el butre's MLB 5/7/13


Pretty much a regular
41-51 -12.81 on the year.

2-2 yd +.28

heavier on oak was a mistake. I didn't watch the game at all, but i'm guessing parker couldn't locate his change up, or didn't even throw them because he couldn't locate it. And toronto was apparently a miracle, looking at the box score. Was at the rangers/cubs game last night and watched the evolution of freaking feldman. just dealed 7 scoreless innings and had an RBI single. All in a day's work, right feldman? except for last year, when you threw BP for the rangers. thanks.


***action was on pitchers. that shit is gone. not touching gomez.

took them phillies.

GL ya'll.

we will see.
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Yeah what is up with Feldman...makes no sense. Like your bets today and agree on Phils

convinced he's doing it to troll the rangers. was close enough to yell obscenities at him last night though, so that kind of helped. and i refused the free cubs beanie they were giving away to the first/only 20,000 that showed up. go to hell feldman.