Everything is bigger in Texas, except my bets


Pretty much a regular
New grand total +.93

Kyle .25 = .2875
Jr. .05 = 35
Going to continue riding Kyle till he loses, bet Jr. for fun

Suarez over Kez .1 = .115 (Gibbs cars so strong figured I would take +money)
B Jones over Allgaier .155 = .1 (Taking the Texas Rangers car for fun)
New grand total +.93

Kyle .25 = .2875
Jr. .05 = 35

Suarez over Kez .1 = .115
B Jones over Allgaier .155 = .1
Today -.0175

New grand total +.9125
I picked the winner and lost money, I might want to rethink what I'm doing!
The problem is he just doesn't present enough value to want to back bigger. Pretty sure he will be an underlay going forward but that doesn't mean he won't keep winning.
Kyle - Your exactly right. Rarely does anyone "stay hot" all year. Eric Jones and Larson both seem really close to grabbing a win. It will be a matter of finding some value if any actually exists. Even Eric Jones was only 2.75 or so yesterday. That really not even worth the risk. I don't remember seeing someone being at or right around even to win a race for so many races in a row. usually you can get at least 4 or 5 to 1. I think part of the problem there is only a 4-5 guys that can win the x race each week.
Races won from starting pos 1: 3 Races won from starting pos 2: 3
Races won from starting pos 3: 6
Races won from starting pos 4: 3
Races won from starting pos 5: 4
Races won from starting pos 7: 1
Races won from starting pos 8: 3
Races won from starting pos 10: 1
Races won from starting pos 16: 1
Races won from starting pos 19: 1
Races won from starting pos 29: 1
Races won from starting pos 30: 2
Races won from starting pos 31: 1
Races won from the top 5: 19 of 30 Races won from the top 10: 24 of 30
wise - your right on the matchups for x. I just can't help myself. I've got 10 or so I want to play today, I'm trying to pair them down. I like your top 3's today. might be on them as well.
Cup Fun:
JJ .05 = .24
Logano .05 = .4
Kyle .05 = .35
Truex .05 = .4375
Edwards .05 = .525
Newman .02 = 350
Just a looking to make a little bit of money. Harvick is a favorite as well, but wasn't great in either practice.
JJ over Harvick .145=.1
Biffle over Menard .11 = .1
AJ over Almirola .24 = .2 (don't understand this one, AJ much better in practice and has been running well)
Kyle over Harvick .1 = .115
Logano over Kez .1 = .1
Kyle over Kez .1 = .1
Austin over Chase .115 = .1
Obviously rooting against Harvick and Kez. Tried to stay away from the big juice today.
Top 3 Logano .1 = .245
Top 5 Truex .1 = .12 (was fasted in both practices)
Top 8 to win (2,4,18,19,20,22,48,78) .882=.2
New grand total +.9125
JJ .05 = .24
Logano .05 = .4

Kyle .05 = .35
Truex .05 = .4375
Edwards .05 = .525
Newman .02 = 350

JJ over Harvick .145=.1
Biffle over Menard .11 = .1
AJ over Almirola .24 = .2
Kyle over Harvick .1 = .115
Logano over Kez .1 = .1
Kyle over Kez .1 = .1
Austin over Chase .115 = .1

Top 3 Logano .1 = .245
Top 5 Truex .1 = .12
Top 8 to win (2,4,18,19,20,22,48,78) .882=.2

Total for the day +.865
New grand total +1.7775

Pretty good night. I'll take it every time.
Wise - yea that made for some tense moments. It cost me the chance for Biffle over Menard. Chase was better then Dillion most of the night, so probably didn't matter on that one.
Cole that is a good way to do it. I'm such a degenerate I can't help myself most of the time.
nice on manny.

I've got spieth today as well. took a few futures on Wednesday. if he wins I'll clear about 1/3 of a unit. The only other two I have even close are mcllroy and d Johnson, but they have a number of golfers between themselves and the lead.
also took spieth over day
langer over kaufman
Matsuyama over d Johnson
all for round 4

good luck to us both on spieth!!:cheers3: