Eagles vs Texans


Pretty much a regular
i have a rule that i don't ever bet on my own team but today i will break my own rule. a couple of years ago i used to bet on my team but after a few Fucked mistakes from a guy named Donovan, it was difficult to watch the motherfucker play with out wanting to break my tv. don't fuck up nick foles

eagles vs Texans

eagles -1 3 unit
i have a rule that i don't ever bet on my own team but today i will break my own rule. a couple of years ago i used to bet on my team but after a few Fucked mistakes from a guy named Donovan, it was difficult to watch the motherfucker play with out wanting to break my tv. don't fuck up nick foles

eagles vs Texans -1 3 unit
Eagles bol
the eagles will score for sure but lets hope nick foles doesn't throw interceptions. stop foster and no turnover, it should be an easy win

I should take your advice about not betting on my own teams. Too much hulk smash. Lets get this Eagles win today!