Does anyone else hate JoePa?


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Because I do.

There is only one good thing I liked about him and it had nothing to do with football.

He was driving in state college, and he cut some lady off.

He pulled over and so did she.

He got out and said something to her along the lines of you better watch it and pointed his finger at her

The womens husband is sitting next to her in the passanger seat and the guy says "hey thats my wife"

Thats when Paterno replied with a quick and cool response "Thats your problem"

Anyway I hate him, but thats a good story imo
I don't think you'll find a whole lot of people outside of the University of Pitt that "hate" Joe-Pa
I disliked him for coming into BigEleven and having those weakass OOC schedules(even worse than tOSU ;)).

Respect him.

Obviously the situation you describe is someone feeling they are above another...or senality.
I think they summed it up real well on CFB Live the other day when they said JoePa IS Penn State football, and he's the first thing to come to mind when it comes to the University. To me, he should be welcome as long as he'd like. At least his teams are consistently pretty good, unlike Bowden's squads the last few years.
I think they summed it up real well on CFB Live the other day when they said JoePa IS Penn State football, and he's the first thing to come to mind when it comes to the University. To me, he should be welcome as long as he'd like. At least his teams are consistently pretty good, unlike Bowden's squads the last few years.

Woah, woah, woah. Back the train up. Just 5 years ago this guy was looking at losing seasons. Bowden always makes a bowl game, or he has for a long stretch of time. I remember PSU having some losing seasons not too long ago, then they went on a miracle run and went to the Orange Bowl
Bowden gets to recruit to florida , JoePa has to recruit to crappy pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania has a ton of great players coming out of it what are you talking about. The #1 recruit in the country just came out of PA. Especially Western PA...? Central Catholic and Gateway are two of the best high schools in the country. Of course Florida is huge for recruiting, but PA isnt exactly weak.
Pennsylvania has a ton of great players coming out of it what are you talking about. The #1 recruit in the country just came out of PA. Especially Western PA...? Central Catholic and Gateway are two of the best high schools in the country. Of course Florida is huge for recruiting, but PA isnt exactly weak.

I didn't mean the talent.
It is easier to recruit to the state of Florida than it is to recruit to pennsylvania. Yes , that area has produced some excellent players , especially QB's. I was just saying , all other things being equal , most people would rather live in florida.
Joepa has done it the right way at penn state , Bowden has not at florida st. Sorry FSU fans. Those are the facts. I respect Joe Paterno for making pennst what it is. I respect him for the amount of enthusiasm and loyalty he has for his university and the kids that play for him.
He is also a better football coach than bobby bowden. When was the last time you saw bobby bowden outcoach someone ?? He has put together a nice group of assistants but I think he is one of the worst gameday coaches in the nation. He is a good recruiter (cheater) though.
how can you hate joepa?

he can cut anyone off when hes driving, shit, hes earned it.
joepa is a legend

let him cut me off, and he can give me the finger too.... and i will park my car in the middle of the road, bow down to him, and then drive away smilin

that said, his tenure is coming to a close and yes its time for him to retire. but thats neither here nor there
how can you hate joepa?

he can cut anyone off when hes driving, shit, hes earned it.
joepa is a legend

let him cut me off, and he can give me the finger too.... and i will park my car in the middle of the road, bow down to him, and then drive away smilin

that said, his tenure is coming to a close and yes its time for him to retire. but thats neither here nor there

If joepa cut me off theres a good chance id hit the gas and run him off the road 'an_horse'

you a crazy motherfucker man

and this is proof that THIS FORUM DOES NOT DIE AFTER 230 AM:cheers:

glad i god thurs/friday off im hammerd son

you watchin the all star game?

you a crazy motherfucker man

and this is proof that THIS FORUM DOES NOT DIE AFTER 230 AM:cheers:

glad i god thurs/friday off im hammerd son

you watchin the all star game?

Im the craziest driver ever. Im sure you mother fuckers drive fast but I punch it no matter what, no matter where I am. I love I-95 between Boca Raton and Miami because I just go 100. If anyone cuts me off, im pissed. I learned a great trick while in Europe. When someone cuts you off,ride their ass so hard they are suprised that you havent hit them yet.

Anyway I watched the All Star game, that was free money IMO, The EPL teams never give a shit a it means everything to the All Stars. Havent lost in 5 years, ill be betting MLS again unless they get the German national team together or some shit
you dont get speeding tickets?

fuck here in VA you get a reckless now and its supposed to be mandatory 6 month license supsension

reckless used to be 20 mph + over the limit... now its fucking 20+ over OR if youre going 80

so if youre going 80... on fucking I-95.... and you get pulled over, youre fucked. and 80 aint even all that fast

trust me man slow down if youre in VA, this state sucks dick for driving laws. they boast that we have the strictest DUI laws in the nation, i believe it, and im sure the driving laws arent far behind. gotta be top 5 in biggest cocksuckers when it comes to those laws

fuck em. cant wait to move back out of this damn state after i finish school shortly and get me a radar detector:smiley_acbe:
you dont get speeding tickets?

fuck here in VA you get a reckless now and its supposed to be mandatory 6 month license supsension

reckless used to be 20 mph + over the limit... now its fucking 20+ over OR if youre going 80

so if youre going 80... on fucking I-95.... and you get pulled over, youre fucked. and 80 aint even all that fast

trust me man slow down if youre in VA, this state sucks dick for driving laws. they boast that we have the strictest DUI laws in the nation, i believe it, and im sure the driving laws arent far behind. gotta be top 5 in biggest cocksuckers when it comes to those laws

fuck em. cant wait to move back out of this damn state after i finish school shortly and get me a radar detector:smiley_acbe:

Nah ive never had a speeding ticket. Only reason ive ever been pulled over is on the Pitt campus, I was getting some fries with my ex girlfriend, I was driving her peice of shit 1986 Geo Metro, like 4 AM, I wasnt even thinking about headlights cuz my car has them automatically. And I ran a red light. Fuck bitches.

Anyway I usually get lucky with speeding tickets. There have been numerous times ive blown the by state troopers on PA turnpike going 90 and they never come after me. Ive driven down in Norfolk , I was going like 70 and I was smoking everyone on I-268 I think it was. Everyone speeds in Miami so its easier there, especially because I-95 is like 6 lanes each way down there. Anyone im goin to bed. Fuck JoePa. Fuck state college. and fuck you justin king.

later dude, may the luck continue to be on your side on the road'an_horse'

fucka cops
Holy shit, I just watched the OTL Report on the Penn State arrests. One of three things is true regarding this situation.

1. Joe Pa is lying
2. Joe Pa is demented
3. The football players, the students at the party and the guy who met with Joe-Pa is lying

I have to lean towards #1, maybe #2 but very doubtful on #3