F**k the UFC- Its going downhill Fast

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I was a fan of UFC but am no longer a fan and am boycotting their events from now on.

What I am seeing in this sport is a consistent decline in the fights to thepoint where the fights are very boring and subpar.

UFC hyped this super fight between GSP and PENN up and I fell into the hype also. Fuck they could have hyped up Sammy meatballs fighting GSP and he could have done better than PENN--

What I am noticing is that the fighters are grappling now a lot and the fights are pathetic. Even the crowd boos and the refs never separate the fighters. These guys used to throw more punches and kicks and now its all about winning cheap decisions.

These are my complaints with this sports--

-Greg JACKSON is ruining MMA, his gameplans sure are effective but they are boring as fuck, GSP I will give him credit kicked BJ PENN good, but it is turning into a boring grab and smother and tackle match.

-UFC hyping up fighters? BJ PENN was not ready to fight last night, this guy is not a world class athlete. HE has no cardio and was not ready to fight more than 1 round-They hyped this fight up so bad and it was the worst performance I have seen by an athlete. PENN didnt even try, he mailed it in, almost wonder if he was paid to just stand there and do nothing?

-The Parisian fight was horrible to watch, they both stood there in the 3rd round holding each others underwear doing nothing, Parisian won because he may have tripped up the Korean for half a second-

-DIAZ fight sucked also, GUIDA just hung on to DIAZ and it was boring as hell-
-MACHIDA fight was good, but at 205 and higher the fighters at least fight to win-

-With the gameplanning and advanced training in all disciplines we are seeeing more complete fighters like GSP- This is very bad for the fans, because we are going to see fighters like GSP who are very very boring and its going to turn into wrestling.

-UFC does not have world class athletes- SHOGUN RUA is a disgrace to sports in general with his cardio? BJ PENN is a quitter bitch who is fat and out of shape and cannot go for more than one round. Chuck LIddell is no athlete? Look at that guy he is just a brawler.

-I am dissapointed to where the direction is going, its going to result in timid fighters and wrestlers who just lay and pray on opponents, just like LESNAR--

-The refs never separate them anymore, and let them fight standing up, until one fighter hugs the other and butt fucks him some more.
Also for as good as these fighters are supposed to be at JUI JITSU how many submission do we see from the bottom? I never see them anymore, JUI JITSU is finished now in UFC, fighters are learning how to stay out of submission and the guy on thebottom is toast.

UFc and dana white could learn a lesson from FEDOR, here is a true champ that finishes fights in a flurry and actually fights and wins via knockout.
He doesent lay and pray, he doesent even have a gameplan, he actually throws hard punches and knocks his opponent out-

I will never believe the UFC again when they hype a match up, because when you think about it, the matches are very boring and fighters are scared and tentative and dont fight to entertain, they fight to win cheap decisions.

UFc is on the way down, you will see boring wrestling and grappling matches and fighters scared to throw down with each other.

UFc is all marketing they can hype anyone up, please BJ PENN was good 5 years ago, everyone else has gotten better and more advanced in training.

THey are marketing guys who are washed up, SHOGUN and WANDY SILVA, they make them sound so good even thogh they are washed up bigtime-

Also except for GSP do any fighters even train? They are all out of shape badly, most cannot fight for more than 1 round--

They will hype up some match between GSP and ALVES- save your money-

Round1- GSP jab, gsp jab, gsp takedown, strikes win round1
ROund2- Gsp takedown, gsp knees,
round3- Gsp takedown, gsp strikes stoppage

Boring ass shit, we all know GSP can outwrestle anyone at 170lbs,

if the UFC wanted to entertain fights how about forgetting about ALVES and having GSP fight Rich Franklin immediately at 185 lbs?
Then if he wins maybe Dan henderson or Adnerson Silva?

NO the intelligent matchmakers would never do that, instead they find a fat midget hawaiian out of shape trash talker thats frame looks like a little boy compared to GSP to fight and hype it up like PENN has the ability to killl GSP? Are you kidding me, Dana white probabaly made the biggest bet of his life on GSP, they market these guys like they are unstoppable when in reality PENN, Hughes, Liddell are all on the way out and the new fighters are on the way in.

UFC is engaging in mind control tactics, in reality when you take away the HYPE, who fought yesterday? most of the time they are 2 average fighters who couldnt make it in boxing or anything in life, there is no fighter in the UFC that is worth their pay per view fee.

Sure GSP is a good athlete, vs a fat out of shape Hawaiian who has a black belt in Jui Jitsu? Exactly they are nobodies, if they were good fighters they would be professional boxers. Although GSP is a world class athlete and wrestler.

Any match they hype up is bullshit, because thier fighters are all a joke.

The only guy in MMA who has any credentials or my respect is FEDOR, because he has not lost, he is all class, and he wins, and he wins by knocking his opponent out. THis man is a true warrior and fighter--
Fedor is like TYSON where the whole world wanted to see how fast he could kick the shit out of his opponent.

Liddell vs Shogun? Big fucking deal, a washed up 38 year old fighter in Lidell who cant take a punch vs a former pride fighter who cant fight for more than 3 minutes before gassing? NO thanks, ill go to my local bar and see 2 drunks fight?

Lesnar vs MIR? no thank a former WWE loser superstar, who is fighting Frank MIR, who is MIR? hes nothing special, just another fighter--

UFc is boring, a few more cards like this and they are done---

I am sure Dana white did not like PENN's performance, and he QUIT also, what a dissapointment to all the hype of his fight--

PENN "Georges Im not going to stop, we';re going to fight till the death"
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Don't u agree MOGO i was so pumped up for the fights yesterday especially GSP--

It was not a fucking war, it was a joke how pathetic some of the clowns really are?

I am serious when Serra or Hughes yesterday or KOS would have done better and wuold have killed PENN yesterday. It was so bad literally that PENN would have got killed in that ring. It was all hype this fight--

The other fights were horrible--

UFC has become a sport where you takedown or grab your opponent and score more points than clear punches in the face,--- Guida decision--

They can hype a fight all they want, they dont match up good fighters vs good fighters--

They have to start givign Anderson Silva someone to fight at 205 and GSP shoudl be forced to move up to 185 to fight--

Fuck anyone 187 pounds can beat gys at 170 obviously.

I have never seen a corner stop a fight and it happened in thier so called fight of legends?

how is penn a legend he lost to GSP twice and Matt Hughes?
sammy i was pumped too. i was expecting some better stand up fights, and more KOs.... i think i read all the undercards went to decision, and then all the main card fights went to decision (expect Machida & GSP)....

an all decision fight card can sometimes be entertaining, b/c you get to see alot of fight, but last night it sort of a let down... just have to move on and hope for better cards instead and bitching about it and syaing you are done watching it... thats a mickey mouse attitude if you ask me... :shake:
As corrupt as boxing is, and despite there being no one in the heavyweight division worth piss, UFC will never over-take it.
ETG I agree UFC is all hype but it will falter once the fights become even more boring--

THere will be a recipe to win in the UFC and fighters are starting to realize that.

UFC Imo was hit its peak, its going to go downhill now.
Just a note about ufc ownership and gambling. The family that owns the thing has alleged organized crime ties. They also own the station casinos properties in las vegas.

Just letting those of you under the illusion that ufc is pure and boxing is corrupt in on the reality that they are more similar than not in regards to betting on the sport.
There has been fixes in the UFC--

GSP vs Serra #1 was fixed for sure--

Quinton - Forrest- was rigged by judges--

Hamel vs Bisping-- Rigged by judges-

Guida yesterday got the decision and that was rigged also

It appeared BJ PENN took a quick million to throw that fight yesterday and let golden BOY GSP flourish--

GSP is their golden boy now- perhaps they need him to put the UFC where they want to go, GSP is only 27, marketable, gets thousands of canadians flying to Vegas for his fights----

WHo knows if PENN took money, but that was not PENN yesterday, that was a fighter who was told not to hit GSP, not to do anything, just stand let him take you down-

BJ is lightweight so he is still marketable there ---

GSP is the Jordan of UFC, he is not losing at 170 and will make the UFC millions of dollars---

They have this shit planned out way before---

They had to make GSP lose once, so people dont take him for granted, they did that and now he is not losing for a long time--

ONce people get accustomed to him, they will make him lose again, set up a huge rematch with whoever he loses to, and then throw him away and use a new younger star.
BUT THE UFC has a 5 year plan with GSP and part of thier plan is to make sure he does not lose--

HOW: For starters he is too big for welterweight, he should be a middleweight- They never let him fight anyone who is heavier than him-
They ensure he is fighting guys that weigh less than him every time, and this way he has the strength advantage with his wrestling, he will not lose in that division-

UFC is very corrupt, gangsters, i am not surprised at all by that--

Just wonder which fighters are told to tank it. They took Quintons belt away, he is the real champ, he got fucked because FOrrest winning gave credibility to the Ultimate fighter show which ratings were bad, then ratings became better---

Its all about money, that is why we dont see good fights overall and why the sport will go downhill--

KIMBO was not the only fight fixed--
There has been fixes in the UFC--

GSP vs Serra #1 was fixed for sure--

Quinton - Forrest- was rigged by judges--

Hamel vs Bisping-- Rigged by judges-

Guida yesterday got the decision and that was rigged also
:36_11_6:Does this mean we can't look forward to these types of hillarious comments anymore
Mcdrew: Bro I love you, but read what KYLE is saying, these are gangsters running the UFC-
Gangsters are corrupt peopple, they love money, they dont do things fair--

There is no way they are going to let fighters fight- some undercards they do--

But the judges are told who to win in close fights for sure every time--

THe matchmaker guy surrepticiously matches up fighters and then they hype them up to make them look like they are tough fights--

ex- LESNAR and GSP are the 2 HOT STARS OF UFC---

GSP never fights a guy even close to his weight-- They put in a skinny Penn because they know he has no shot vs the bigger GSP-

Lesnar, they put a 44 year old who hasnt fought in a year and a half and was weighing only 230 lbs vs Lesnar at 280 lbs?

This is how they do it----

I am sure fighters have been paid to tank fights also, it happens where gangstas are involved.
UFC is in the process now of cleaning house--

Out is Serra, Hughes, Penn, Liddell,Couture these guys are on the way out--

In is Evans, GSP, Lesnar, Florian, Machida,

The only reason Quinton lost the belt was business--- Quinton did not bring in pay per view buys when he was champion-
THey knew QUinton was so good that he would make his way back to a title shot.

So they can take the belt away from Quinton and give it to Forrest Griffin---

That was done so that Liddell could fight Griffin setting up the biggest match in UFC history. Only problem is UFC thought LIddell could beat EVANS, but he didnt.

That match was set up because it would translate into millions of new fans and target markets--

Liddell appeals to all the tow truck driver, tough guys, hells angels wannabees, and blue colllar workers--

Forrest Griffin appeals to the average white man who is not athletic but works hard and has heart- The average fan basically of the UFC who goes home and dreams about fighting also-

This is what it is--

i called it first, when QUinton lost he didnt even get the first rematch? IT was a set up for Liddell to fight Griffin..

Even now Liddell is given another chance to fight SHOGUN who they think he will crush and SHOGUN is a name fighter who is shit now, he is washed up bigtime--

UFC knows SHOGUN is washed up but will use LIDDELL to kill him and somehow set up Liddell for a title shot vs Evans soon also--

LIDDELL has one more shot, his next loss and Dana willl drop him--

This is exactly how its done, UFC is very very corrupt.
I scored that Guida decision the EXACT same way and I had Diaz. You can tell when there's gonna be a split decision. Guida stole the first rd 10-9. Diaz won the 3rd 10-9 and the 2nd rd could go either way. I had a slight guida lean.

who is lesnar supposed to fight that can match up to him? Sylvia, Kongo???? Other than those bums all heavyweights are under sized. HW has been a weak division in the UFC for a long time
I cant see a fix last night, he never had a chance, even in the first fight GSP outlanded Penn 130-100 range. its just the cuts made it look bad for GSP. BJ is also 1-3 now at welter weight. it was most definitely all hype. if they wanted to fix it I think thyed want to set up a rubber match for later by making Penn win.
i got to get back to this thread tomorrow afternoon when i got some time. too much good shit here to get into now (45 minutes to sb kickoff). i agree with some of sammy's rant. not all, but some.
been watching UFC for wow over 10 years now
Caught the last live event before Dana and his boys took it over.
The favoritism the reality guys get rubs me the wrong way.
You see even BIG JOHN moved on and has paired with Affliction.
Not so sure about the fixes but I am pulling against the UFC until the change.
Poor business decisions will bite them as DREAM may turn out to be even better than Pride.
You guys remember-- Cro cop vs Fedor?

Wandy vs Quinton

Shogun vs Quinton
Wandy vs the asian guy?

Those were real fights, UFC fights are like boring boxing now--

I honestly think something was wrong with PENN, its almost like he was on the take-

I expected a good show at least, like trash talking PENN coming in looking intense, he looked half asleep, I expected PENN to do something--

never again will i bet let down by this hype and bullshit--

I agree with you guys they are going in the direction which makes them money but is translating into boring fights for us the public--

I am convinced that Anderson vs GSP is nothing more than a wrestling boring match-

After they spend a few million hyping this GSP PENN fight up, that was the worst performance by PENN I have seen. He gassed so fast and had no strategy--

Who were these 2 clowns training him in boxing and wrestling? PENN did not look very confident in the ring or that he even cared about the match. GSP looked nuts, he looked he was ready for sure.
yeah what a scumbag company to market thier most popular/visible athletes. lol give me a break.

not sure what you are referring to.

if you know anything about the sport you realize that the fighters that are on the reality show get different treatment than the other fighters.

in a couple years it will be more apparent to the average joe that the UFC is in fact losing credibility, talent, and a large chunk of the original fans.

when you say "most popular" do you mean reality guys they shove down your throat on Spike? Because anyone with any understanding knows these guys are rarely the best fighters available when the matches are setup. Yet somehow every other card is at least half reality guys with little records outside of the reality house.
not sure what you are referring to.

if you know anything about the sport you realize that the fighters that are on the reality show get different treatment than the other fighters.

in a couple years it will be more apparent to the average joe that the UFC is in fact losing credibility, talent, and a large chunk of the original fans.

when you say "most popular" do you mean reality guys they shove down your throat on Spike? Because anyone with any understanding knows these guys are rarely the best fighters available when the matches are setup. Yet somehow every other card is at least half reality guys with little records outside of the reality house.
I know plenty about the sport bro. I do understand that the TUF guys get "special treatment" That is 100% catering to it's audiance. The average UFC fan watches TUF and most end up liking some of the guys that come from that show. Maybe they should do what pride did. It seemed to work for them. Or maybe they should get all the big names they can like Affliction. I'm sure they'll be around in a year. Whatever the UFC is doing it's obviously working. I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :cheers:

i'm pretty sure you're onto to something here, but don't jump ship yet. you're obviously a guy who can think for himself, so you dont have to buy into a lot of the shit ufc is hyping. trust your own eyes more than what you hear out the "experts" mouths.

i understand what your saying about greg jackson and his game-planning ruining the sport. however, i think its just like other sports where there are cycles of good/bad styles. maybe its a boring time now, but eventually the fighters will evolve and figure out a way to compete better against the "jackson style." jackson and his athletes will be the carrot that other fighters need to push themselves to improve. i think that att has already stepped it up in the last 6 months or so.

i think you're right about the changing of the guard. we are seeing the old school guys fall off the map right now. they are being replaced by a newer, better group of fighters that are showing up with more than just one skill. i think the best mma fighters are still a few years away. with the increased popularity, there are going to be better athletes learning all the skills from day one. they will also have better competition to hone there skills on at an early age.

its unfortunate they ufc continues to hype and sell the old fighters. hell, a bunch of them dont even bother getting in shape. the hw division is a disgrace, only a couple of those guys even look like athletes. their is a ton of young exciting talent out there, they just need to get them some exposure. WEC continues to put on great shows with guys that are light years better than the TUFer's.

i personally think ufc is making a mistake by keeping their (old) fights off youtube. its free publicity and gets people talking mma. there is a fine line in protecting their content and i think they should loosen up a little.

i hate all the "respect" going on between the fighters. we need some serious hatred between some of these guys or their gyms. last year sportfight had an event that matched up several fighters from two local gyms. there was some serious trash talk and the fights were crazy.
laffit excellent post-----

The future of the sports is guys like Jon Jones and anthony Johnson, I agree the guys like Stephan Bonnar, Liddell, Hughes, even BJ PENN are going to be out of this sport-

They hype a guy like JOE BIg Daddy Stevenson, when all he is, is easy prey to hype up other fighters, they feed him to PENN and Florian and NOW diego also--

Yeah this respect shit is bullshit--

Its geared too much on points, the sport has to turn violent--

Greg jackson is like the New Jersey devils neutral zone trap, it makes the fights boring and very technical--

GSP fights are very boring--

He needs those knockouts, he still cannot knock anyone with one punch--

I agree I just am not buying thier hype anymore and their average fighters.
Watch the Randy Couture vs Tim Sylvia match sometime ..... that is the kind of fixing i am talking about.

Fertitta family for those who care. It's not like this is a mystery or something.

If UFC is not crooked then it would be hard for me to fathom any sport being crooked.

walks like a duck , quacks like a duck ..
Watch the Randy Couture vs Tim Sylvia match sometime ..... that is the kind of fixing i am talking about.

Fertitta family for those who care. It's not like this is a mystery or something.

If UFC is not crooked then it would be hard for me to fathom any sport being crooked.

walks like a duck , quacks like a duck ..

I lost huge on that fight, It turned out Sylvia was about 50% with an ailing back, he apparently hardly trained. THe UFC definitely set up a heroic comeback for captain america there. a healthy Sylvia beats Randy every time in my opinion.