F*ck joakim

I was waiting for someone to post this. Well, without the Hebrew comment. Actually, I don't think he's Jewish, is he. I know he's French, but Jewish?

Either way, he's proving not to be the smartest cat on the planet, at the very least, not the most mature.
is anyone that shocked that guy smokes bowls?

Number of people who think Noah is a NOT smoker:

over .5 people +6600
under .5 people -9000
you are a pro athlete. you have a pretty nice amount of money. can you please find a way that you aren't going to get busted for smoking pot? josh howard anyone? carmelo anthony? ugh, stupid nba players. you don't see anyone on the GOOD teams doing shit like this. worst you see if bruce bown or robert horry with a "cheap" foul
get a fucking limo if you are gonna blaze or drink and go driving. i'm sure the team would even pay for it. it just pisses me off. I don't like noah in the first place, and now he has this shit. unfortunately this just gives paxson more reason to draft beasley instead of rose. either way he will probably trade whoever he drafts + tyrus + thabo the year before they blow up and become all stars
the first day i saw him with FLORIDA i knew he was a party boy -
stoned out eyeballs and a ponytail too boot - he lives for the party
the first day i saw him with FLORIDA i knew he was a party boy -
stoned out eyeballs and a ponytail too boot - he lives for the party

you would at least think that the florida po-po would give him a break. i guess everyone hates him like i do...
I hear the quality and availability of premium weed in Canada will be in the next recruitment package for the FA class of 09'. I can see Melo and Sheed looking to opt and sign with Toronto for its "perks" and "incentives" laden packages.
I have no idea why they don't legalize pot.

At least don't call it doping, when it isn't, and persecute the abuse as a private matter.
if you don't count the foreign-born players i'd say the % is like 95 (you can't tell me bill walton's kid don't toke) but it's not like this story is the end of the world for him or the team. i'm not surprised he never got busted when he was a student there, that would have been swept under the rug.
Not a big deal.

Dude's just having a good time on a Saturday nite.

Now, if he was caught with some hard drugs and some underaged bitches, that's a different story.

Gotta keep shit in perspective.
if you don't count the foreign-born players i'd say the % is like 95 (you can't tell me bill walton's kid don't toke) but it's not like this story is the end of the world for him or the team. i'm not surprised he never got busted when he was a student there, that would have been swept under the rug.

Well it was almost 10 years ago but I have in fact smoked with one of his sons. They had a 6+ foot bong at the place. One person inhales, one lights it and another has to carb the thing.
I don't get it, dozens of players get caught every season and now Noah gets the "fuck him" treatment.

I don't get it.
at least Noah isnt the team leader/all star and the Bulls arent in a playoff race....attention Carmelo...smoke when you are off work.
I saw this last night scroll across the sox game on espn and just started shaking my head.

Kid is one of the leaders of this young team. You wanna drink and smoke the green stuff that cool but just be smart about it.

He wasn't and it just gonna add to the distraction list i thought was already full.
I don't get it, dozens of players get caught every season and now Noah gets the "fuck him" treatment.

I don't get it.

dude plays on my team, and I dislike him already, so he gets the fuck him treatment. and easy with the "dozens of players a year"...

I saw this last night scroll across the sox game on espn and just started shaking my head.

Kid is one of the leaders of this young team. You wanna drink and smoke the green stuff that cool but just be smart about it.

He wasn't and it just gonna add to the distraction list i thought was already full.

exactly. do what you wanna do, but be smart!
i dont see anything wrong with this

not like the dude was driving a car or anything, he was standing on a sidewalk
i dont see anything wrong with this

not like the dude was driving a car or anything, he was standing on a sidewalk

I don't see anything wrong with what he was actually doing, but if you are a professional athlete and you have pot on you, don't break ANY laws...
Noah's dad agrees w/ most here:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Dad says Joakim's recent arrest no big deal to him

<HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=1>
Associated Press

PARIS -- Yannick Noah is perplexed by "all that fuss" surrounding the arrest of his basketball player son, who was charged with marijuana possession and having an open container of alcohol.


Chicago Bulls forward Joakim Noah was arrested Sunday in Gainesville, Fla., after an officer spotted him on a sidewalk holding a plastic cup. Police said that during a search at the station officers found marijuana in his pocket.

"I don't understand all that fuss for just drinking a beer on the street," Yannick Noah said Tuesday at the French Open.

The elder Noah won the title at Roland Garros in 1983. He created a sensation a few years before when he told a magazine writer he smoked marijuana.

Joakim Noah was released after signing a notice to appear before a judge -- standard procedure for such offenses. He could face up to six months in jail and a $500 fine for the marijuana charge.

"I talk to him every day on the phone," said Yannick Noah, who was at Roland Garros on Tuesday for the dedication of a walkway named after him. "He'll soon come over to France to see me."

Joakim Noah led Florida to consecutive NCAA titles before being picked ninth by the Bulls in the NBA draft last year
who cares? let him smoke his bud. and yes hes a dumbass for getting caught but why say fuck him? unless your somehow tied to the organization or his family where its embarrassing.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
On same day of arrest, Noah also received traffic citations

<HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=1>
ESPN.com news services

Joakim Noah had more than one run-in with the law at the University of Florida on Memorial Day weekend.


On the same day the Bulls center was arrested for possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and having an open container of alcohol, he also was issued two traffic citations.

Noah, 23, was issued citations for driving with a suspended license and for not wearing a seat belt by the University of Florida Police Department on Sunday.

Noah's speeding Hummer was stopped, which led to the officer learning of the suspended license.

Florida coach Billy Donovan told the Gainesville Sun that he talked to Noah.

"He's realized he made a mistake," Donovan told the newspaper. "I want to see what happens with everything that went on there. In my conversation with him, he feels bad.

"The thing I've tried to talk to him about is there are so many young kids who look up to him, and he's such a giving kid and he's always given his time. He needs to turn this into a positive and being able to help young kids because he has a great opportunity to really help a lot of people. I told him to try to turn this into a positive because he's got enough of a personality that he can do that."

On Wednesday, Noah's father said he didn't understand the fuss being made about his son's arrest.

"I don't understand all that fuss for just drinking a beer on the street," Yannick Noah said Tuesday at the French Open.

Joakim could face up to six months in jail and a $500 fine for the marijuana charge.

"I talk to him every day on the phone," said Yannick Noah, who was at Roland Garros on Tuesday for the dedication of a walkway named after him. "He'll soon come over to France to see me."

Joakim Noah led Florida to consecutive NCAA titles before being picked ninth by the Bulls in the NBA draft last year.