el butre's MLB 5/2/13


Pretty much a regular
2-1 yd +2.09

Mets made me sweat it, and i got the worst possible # in the nats game, but every now and then i'll have a winning day.

29-46 -20.82 yr


Dirty parlay: KC/TOR/TX/TXVSCWS OVR 8 .5x to win 6.05x

Will be taking blue jays vs dumpster. gonna wait and pray for a better price, but this will be a play.

also think that braves price is outrageous. but i hate dan haren almost as much as cj wilson. who, by some grace of god is 3-0. mind-boggling.

leaning over in ATL as well. dropped from 7.5 to 7.

pulled trigger on jays. i got shit to do, can't be watching the price all day.

go to hell dumpster.
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the canadian will have no choice but to serve ********* to his country's only team. titties all around.