Donaghy will turn himself in either tonight or tomorrow

Houghton Chemical

Pretty much a regular
AP-NBA Betting Probe URGENT

NEW YORK (AP) - Former NBA referee Tim Donaghy (DAHN'-uh-gee)
plans to plead guilty in federal court on Wednesday to charges
alleging he bet on games he officiated.

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

AP-NY-08-14-07 2042EDT
BC-BKN--Betting Probe,0151
Source: Former NBA referee Tim Donaghy plans to plead guilty
Wednesday in Brooklyn court
Eds: Moving on general news and sports services.
Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK (AP) - Former NBA referee Tim Donaghy planned to plead
guilty in federal court on Wednesday to charges alleging he bet on
games he officiated, a person familiar with the betting scandal
probe said.
Donaghy was to turn himself at Brooklyn federal court, the
person, who was not authorized to speak about the case, said late
Tuesday on condition of anonymity.
Donaghy's attorney, John Lauro, and federal prosecutors declined
to comment.

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

AP-NY-08-14-07 2037EDT
2 things here:

1. I'm guessing he did act alone considering he'll plead without trying to name names of other officials or players for a lesser sentence.

2. He's afraid he'll get killed if he names any names involved in the booking ring for a lesser sentence.

I dunno the law, though, so I could be wrong.
here is one thing that i think is insane... if vick gets convicted of dog fighting he'll get 2-3 years at most. donaghy is looking at possibly 25 years. which action do you think is worse???
Donaghy is worse. He has done much damage to basketball, and that came on top of the most horrible play-offs imaginable. 25 years is far too much though, but a tough sentence of, say, 5 years + confiscation +damages, would send a strong signal to other referees.

I don't like cruelty to animals, but since it was dogs bred for the purpose, it's like crying over put-and-take fishing or pig farming to me. Besides, if there is a single animal species I don't feel for it's Rottweilers.
Sending Vick to jail 2-3 years would be a huge punishment for him.
if there is a single animal species I don't feel for it's Rottweilers

You of all people!

A tree hugger my ass. My uncle used to have a rottweiler, and that dog was the cuddliest, most kind animal in the world. My uncle and aunt raised two kids with this dog in the backyard and there was never any problems, the dog wasn't aggressive, mean, NOTHING. He was properly trained as a pup (to listen to their orders promptly) and we were all devastated when he died, the poor thing got ill or something, the saddest thing I've ever seen was him with his sad eyes lying on the floor knowing his days are numbered.

So come on, you can't just generalize like that.
come on, take that back! :D.

You of all people!
A tree hugger my ass. My uncle used to have a rottweiler, and that dog was the cuddliest, most kind animal in the world. My uncle and aunt raised two kids with this dog in the backyard and there was never any problems, the dog wasn't aggressive, mean, NOTHING. He was properly trained as a pup (to listen to their orders promptly) and we were all devastated when he died, the poor thing got ill or something, the saddest thing I've ever seen was him with his sad eyes lying on the floor knowing his days are numbered.

So come on, you can't just generalize like that.

After reading up on Rottweilers, I have to admit they don't seem particularly dangerous as family dog, it's a very strong doggie, but they are basically good natured... except to strangers maybe. Should I dare to pick up my football in the neighbor's garden if he has a Rottweiler?

Vick's dogs were mainly Pitt bulls, maybe he didn't even have Rottweilers. Pit bulls are not cuddly. I recently met two pit bulls playing in the street unleashed, and is was not a safe feeling, even with their owners nearby.

So dear Satyr, I take it back about Rottweilers, and apologize. If there is a single animal species I don't feel for it's more likely Pitt bulls. I suppose even Pitt bulls can become flawless family dogs in the right hands, but when there are so many other dog races to choose from, I can't see why someone would choose this particular one.
After reading up on Rottweilers, I have to admit they don't seem particularly dangerous as family dog, it's a very strong doggie, but they are basically good natured... except to strangers maybe. Should I dare to pick up my football in the neighbor's garden if he has a Rottweiler?

Vick's dogs were mainly Pitt bulls, maybe he didn't even have Rottweilers. Pit bulls are not cuddly. I recently met two pit bulls playing in the street unleashed, and is was not a safe feeling, even with their owners nearby.

So dear Satyr, I take it back about Rottweilers, and apologize. If there is a single animal species I don't feel for it's more likely Pitt bulls. I suppose even Pitt bulls can become flawless family dogs in the right hands, but when there are so many other dog races to choose from, I can't see why someone would choose this particular one.

I should have used an emoticon or two, I sounded too serious about it all. :whip: :D Sorry.

But I'm glad you read about rottweilers and realized the real truth :D. Well you shouldn't go get your football in a neighbor's garden no matter which dog it is, if he's a big dog and doesn't know you. Dogs can be trained to accept neighbors, there are ways to do that, the owner invites you over and shakes hands with you, makes eye contact with you and tells the dog to sit and be calm, when you pet him you should be fine afterwards, he will remember your scent.

Except if he doesn't like you for some reason, but that can be solved as well.

I don't like pittbulls I have to admit, but as you said, in the right hands, trained from the earliest days, I guess they could be kind as well. It depends really.

No need to apologize, I was too harsh, I simply wanted to share my story and kid around with you at the same time, I ended up writing in a different tone.

The Suns - Spurs series was an all time low for me.

Ok I can understand that, but it was more a bad timing for the Suns' bench to react after Horry's foul. They shouldn't have reacted, as there is a clear rule about not standing up from the bench during an on court altercation.

Apart from that I thought it was a good series, could've been great but instead ended up having a tragic and rather stupid ending to it.

Don't think as a Spurs fan I don't regret playing Phoenix at full strength. Even though the Spurs are what, 26-8 against Phoenix in the past few years, it would still make a stronger impact had they played with their full roster.