Do you think Sanchez is a starter in this league?


Fairway to Heaven
First off, look at that dog shit roster the Jets put together for Mark. Even Santonio Holmes was washed up. They have no running backs, the OL is average. Their rb's are non existent. I think Sanchez can play in this league and win games and he proved that his first few years. What do you guys think?
The somehow gets to 2 AFC Championship games with all wins on the road. Something tells me that he's capable but the supporting cast has to be there. Jets offense became anemic and so did the decline in his play.
I think he has proven that he can be a starter in the league. He will never be a guy that elevates the play of average guys around him like manning or Brady, in other words he will never be elite but I do think he can be a game manager for the right team. He needs pieces around him and he needs a good coaching staff. The Jets staff has ruined him. Give him a good QB coach who has a track record of developing players, give him a good stable of receivers to toss the ball to and a decent run game and he will be just fine. In other words he needs to leave the Jets.
u can flip that and say, anyone could have won games with how good that defense was in 2010.

im with teeed. he can start, but there are plenty of other QBs Id rather have over him.
would really like to see someone name 32 better QBs

he's not elite but he's a starter

You can come pretty close.

Big Ben
P. Manning
E. Manning

I think those ones are fairly obvious. And beyond that list, I think I prefer Locker, Fitz, Flynn, Ponder, Weeden, Tannehill, and that Skins back-up moving forward. So congratulations, he beats his fellow USC man, the washed up Carson Palmer. You can disagree, but point is, he blows just like the rest of the bottom third of starting NFL quarterbacks.
The bottom tier is pretty interchangeable. He turns it over too much. If you put a good rb and receivers around any qb they probably won't be terrible thats not saying much. No one ruined him. He just needs to grow a pair and grow up. He's always been a pussy. Ill never say never cause he does have some talent.
Bradford hasn't done anything to say he is better. Vick definitely hasnt the past 2 years.
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I may be haunted by the headband he wore today:

The Jets never should have let Mark Brunell go. Sanchize is insanely immature and needed that big brother figure to tell him when he fucked up and keep him in line. His play went off a cliff after Brunell went to NO.

all that said, the supporting cast argument is kinda weak. Pretty sure you could put a helmet on BAR and give his cheerleaders some pompoms to the clingers and he could put up,good numbers with good players around him. The good players are the Lucks, the Mannings, the Bradys, etc who play well no matter who is out there. If you're a QB in the NFL and you are not a guy who makes your teammates better, you are interchangeable with another mediocre guy out there. Sanchize fits squarely in this category, and with his emotional damage, I see no reason for another team to take a shot at him as their starter. He's ruined.
The Jets never should have let Mark Brunell go. Sanchize is insanely immature and needed that big brother figure to tell him when he fucked up and keep him in line. His play went off a cliff after Brunell went to NO.

all that said, the supporting cast argument is kinda weak. Pretty sure you could put a helmet on BAR and give his cheerleaders some pompoms to the clingers and he could put up,good numbers with good players around him. The good players are the Lucks, the Mannings, the Bradys, etc who play well no matter who is out there. If you're a QB in the NFL and you are not a guy who makes your teammates better, you are interchangeable with another mediocre guy out there. Sanchize fits squarely in this category, and with his emotional damage, I see no reason for another team to take a shot at him as their starter. He's ruined.

Considering Mark Brunell is broke and currently works as a pharmaceutical salesman, I'm not sure he should be giving advice to anyone about anything.
I don't think much of him, but he has alot of Trent Dilder in him. That's to say if he went to a team with a young starter nearing the end of his rookie contract that was underperforming, with an almost ready for primetime cast. As a backup, I could envision him taking over after the starter falters out the gate for 7 games and leading the team to a 7-2 finish wildcard playoff birth.

or not
Just do a hypothetical, teams don't do it enough. If Mark Sanchez was in the draft just completed, with the years and ups and downs under his belt, would he have been drafted in say the first five rounds?? No way.
You can come pretty close.

Big Ben
P. Manning
E. Manning

I think those ones are fairly obvious. And beyond that list, I think I prefer Locker, Fitz, Flynn, Ponder, Weeden, Tannehill, and that Skins back-up moving forward. So congratulations, he beats his fellow USC man, the washed up Carson Palmer. You can disagree, but point is, he blows just like the rest of the bottom third of starting NFL quarterbacks.

Andy Dalton being on this list is kinda funny.
I think he has proven that he can be a starter in the league. He will never be a guy that elevates the play of average guys around him like manning or Brady, in other words he will never be elite but I do think he can be a game manager for the right team. He needs pieces around him and he needs a good coaching staff. The Jets staff has ruined him. Give him a good QB coach who has a track record of developing players, give him a good stable of receivers to toss the ball to and a decent run game and he will be just fine. In other words he needs to leave the Jets.

Agree with this assessment. It's not Sanchez as much as it is the dysfunctional organization run by one of the most overrated coaches to ever coach in the NFL.
id rather ryan griffin than mark sanchez, of course griffin wasnt drafted so he doesnt qualify to the above standard of drafted players
I get in In Games and bang on Sanchez too....

He is better right now than any of those QBs taken in the draft
Definitely. Last year he was put in a terrible situation. No running game. Limited passing options. The teblow distraction. The nonsense with the coaches.

He is not as bad as he was last season.
I'd rather have the other QBs in relation to the amt you pay them compared to the ridiculous amt Sanchez got. The contract is the crux of the issue. That and he sucks.

But it's hard to find a QB that doesnt' suck.
No, not really.

Why is he, in your opinion, a better starting QB than Sanchez?

Since Sanchez has been in tha league he has had an average total qbr ranking of 27.5. So basically of tha other 31 teams over tha 4 years he is better than 3 starting qbs. I would take ginger over Sanchez any day.
Sanchez is terrible. Period. Guy can't hit an open receiver. You can't blame that on poor OLine, receivers, RB, etc.. Keep going back to the 2 AFC championships to distort your thinking. Sanchez is a bum. USC QBs FTW.
Just do a hypothetical, teams don't do it enough. If Mark Sanchez was in the draft just completed, with the years and ups and downs under his belt, would he have been drafted in say the first five rounds?? No way.

No fucking way. I remember Jump and a couple others telling me I was crazy when I said that Sanchez leaving USC would make for a better situation in Watts than a worse one. He just doesn't have what it takes mentally, never has and never will.