Ehlers sog prop


“No, you idiot. Hawks eat squirrels!”
A friend texted me the other day ehlers is 18-5 on his sog prop this year. Surely like every trend once it gets posted, it’ll go up in flames. But gonna bet it blindly and hope the rate continues.

Over 2.5 -125
A friend texted me the other day ehlers is 18-5 on his sog prop this year. Surely like every trend once it gets posted, it’ll go up in flames. But gonna bet it blindly and hope the rate continues.

Over 2.5 -125
Great I’m hammering the under

you’re welcome
A friend texted me the other day ehlers is 18-5 on his sog prop this year. Surely like every trend once it gets posted, it’ll go up in flames. But gonna bet it blindly and hope the rate continues.

Over 2.5 -125
My sarcastic comment was the only thing worth noting in this post