Fade Worlds Worst Picker


Well-Known Member
Anyone up for helping me post worlds worst picker plays in college football he had a very poor record last year I think we can win some money if we fade his plays this year let me know I will post my share, I'm going to try the NFL also
Just google worlds worst picker, not a very good fade in mlb I don't recommend baseball but I made money last year in football
I'm always suspicious on a handicapping site when someone refers to a "picker". It's like calling baseball runs "points".
A picker is a banjo player. A garbage collector. A booger extractor.
Formula of Victories? That has to be FOV, right? Whatever happened to that guy? I wish we still had the formula of victories thread. He sure did bet a lot of Tribe and Ohio State. I could have told him the Tribe formula needed some tweaking.
That's why I like to fade handicappers they think they are good and they are not, like hondo, lang, stevens and worlds worst picker they all stink, I think stevens is the best fade ever in mlb he is the worst, my first time with worlds worst picker was last year and won some money I always lose in football until I started fading this guy very cheap, stevens just cost way to much
CTG made eggman famous I see, when u can google worlds worst capper and eggmans name pops up
I can just post my plays here vs Twitter.

Tru, my boy runs that PayDay Loans down the road from your house if you need some cash to play some futures before the season starts.
Who is the consensus pick capone? Man 70% is damn good I've never seen a 70%-30% difference you would be raking
whoever had the fadefriend, I'm hopping back on that train probably.. Think it was KK who had the fadefriend?
Oh ok capone don't you think it's to pick 1 capper and just fade all his picks, that's what I do with this worlds worst picker in football that seemed to work for me last year
It's almost fade time folks, who knows how these teams are going to be I would say the best bet is to fade this dude
Anyone up for helping me post worlds worst picker plays in college football he had a very poor record last year I think we can win some money if we fade his plays this year let me know I will post my share, I'm going to try the NFL also
I never fade any player unless I see he likes the other team please post his plays. your right if you just bet the other side at the end of the year you would make a MF killing but most gamblers can't do that no will power thank's bol
I agree dil I never faded til last year that was my first of fading and I won some good money in college football and trust me I never win in college football so I'm pretty excited to fade this guy this year
Hard to believe 7 more days until kick off, I will post all of worlds worst picker plays to see how the fade starts out this year