in oak (price -110) is off as they're begging for Detroit money.
This information is valuable and you can do as you like.
Have a good evening and good luck with your plays.
What we don't need is bashing and argumentative stuff.
Use the info how you like. Bet on or bet against.

There is a method to the madness if you will.
I'm not trying to argue with you, just stating there are certain requirements for a play to be categorized in this thread. It's kind of like when you want to see who Joe Q. Public is on and play against it--like all this money seems to be coming in on one side yet the line keeps dropping.
Why has, for example, fading a Brandon Lang been so successful? If you have a lot of people on one side who are historically poor cappers I would argue this is a very valuable thread.
Also I feel as though there is a begging of money on Bum tonight at such a cheap price and also Det in oak (price -110) is off as they're begging for Detroit money.
This information is valuable and you can do as you like.
Have a good evening and good luck with your plays.
What we don't need is bashing and argumentative stuff.
Use the info how you like. Bet on or bet against.

Won't bash or interrupt this thread any longer, just wanted to state my thoughts on it...
I wish you well on your wagers tonight and in the future
Whatever you post as a fade play, I'm going against you... This thread in my opinion is just stupid...Until you arrived it was just a normal forum of guys putting up their thoughts,opinions,stats on games.
Now this BULLSHIT I've kept quiet long enough


Couldn't possibly agree with you more. The reason I came to this forum was because of handicappers with integrity like you. 'Across the street' the acrimony and b.s. was so thick it became intolerable ... it's a night and day difference here. What I have noticed here is that there is no bashing or sophomoric dialog. It's all positive and and informative. I have yet to come across anything here that wasn't in the best interest of handicapping and camaraderie.
Lmao. Sounds like everyone is on the Giants. Emotions getting a bit high.

This experiment was not meant to insult any cappers here at CTG. There is not one CTG capper on the list. We got nothing but respect for the handicappers here and how this place is run.

Lets keep it positive now. Its all fun and games too. He is not going to win every game but this is just one of many angles/approaches you can take to sports betting.
Interesting comments fellas.

I just do my own thing in my own thread. And do the Fade Team stuff in this thread.

Like I have said in the past. Been around this industry since I was around 12 years old.
Learned how to set and make my own lines by the time I was a teenager. Created and
developed my two sets of numbers and projections that I use to to this day around the age
of 17/18. Started posting in the offshore forums right out of school around 1995/1996.

Im all about making money. That's the bottom line.

The Fade Team project was created a few years ago. I seen everyone doing these Fade Brandon Lang,
Fade so and so, Fade the public, etc, etc. So my idea was to pick out some of the worst touts and services
and throw in some terrible cappers and do my own Fade experiment.

My threads are light hearted. But serious when it comes to making money. That's the bottom line.

I came over to CTG to be with serious cappers and many of them I go back with 10 to 15 years with.
Some even a little longer than that.

Some of the riff raff that followed from across the street. I have no control over that. I average about
1,400 to 2,700 views any time I post at any forum. There are going to be some idiots that hop into my
threads and or follow that I dont want to or dont really care for. There's nothing I can do about that.
Ya sure, I joined this forum for Kevy, seriously. Pretty sure you don't have to me a member here to read any of the posted threads by any handicapper. Not sure what you mean by the negative thoughts reference as there weren't any in my previous post. Kinda seems to me that the 'fade thing' concept is what could be perceived as negative.
Prolly for the best if you guys just ignore each other moving forward

BOL to the both of you on your wagers.
Okay. I deleted a few posts that either included personal attacks towards other members or quoted a post that did so. That needs to end now. We're all mature enough to see the other side of things even if we don't like what the other side is saying. It's okay to disagree with what someone is doing, just don't make it personal or continue it across different threads once you've said your peace. If you disagree the best option is to avoid those threads.

I understand that some members may be put off with a fading thread. It generally brings a negative connotation. That said, I don't know how many times I've been on a wager and saw a certain service was on a my side and did an "oh crap." If members want to keep track of certain services/members and use that to create a system of wagers for themselves I wish them luck. What I don't want to see is who is being faded. Be it a CTG member or a member from across the pond. That only creates bigger issues and a hassle we don't want to deal with. We haven't see any of that and I'm sure we won't.

If you guys want to hash out issues via PMs I'd encourage it. Otherwise, move on and ignore each other. There are ignore options where you don't have to see anything a certain member posts. If we're missing a larger issue, or there are other things going on we're not aware of, send any of the mods/partners a message and we'll try to deal with it as best as we can. We really don't want to see any issues moving forward with this same issues and I'm confident with everyone involved that we won't have to.


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If the whole Fade Team concept is polarizing or gets people divided
we can just scrap it. The project was okay in the past. Now it seems
to strike a nerve with a small percentage of people. In the past it didn't.
If the whole Fade Team concept is polarizing or gets people divided
we can just scrap it. The project was okay in the past. Now it seems
to strike a nerve with a small percentage of people. In the past it didn't.

Just post the plays and cut out all the side show stuff, don't have to label them as anything...gl today and in the future sir