Down goes Vick!

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So am I finally allowed to say ” I told you so” about Mike Vick?

Also keep in mind, that some of this happened as recently as APRIL. Not 2003, Not 2001, some of this happened as recently as the NFL Draft when he told the commish that it was all his cousin and he wasn’t involved.
Vick has tried to play the card that ” I need to find better friends and better people to hang around” for so long. At some point, you have to think that Vick IS the bad guy.

I usually don’t like to say ” I told you so”, but my dislike for Vick was so documented, and was called so irrational, that I would like to point out what I already knew about this loser.

He will never play again in the NFL, it’s too risky for a team to pick him up, the reward isn’t great enough, and the guy didn’t even pick up his playbook in Atlanta, why would he do so for the league minnium in Oakland/Miami or some other place?

Does anybody else find it Ironic that this underperforming quarterback who has been given chance after chance to succeed was brought down for killing underperforming dogs?
He will never play again in the NFL,

I agree. At least if it were my league I'd ban him for life.

Also, I don't think this plea lets him totally out of the water legally. I'm pretty sure he can still be charged in VA.
His lawyers would have to be brain dead to not add that stipulation into their guilty plea ( to avoid state charges).

I don't envision a situation where Roger Goddell will be lenient on this guy. I think we will see a lifetime ban.

I know you saw him walking to the court room on TV, and you saw the Peta signs etc., but have you heard the audio on the tape? There is a loud chrous of Boos along with the people with signs. The local news didn't put the audio on, but it sounded like a ballgame.
I know you saw him walking to the court room on TV, and you saw the Peta signs etc., but have you heard the audio on the tape?

I haven't seen or heard anything yet, everything I've gotten today I've read on the Internet. But it doesn't shock me.

I think people are going to be particularly hard on this guy, and in many ways they should be, but it's because this was involved animals. Defenseless animals are pretty much second only to kids in the moral outrage category.
Glad it got done quickly so it can be put behind. No doubt the guy is scum. No one will ever know what truly happened. His boys sold him out to save their own butts no doubt. Either way though he was going away for something.

He'll be throwing passes to Charles Rogers in the CFL two years from
I really see that as an evil thing.

These animals don't have free will.

Your going and trying to re-engineer these animals and turning them into killers. They don't have the choice to be good or bad, but your making that choice for them. Your forcing these animals to kill or die.

Then Vick personally executed the ones that weren't good enough for them. Instead of humanely putting them down, he chose to bash them into the ground, or hang them, or even dose them in water and electrecute them.

This guy is a sick sick individual. To go out and visciously kill these poor defensless animals, and to make them go through that pain for his pleasure... this guy is sick.

He lied to the commish and said he wasn't involved.
Vick wanted that same slap on the wrist he was getting his whole life... " I learned from my mistakes, and now I'll pick new friends ( give me my slap on the wrist, and let's move on)".

Remember, this was initially started as DRUG charges.

He pleaed ignorance to the commishinor, then he pleaded not guilty in court, and then his boys turned on him.

Now he pleas because it's all over. He reduced his prison sentence, but he effectifly ended his NFL career. I don't see the Commish going easy on Vick after bringing such negative PR, and directly lying to him. Vick was killing dogs the same month as he told Roger Goddell he had nothing to do with it.

Vick is done. I hope you enjoyed fading that overrated bum the past 2 years as his team couldn't even get into the playoffs.

He was overhyped from day 1, but the Nikes and other endorsers tried to mask that from the public. This guy was so highly touted coming out, and the advertisers stacked their chips on this guy.

They tried to promoted the heck out of him, and tried to mask his average play with qutoes like " he just wins", to cover up the severe holes in his game.

Now the bubble burst, nobody is left beside him, and he's left as the sorry excuse for a human that he is. Good riddence.
I heard reports too that he let his dogs run around the neighborhood unleashed, and not fenced in. ( this was a wealthy neighborhood and some pretty dangerous dogs).

Some of the neighbors with children approached his house to ask him to not let his dogs run wild outside, and Vick laughed at them and slammed the door in their face.

It wouldn't suprise me....

you know, from the guy who flicked off his home fans in Atlanta.
I think the lying straight out to the commissioner is what's going to really kill him in the NFL.

I think Goodell is going to say flat out that Vick lied to him, to his face, and that's basically like spitting on the shield, at which point he'll throw him out of the league forever and BAR will be right. That guy's going to be in the CFL if he makes it out of jail in two or three years.

Thing is, even there they're going to have to do some image rehab with him and, assuming some of these allegations are true (about the way he killed these dogs) it may not actually be worth it.

Not to make light of a guy throwing his life away like this, but man would this make a good book if you had the inside story.
Your right Joe, a helluva book. Hes an idiot. Gimme 100 million dollars and I think I could go through life within getting involved in something stupid. Unreal.

I say he serves a year. He then gets out, has the state charges(which could run con-current) and is in CFL by 2 summers from now. They also have that new spring league that is playing in college stadiums starting next year.
Do you really think Vick ( who never picked up his playbook in Atlanta), would try hard to play for some bad team for the league minnimum?

I think his signing bonus will be taken back, and his contract ripped up, but this wasn't his first contract.

This guy won't starve anytime soon.

I don't think he will go play for the league minnimum in Oakland or Calgary or edmonton etc.

Vick told Roger Goddell that he wasn't involved in April, the same month he was executing dogs. He got caught with his pants down. You can't say it was a misunderstanding, you got caught red handed.
Ok.......someone explain to me how everyone on TV is wishing him well...hoping he gets back to the NFL.......poor Vick just made a little mistake and deserves a second chance. UMMMM he fucking strung up and Drowned dogs that didnt practice well....this guy is a fucking monster, I really hope his asshole looks like a trash can when he leaves prison. If he gets reamed out enough maybe he wont be able to run so fast and will never again be seen on a NFL field.
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Ok.......someone explain to me how everyone on TV is wishing him well...hoping he gets back to the NFL.......poor Vick just made a little mistake and deserves a second chance. UMMMM he fucking strung up and Drowned dogs that didnt practice well....this guy is a fucking monster, I really hope his asshole looks like a trash can when he leaves prison. If he gets reamed out enough maybe he wont be able to run so fast and will never again be seen on a NFL field.
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He'll be going to a country-club prison with weekend visitation, cable, LCD widescreen, playstation, restaurant steaks, 3 room pad with full private shower, kitchen, room service and a room with a view of the ocean!
How do you think the fellow inmates would treat Vick?

You know in Prisons, different prisoners get treated differently. If your in there for forgeing checks or something, nobody cares, but even Prisoners want to beat down the rapists, child sex offenders etc.

How would a guy that tortured and brutally killed dogs be treated?

Would the inmates be star struck by Vick, or would a couple pit bull lovers go ape shit on him and beat his ass? My guess is a mixture of both.
G-Man's right, you better believe that part of that plea agreement has him spending any time behind bars in a minimum security federal prison.

I've been to one of those (yes, just visiting), and they're not country clubs, but they're hardly all that scary. He'll work out, watch TV, hang out with white collar criminals in for bank fraud or whatever.

Now, I wouldn't want to be living in one of those places, thank you very much, but he won't be going to Folsom or that hell hole in Louisiana or anything like that.
the plea agreement is only a recommendation. So the judge could superseed the recommendation. I hope vick gets 4 years in chino.

Watch when vick comes back into the league he'll be like 255 lbs., and he will just say he worked out real hard all the time. lol
What if the judge says screw vick...

- He lied to the commish and played ignorant
- He already plead not guilty

- 3 of his boys plea and turn him in...

THEN and only THEN does he confess and plea guilty after the evidence is overwhealming and everything is already done. He didn't try and do the " right thing" when he still had a chance, but he only pleaed guilty after everything was already done.

What if the judge says F him. You didn't tell the truth, you just tried to plea bargain to reduce your sentence.

I love the clowns calling in on the radio still saying that Vick is innocent by the way.
c-gold, you and i are on the same page. You should hear what roy jones jr. said about the situation. First, he compares vick to jesus. Then, he says he dosen't understand the big deal. He goes on to say "nobody gets upset when horses race, it is the same thing with dogs fighting. Some horse breeds are born to race and some dogs breeds are born to fight."

Along with what your saying about Judge Henry giving him the screw you, i think he may because judges go lighter on people who state an acceptance of responsibility. Some may say vick did that, but only after they have 7 witnesses, 3 co-defendents, and a racketeering charge hanging over his head.

If i was the judge i would give him 4 years. That way it ultimatley ends his nfl career and it sends a strong message to people that are involved in this cowardly activity.
The locals here in DC are calling in and defending him. It was almost like Steve Zaban just wanted them to walk into the trap...

Local: But just because he plead Guilty, that doesn't mean that he IS guilty. He might just be taking the guilty plea to reduce his sentence... because he won't get a fair trial.

Zabe: Just like OJ wouldn't get a fair trial, right?

Zabe: There is pictures, videos, cell phone, credit card records, multiple eye witness testomony, and his own guilty plea stating that he was responsible. Now if you are right, and he plead guilty for the heck of it... then he committed PURGURY for lying in court!

don't you think an innocent man would answer every question, and try and save his name? I mean Vicks career is already over. It's not like Vick has been truthful from the beginning.

The guy is human scum. Don't forget this all started from feds investigating a DRUG RING! The guy needs to be taken out from society, from killing animals, selling drugs, and spreading his disease. He wants to get by with that " I'll just have to start making smarter choices". NO, NO, you can't keep getting the slap on the wrist forever. At some point ( NOW) you get caught with your pants down and you go to JAIL.

Nobody jumped to his defense and said " you know what, I know Mike Vick, and he would NEVER do anything like that". The Falcons just had this whole " well let's wait and see what happens" while this whole thing was going on.
The day after the guy gets caught in the dog fighting ring, he showes up to the De La Hoya " people fight". How is that for his defense...

Vick doesn't like or care about fights, he only shows up at fights the day after he gets caught. Who is his PR person? Way to stay out of the spotlight jackass.
What if the judge says screw vick...

- He lied to the commish and played ignorant
- He already plead not guilty

- 3 of his boys plea and turn him in...

THEN and only THEN does he confess and plea guilty after the evidence is overwhealming and everything is already done. He didn't try and do the " right thing" when he still had a chance, but he only pleaed guilty after everything was already done.

What if the judge says F him. You didn't tell the truth, you just tried to plea bargain to reduce your sentence.

I love the clowns calling in on the radio still saying that Vick is innocent by the way.

So was OJ...Yeah RIGHT!
I think most people that plea do it at a time that the evidence is overwelmingly against he or she...

Very few coming in crying saying forgive me...

I think the judge will take the prosecutors recommendation...I'd say about 14 months.
Although I do think he's guilty--that based on really nothing but what I've read and seen on TV--I can understand why you would take a plea deal if you were innocent.

It sounds stupid, but if you think about it, it could very well be the logical play.

If you were rich, famous, and one of the most bankable assets you had was your image, and what you were threatened with was a drawn out trial where you are accused, in graphic disgusting detail, of murdering dogs and taking pleasure from it, you might as well shoot your earning potential in the n*ts.

Who the f**k is going to hire a guy whose image consists of strapping electrodes to dogs ears and flipping the switch or drowning them in bathtubs?

If you had three people lined up to swear that you were guilty of these things, and quite possibly more, and you could get off with a year or two in a Federal minimum security prison (after all, you're only a threat to dogs, not people--unless you f**k 'em without a condom) and you could keep a large part of your rep in tact?

In many ways you'd frankly be stupid not to take that deal.

Because even if you were innocent, you'd be killed in the press every day for a couple of years, and you'd be drained financially with the cost of defending yourself. And you could, quite likely, never expect to ever make the kind of money you were making just a few months ago.

And for what? The NFL wouldn't let you play while that was going on anyway, no one would hire you during that time. You might as well keep your money, do your time, and try to work back up the ladder.

That all said, again, I think this guy is a p*g f**ker who I hope never plays another down in the NFL.
Vick doesn't strike me the type that would plead if he's innocent...

Right, but after three (or more) straight days of a good lawyer getting it through his thick head he might actually get it.

But I agree with you, I think he'd fight it--hell, I think he wants to fight it now even though every single person around him seems to know he's both guilty and going to lose.

I just think that, in the abstract, you can make the argument for an innocent guy taking the deal.

This guy, though, I don't think he's innocent for a second. "Er, yeah, I never went to that house. Oh, you found Coach Petrino's phone number there, in my handwriting, um, well, ya see, the thing is, I was painting these shacks in the back black, so they could, uh, soak up the sun--I'm into solar . . ."
Now Stephon Marbury is the latest idiot to comment on the whole thing. He compares hanging dogs and murdering them to deer hunting. Him, Portis, Emmit, Roy Jones Jr....

Why do all these people feel the need to defend the guy? How come the good folks of Washington DC all call into the radio shows pissed off and defending Michael Vick?

Am I missing something here? I've been saying this guy is a poop head since the year 1999, and he's been caught multiple times, but this is the straw the breaks the camels back and people are still behind him, even calling him a "victum".

He's not a victum, he's a murderer, and a thug, and somebody who belongs in jail.
All of these celebs defending this guy piss me off...

deny, deny, deny, deny and then when you can't deny anymore, play the race card and try and hide behind that.