Dwayne Wade?


Mayor of Mayfair
Is he over rated? it seems to me he gives up all the time. This series has been a disgrace if you ask me, as soon as the heat go down he mails it in. I understand that his supporting cast stinks for the most part, but i have lost a lot of respect for him this series....game 1 was a disgrace and i think that this could be worse. that 8 second call he got in the 3rd was just awful
this series has been a joke

DD leads all around, every game...nothing even close....boooooooooooooooooooooooooooring
Overrated? He is one of the 5 best players in the league no questions asked. He can do everything you can ask of for a basketball player. His shooting is not up to par this series but overrated is a terrible word for it. Disappointing maybe?
He needs some help. Beasley was suppose to be that help from the draft but so far he's been average at best. Nobody on that Heat team besides Wade scares anybody. He can't do it alone.
embarassing effort by Mia....showin no heart at all

just proves they played this year with smoke and mirrors and Wade and when he coasts.....they really suck
Once Beasley adjusts to the league and when they sign Bosh in FA (prediction), they will be very scary to deal with.
ok he isnt over rated i will give you that becuase his play in the regular season was unreal....disappointing may be a better word for his playoffs.....i am just extremely frustrated whenever i watch this series...he just doesnt seem to be putting the effort out.
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I agree he needs help, but there is no chance in hell that Wade is overrated. He's a beast.
Disappointing works,

I often feel with the shooters he has around him, Beasley, Cook, Jones, etc. that he should be driving the ball more often and kicking it out for 3,

Maybe not drive more often, cause he drives a lot, but at least kick it out more to the open 3 point shooters, we all saw what a guy like Cook could do when not covered (3 point shootout)
ok he isnt over rated i will give you that becuase his play in the regular season was unreal....disappointing may be a better word for his playoffs.....i am just extremely frustrated whenever i watch this series...he just doesnt seem to be putting the effort out.

I agree with you there. His effort and/or leadership seems to be lacking when things aren't going right. I've noticed that throughout the season. Likely, all this back-carrying has built up in him and its finally showing or something.

Anyways, weak series but it doesnt matter because it was the end of the road for either team anyways...

No way is he "over-rated" by far top 5 best players in the NBA just has a terrible coach and no role players on his team.
For whatever reason i was still thinking about this on the train this morning and i think i compare this to Kobe during the Smush Parker years. D-Wade has no trust in anyone on his team and then gets super pissed after trying to win 4 games himself....then just mails it in and shows zero heart.
Dwade has no trust because NO ONE can provide any consistent offense on this team.

Smush Parker would be the second best offensive player on this team.