Dollar Beer Baseball w/writeups....


Brian Windhorst
29-15 (+46.3 UNITS)
Last 10 games- 10-0

***all plays are based on 4 units unless other wise noted***
OK this has been popular question..."Why do you post this at the top of your thread? Why don't you make your units 1 instead of 4? There are a few reasons why I do this: 1) For what I am betting, it is easier for me to keep track of and translate to cash- for my records. 2) 4 units is not the only ammount that I play on the game. 4 units is probably about the average I play on a game. I do not want to mess with decimals into the hundreths so I just usually play an even number ammount of units. 3) I post it, so when you look at my record with units, you realize that I usually play 4 units on each play. Therefore my Units could move a lot in one night 4) Right now I am only playing a few games a day. As the season wears on, I will play more games...sometimes I will forget to put units so I will always have that as backup- for those not familiar with my plays.
Games that I post the night before, usually will use stats prior to that night's games. I do take into effect(in my thougth process) what transpired that night.

Onto Thursday aka dollar beer day...

What is up everyone? I hope everyone had a great Wednesday and are all ready to roll closer to the weekend. I want to put at least one out there tonight:

Cleveland Indians -125

I was shocked when I originally saw this line at 140. I thought this game would be around 165ish- the line the dropped to 125 so I grabbed it there.

Jeremy Sowers will be on the mound for the Tribe, as they conclude this "home" series against the Halos. I want to let everyone know that I love this kid, so be cautios if tailing lol. He was the most anticpated SP coming out of a usual rich Cleveland farm system in nearly 20 years. He looks like he would be real weak but can really deal. He has been impressive ever since he came up towards the end of last year. His first few games he had a lot of trouble with the long ball but has sinced been great. Sowers controlled the CWS lineup(I guess that is the thing to do this year) in his first outting. He went 6 innings and only gave up 1 hit and 2 ERs. Something that puzzled me is that he did give up 5 BBs that game. Throughout the minors and his young career, control has been his best attribute. Sowers has faced the Angels one time in his career. In that game he went 7 strong scattering 3 runs and 9 hits...he walked 0.

The Indians bats have been sizzling to start the year. Tonight(Wednesday), they struggled but have been great before. In 3 games against righties, they have scored 21 runs are hitting .324, and have and OBP over .420!

Dustin Mosely will get the rock for the Angels. He pitched great in his first outting. He went 6 innings, only giving up 1 run and 5 hits. Like Sowers, he has faced his opponent one time in his career. Unlike Sowers, he struggled in that game. He went 5 innings, giving up 4 runs BUT did get the win. In that 5 innings, he gave up 10 hits and 2 HRs.

Well all of the POS people the Indians have brought in have not helped their pen at all... They have given up 7 runs in 11 innings. On the other side, LAA have only given up 4 runs in 24.7 innings!

LAA has hit the ball pretty well but have failed to get clutch hit. Their OBP and BA are high but they are still only averaging 4.2 runs per. They have scored 11 runs in 2 games against lefties.

This is a 1:00 start eastern time. For the Angels, this will essentially be a 10:00 am game. Gimme Sowers -125 against 90% of the pitchers in this league and I will jump on it. If Sowers throws a lot of pitches early, this game could be in trouble. I do not see that happening though...LAA has a lineup full of a bunch of inpatient hitters IMO. Cleveland 4-3....

Will probably have more throughout the day tomorrow...BOL all:cheers:
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Good luck yesSir with the Tribe!
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
GL today, yessir. Yeah...i wouldn't trust Mosley in this spot...rubber game on the road, agaisnt a good hitting team.
I am still on the fence, but it seems Sowers is an unknown talent this yr.

I wouldnt exactly say he is an unknown.....

2005 named Minor League Pitcher of the Year

2006 14 career big leage starts

14 games 3.57 ERA 1.19 WHIP

HIS L 8 games?

9 innings 0 ER

9innings 0 ER

5 innings 2 ER

7 innings 3 ER

6 innings 0 ER

6 innings 2 ER

6 innings 2 ER

5.3 innings 2 ER

7 innings 2 ER

5 innings 4 ER

i would say that is pretty consistant, wouldn't you? GL today:shake:

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Good luck yesSir with the Tribe!

</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">

Thanks bro GL to you today:cheers:

Glad to see your on this too man.

Let's get it!


Lets get it done :cheers:

GL today, yessir. Yeah...i wouldn't trust Mosley in this spot...rubber game on the road, agaisnt a good hitting team.

Thanks on your plays today :cheers:
Im on it Yes. Lets cash this thing and start off the day with a W
I've been watching Jeremy pitch since since he played at Ballard in Louisville. His twin brother Josh, played on my 18 yr old summer team for a few tournaments years ago. Jeremy was supposed to show up with him, but canceled at the last minute. Josh ended up signing at Yale and had a great 4 yr career there and is now playing professionally (RHP). These guys are very intelligent and have great mound presence.

Love the play, Sir. Helluva run.
Baltimore/KC UNDER 9.5

I actually thought this total would be about 8.5... This game features two decent pitchers. Gil Meche comes into the game as the Royals ace. I like his stuff- he has pitched well to start the season. He went 7 innings in his first game and 7.3 last game. This will be his third outting of the season, and seems to be the least potent lineup he will face. He comes into this game with a 4.40 ERA (a little high for an ace). He has only walked 3 and has K'ed 10! The problem with him so far has been the long ball...he has given up 7 ER and 3 HR. Why do I see him being successful today? Though Boston and Detroit(first 2 opponents) have been struggling offensively, they have legitimate long ball threats at almost every position. Baltimore does not really have the power in the back of their lineup IMO. In his L3 against Detroit he has gone 17 innings, giving up 7 ER....

In all games Baltimore in averaging less than 4 runs per, they are batting around .210 and are only getting on base 28% of the time! In 9 games they only have 8 HRs and in 6 games against righties they have 4 HR...The SO a lot and struggle to get on base...

Steve Trachsel(Balty) gets the rock for the second time this season. In his first outting @NYY he went 6.7 innings, yielding 3 ER and 4 hits. Though he had a rough year in 2006, I think he will pitch better out of NYC. He is what he is, (huh?) he will give you 6 innings and give up 3 or 4 runs...In his L3 starts against KC, he has gone 18 innings, giving up 8 ER.

KC has not exactly crushed the ball early in the season either- 3.3 runs per .233 BA. 7 games against righties= 3 runs per .225 average, and on base 28% of the time.

These pitchers both have given up some HRs recently and in their careers. HRs will not effect this total that much IMO...I believe that if they do hit HRs they will be solo shots (there is a better chance) because these teams struggle to get on base. I see a low scoring game with Meche going the whole way 5-1 Royals....

Might have 1 more...not sure....Good luck all:cheers:
i dunno jimbo your the man with the stats...correct me

rsm- not sure, I can give you some in game for most of the game.....
1-0 so far

Thanks everything.....

well off to CBUs in about 30 this is it for me(just 2 plays)

GLA...see ya tomorrow(probably, pending on computer availability)
thanks will be a little while for me today

hungover, out of town, have not seen value on the card....see if I could find something