Dreamin' ..... and Ben Simmons

Stew Baker

Pretty much a regular
I had a dream last night that Ben Simmons was traded to the Cavaliers. I don't remember who he was traded for, or perhaps that wasn't part of the dream. I do remember the Phila. fans being very happy, though.

Last time I had a dream about basketball, I dreamt that Vernon Maxwell was suspended. The next day, he wasn't suspended, but he was in a Houston jail cell, nabbed at a routine traffic stop for possessing an unregistered weapon. I liked Houston in their game that night (this was before the news about Maxwell's incarceration came out), and not being particularly wise at the time, I disregarded the dream and still bet the Rockets.

Maxwell showed up for the second half, though, and the Rockets came from 10 down at the half to cover the -5 anyway.
that would be a mistake for the Cavs, why put that lazy, has never given a shit, refuses to work, gets by on god given talent asshole on a team full of young promising players? i wouldnt want him around those kids, i think mobley the real deal, only thing simmons could do would be ruin him, plus wouldnt be much spacing on the floor with both of them i dont think, the defense would be fantastic tho.
I love this post.

I thought for sure your Maxwell dream was going to be him going into the crowd in Portland.
Agree. If im Cavs I don’t want him anywhere near me. Only teams I could see him going to are ones w strong leadership that wouldn’t tolerate his shit and he’d have to fall in line and not he asked to take jump shots. Ahem, Gsw?