ESPN says HEATS Shawn Marion/banks to Toronto for Jermaine O'neal/moon

nice trade for the raps...o'neal is old, moon thinks he is a shooter...they both needed to go
well, i guess this is their thinking:

they werent gonna re-sign marion

they like Oneals post presence (hes a true 4)

they got rid of Banks god awful contract (4.25 mil per for 3 more yrs)

and if it doesnt work out, they got 22 million coming off the books after this year
Thanks for the fix.

By the way, how about this for odd. Marion hits the game winner for Miami last night. It's his last shot in a Heat uniform.

Guess you can't go out better than that.
good move for the raptors. this will help address the problems with rebounding and perimeter defense.

colangelo has a good relationship with marion and probably made the deal knowing that he has a good chance of re-signing him when his current deal expires.
Marion will do well in Toronto because I think there is enough good looking chicks to keep him interested in playing their and enough hot pussy to keep him around.

Oneal was a shit fit in Toronto but will do better in Miami, as he will see tons of minutes and will be their biggest player. MIAMI weakness was size they had no big size and rebounder and could be dunked on all day long in the post-

This is a good trade for both teams, Miami needed to get bigger or they had no shot vs east teams, now they have a shot with Oneal and Haslem. ONeal may be the most important defender on the team-

Marion is probably the raptors best player now and brings some athleticism something which they have very little of.
Great trade for the Raps, Bargnani was playing more than O'neal anyway, and Moon thinks hes a pull up jumper specialist.
is it me or does JO look like a ninja turtle in the picture of him in the espn article on the trade by Ric Baucher...
You guys are all delusional if you think this was a good deal for the Raps. Babcock.. I mean Colangelo panicked. Riley played him for a fool. BC wanted to pull the trigger a few weeks ago, Riley shopped around looking for a better deal until BC anted up.

I guess, we can now confirm it was papa Colangelo building the franchise in Phx.

Raps give up JO (huge expiring in the much anticipated FA class in 2010), Moon (An EXTEMELY cheap serviceable player, who is expiring) and a top 14 protected first round draft pick.

Raps gtet Marion (up grade over Moon, but will be just as useless in our offense), Banks (1 of the worst contracts in the league) and 3 mill. cash.

Unless the Raps decide to trade Calderone or move to an uptempo game, I dont know how he'll be THAT much of an upgrade over Moon. If Marion struggled with Wade creating, how the hell is going to do anything with Calderone.

This deal has to be part of something bigger, no way Colangelo is this stupid. If not, we are basically handcuffed with 2 VERY bad contracts in Banks, Kapono and an aging wing player look for a pay day after this year.

We basically gave up Rasho, TJ Ford, two 1st round picks, MAceo Baston for Marcus Banks and cash.
we aren't going to get any of the big free agent guys (kobe, bron) so who cares about cap space in '10

j oneal is old, moon thinks he is a 3 point shooter.....colangelo isn't stupid...he must think he has a chance of resigning marion after this year...i say good deal for the raps...either way, doesn't really matter that much...both teams are going nowhere this year, maybe a first round blowout at the hands of the time miami is a contender, o neal will be done...moon is as stupid a player as i've seen so i'm glad to get rid of him.marion has many years left
I had no problems with taking Marion back for JO. I have no problems with Moon going; he wasnt going to get re-signed anyways. My problem is that BC bent over backwards for Riley by giving up a conditional first and taking on an albatross contract.

WE should have been getting a player for taking Banks' contract. Now with no 1st round picks, the only way Kapono or Banks leaves this team is if we pair them with Bosh, Calderone or Bargnani.
where does it say anything about a conditional first round? Maybe i'm missing it..if that's the case :(
where does it say anything about a conditional first round? Maybe i'm missing it..if that's the case :(

Its protected for 4 years. It will be unprotected in the 5th year. Very similar to what the Grizz did to get Thorpe, thus giving the Pistons the no.2 pick (Darko) in one of the best drafts in history.

The Miami Heat have completed a trade with the Toronto Raptors, acquiring Jermaine O’Neal, Jamario Moon and a future first-round pick in exchange for Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks, multiple league executives said Friday. The Raptors also will receive cash considerations in the deal.;
Unless the Raps decide to trade Calderone or move to an uptempo game, I dont know how he'll be THAT much of an upgrade over Moon. If Marion struggled with Wade creating, how the hell is going to do anything with Calderone.

Marion is a million times better than Moon. And Wade never passes the ball unless he really has to, so he's not that much of a creator.

And yes, they will play more of an uptempo style after this deal and will be much improved, but they need Hump to get back soon to play behind Bargnani.
voskhul has got to be the worst player going in the nba. the only thing the guy is any good for is goon plays like what he did to randolph last month that fucked his knee up
this explains how the draft pick will work out

According to a party with the details of the deal, the Heat will receive a first-round pick from Toronto in 2010, unless that pick is among the first 14 (lottery) selections. Should Toronto be in the draft lottery in 2010, in essence not make next season's playoffs, the Heat then would receive a 2010 second-round pick from the Raptors. The first-round pick then would be sent to the Heat in any year, from 2011 through 2014 that it is not among the first 14 selections (the next year Toronto makes the playoffs). Should the Heat not get the first-round pick by 2014, it then would receive a 2015 first-round pick from the Raptors. South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Pat Riley is a genius

Sure Jermaine O'Neal will help. And the Heat certainly has a way of reviving such fallen former stars.

But wait, there's more (clearly Pat Riley has turned into Billy Mays).

In the deal that sent Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks to the Raptors, the Heat also gets a future first-round pick from Toronto, possibly as early as 2010, but basically the next time, after this season, that the Raptors avoid the lottery.

In addition, the Heat exits the deal with a $4 million trade exception. That means, for the next 12 months, the Heat can make a trade that brings in $4 million more in salary than it trades out. Or it simply, over the next year, could deal a future second-round pick for any player (or signed draft pick) in the league making that amount or less.

Oh, and it gets to rent Jamario Moon for the balance of the season, with his expiring contract.

So what's next? A few thoughts:

If O'Neal proves he is up to the challenge the balance of this season, then Udonis Haslem could wind up the odd man out next season, with the logical shift of Michael Beasley to a full-time role at power forward alongside such a sizeable presence. (O'Neal is under contract through 2009-10).
Voskul is the worst player, in NBA history.

On top of that.... this is a great trade for the Heat. O'neal... while he may be washed up is playing his 1st year somewhat healthy... he can only get better... not worse as he begins to trust himself more and more.

The Heat had NO inside guys, at all. Haslem has been playing center... Any 6'11 body that can move is an upgrade... Marion, was their best defender but he did not fit in at all offensively. They have Jones back getting healthy and him and D Cook deserve time at the swing position... to help space the floor for Chalmers and Wade.
Marion is a million times better than Moon. And Wade never passes the ball unless he really has to, so he's not that much of a creator.

And yes, they will play more of an uptempo style after this deal and will be much improved, but they need Hump to get back soon to play behind Bargnani.

Marion is obviously an upgrade, but is he about 18 times better? (salary diffferential)

Marion CAN'T create his own shot, he'll be spending most of the time hugging the 3 point line in the corner because Calderone is horrible at finding slashers and throwing the back door alley oops.

Calderone CAN'T play in an uptempo system. Thats not his game. He just isn't a threat to attack the rim or to get any points in the paint.

Unless there is another deal in the next few days; its a simple salary dump.
I like Marion, I like getting Marion, but the price was waay too high. Riley has been trying to pawn of Banks for a while, BC should have been getting the pick or the young player and not the other way around.

THis move reeks of desperation. It's been one bad move after another for BC during his tenure in Toronto.