Dodgers / Padres Wednesday Night


Pretty much a regular
Off my terrible Seattle / ChiSox UNDER debacle ... gonna try and make most of it back.

Kershaw -240 - $7,500.00 to win $3,125.00. Just don't see how San Diego has any chance in this game with Clayton off of a couple bad performances (3 and 4 runs in his last two starts). Didn't pitch well against SD his last time out either but I absolutely refuse to ever ever ever bet on Jason Marquis.

LA Dodgers 5
San Diego Padres 1

GL to anyone on my side!
Three high stress innings for me; damage OK so far ... I think a Marquis perfect game would sum this day up pretty well.
Almost got a hit that inning. Would love not to lose $12,000 today but the Dodgers seem to have forgotten their bats today. :(
Well that's that. Kershaw pitches like #*!* and Marquis throwing a gem. A perfect end to a perfect day. Back tomorrow ... G Night everyone.