DuY's Game of The Year 07 Pick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

duy, im on it with you........your $$ is obviously a lot more than mine......best of luck sir....
BOL.. I'm on it as well.

I can hear the bookies crying all ready..

:whip:A little love for the bookie tonight..
GL tonight Duy. Can you give us a short reasoning or writeup for the play? I was looking at it too, but looking for something to get me over the fence and bet it. Currently at -2.5
Mavs vs Spurs
A few facts:
a. Mavs tend to play better when it matters.
b. Spurs can't get into a shootout with anyone. They live and die with their D.
c. As many people have said Duncan is not what he used to be. Truth be told, they still live and die with duncan's Low post Presence offensively and defensively.
d. It's like telling me, Celtics is the same team if garnett sits out.
We all know, 70% of spurs scoring comes from the Big 3. Given Duncan is already out, you take out approx 50% under or near the basket shots, so to say easy shots. We also have to take into consideration the open shots parker and Manu gets because of the constant 2x team to Timmy, which is the Mavs tendency with him. ( Dirk's D sucks) Oh and also take out those bail out baskets Duncan gives in everygame.
Aside from an already good team, Harris has finally emerged as the player they envisioned him to be. He's shown the ability to drive into the lane and finish or dish out to open teamates. And this is where it will hurt the spurs the most, with a guy like Tim D in the game, Harris would have hesitated and the spurs defnse does'nt have to collapse in. With him in the line-up, I expect a lot of help defense especially when you have Bonner or Elson guarding the paint.
Another bright spot is the acquisition of Bass, he provides the much needed low post scoring punch when dirk is resting.
Also goes without saying, there is a big difference for a player like dirk going against duncan who constantly bumps and out muscles you in every possesion and bonner who plays like the MArshmallow Man. Slow and Soft.
Elson will be too slow for him.
Thoughts for the Game:
This match-up is the pobably the most I've watched in the past 3-4 years, basically it's the same team with a few twitches. In spurs' case nothing has changed. In Mavs' case, safe to say they've improved?
I also watched the last 2 games that mavs played, they did improve a lot. Although they lost to the hornets, the game was close all the way.
Anybody remeber the game last season between the 2 where duncan was ejected? Anybody remembered what happened? Spurs was leading by 6, in a snap of a finger the lead was back to the mavs, and SA just struggled to score except for a few Ft's. How can you justify scoring 10 pts in a quarter after playing so well the whole game? Answer: DUncan Effect.
As to the qestion why the line is low, 2 things. 1st, Spurs perfect home record thus far. Secondly, Mavs' so-so road record. if you watched the last 2 games that mavs played, they did improve a lot. Although they lost to the hornets, the game was close all the way.
With that being said, I'm not saying this pick is a lock. All I'm implying here is that in my capping point of view this game is close to a perfect 10. Of course there are always the Unforseen things that could happen in game. ie. God Forbid, Dirk or Josh goes down. finley decides to turn back time and scores 30+ for them. Thats why you call this gambling.

If there are any negative points about this game, feel free to bring it up, we still have 8.5 hours before tip-off. we can still chang our bet
On it as well, but I disagree that Mavs have improved this year. They've been playing "just enough" to win every game. Nothing impressive at all. Last game; MAVS VS BULLs 103-98.....while bulls have been horrid all season so far.
On it as well, but I disagree that Mavs have improved this year. They've been playing "just enough" to win every game. Nothing impressive at all. Last game; MAVS VS BULLs 103-98.....while bulls have been horrid all season so far.

To a bettor's eye, yeash. But as a spectator, So what your leading by 8 with 2 minutes left, you can let loose a bit.
Mavs are just chilling not wasting energy for the playoffs. They'll take care of games like these. GL DUY.
Mavs vs Spurs
A few facts:
a. Mavs tend to play better when it matters.
b. Spurs can't get into a shootout with anyone. They live and die with their D.
c. As many people have said Duncan is not what he used to be. Truth be told, they still live and die with duncan's Low post Presence offensively and defensively.
d. It's like telling me, Celtics is the same team if garnett sits out.
We all know, 70% of spurs scoring comes from the Big 3. Given Duncan is already out, you take out approx 50% under or near the basket shots, so to say easy shots. We also have to take into consideration the open shots parker and Manu gets because of the constant 2x team to Timmy, which is the Mavs tendency with him. ( Dirk's D sucks) Oh and also take out those bail out baskets Duncan gives in everygame.
Aside from an already good team, Harris has finally emerged as the player they envisioned him to be. He's shown the ability to drive into the lane and finish or dish out to open teamates. And this is where it will hurt the spurs the most, with a guy like Tim D in the game, Harris would have hesitated and the spurs defnse does'nt have to collapse in. With him in the line-up, I expect a lot of help defense especially when you have Bonner or Elson guarding the paint.
Another bright spot is the acquisition of Bass, he provides the much needed low post scoring punch when dirk is resting.
Also goes without saying, there is a big difference for a player like dirk going against duncan who constantly bumps and out muscles you in every possesion and bonner who plays like the MArshmallow Man. Slow and Soft.
Elson will be too slow for him.
Thoughts for the Game:
This match-up is the pobably the most I've watched in the past 3-4 years, basically it's the same team with a few twitches. In spurs' case nothing has changed. In Mavs' case, safe to say they've improved?
I also watched the last 2 games that mavs played, they did improve a lot. Although they lost to the hornets, the game was close all the way.
Anybody remeber the game last season between the 2 where duncan was ejected? Anybody remembered what happened? Spurs was leading by 6, in a snap of a finger the lead was back to the mavs, and SA just struggled to score except for a few Ft's. How can you justify scoring 10 pts in a quarter after playing so well the whole game? Answer: DUncan Effect.
As to the qestion why the line is low, 2 things. 1st, Spurs perfect home record thus far. Secondly, Mavs' so-so road record. if you watched the last 2 games that mavs played, they did improve a lot. Although they lost to the hornets, the game was close all the way.

good luck tonight DuY. Will be at the game tonight and will probably not bet the side. The Spurs will in effect use 3 men, Elson- Horry- Bonner to fill one spot of Duncan, so don't know how that will unwind. I do know if Pop gets down early he will go small. If he does go small and he will, I see this game flying over 190. that's where I'm taking my shot. Over 190.
GL...will be on it for 1/100 of your money...GL

Tim Duncan being out with an ankle injury changes the dynamics of this matchup. Without Duncan, the Spurs become more perimeter-oriented rather than working their offense through the low post nearly every time. This makes for an up-tempo and more loose style.

The Mavericks' defense is down from a year ago. They ranked 18th in defensive field goal percentage until their last game, which was against one of the worst shooting teams in the NBA, the Chicago Bulls.

The Mavericks have increased their scoring since removing defensive-minded DeSagana Diop from the starting lineup, while finally starting Jason Terry in the backcourt instead of having him come off the bench.

These changes have factored in the Mavericks going above the total in 11 of their last 13 games.
sorry bro...tough to see that coming...dallas is the biggest bunch of losers...if you cant beat the spurs without TD...you are Fucked...
In Amaechi Nation, the clerks ARE female too, just to clear up any misconceptions.
Duy...what was your preseason record? you only have the money posted