Do you think RG3 will have a long career and stay relatively healthy?

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What do you think?

Its pretty obvious his style of play leaves him open to a lot of hits. He is not like Brady or Manning who duck for cover when a hit is coming. Do you think he will have a long career and stay relatively healthy? or will he be an injury prone, concussion prone QB who may have a shortened career?

Would love some thoughts on this.
the nfls rules and future rules will help, but he will stay banged up. He's prob a guy that will heal super fast and he can prob be twisted into a pretzel without tearing things
i hear they are gonna adjust the offense next year and slowly mold him more into the "pro" style offense
Its the only reason I prefer Luck to RG3. His natural style of play (and perhaps more importantly, the way he is used in that offense) is not conducive to a long NFL career. Other than his slight build, its tough to find a knock on the guy. Luck and Newton have the bodies for the occasional big hit, he doesn't. Less read option, less running for his life, he will last longer and be real good for a long time. The way things are going though, there is virtually a 100% chance that he will miss some time each year.
I think they'll both be OK barring the freak injury. Although, I think RGIII has a window of about two or three years where he might get lit up with something horrible happening to him.

But Shanny had Elway running a lot early in his career. People forget, but Elway was one of the first guys in a long time that would line up on the five yard line, three or four wide, and run designed draws from the shotgun with regularity. So Shanny's had this type of transition to make before.

Also Joe really likes Andrew Luck, so there's that.
If they continue to run the offense as they are right now he will have more than one season ending injury. He may have skills to run like a running back but he is not built like one and does not wear the padding of one either. When they played on Monday night they other week they played a package of all the hard hits he has taken already this year and my jaw was on the floor. He is getting killed like twice in every game. It will be from concussions or torn up knees or broken ribs but they just can not continue to let him get hit like he does.
There's also a transition going on in the NFL right now with QBs in general. They're running them more and putting them at much more risk if they can run at all. Look at Cam, Russell Wilson & Kapernick running the read option. I was shocked one of the Bears' LBs didn't end Wilson's season last week on that final drive in regulation.

They must have run the read option five or six times. Any one of those times Wilson could just get killed and not only would the game have been over (and Joe would have covered the -3, thank you very much), but Seattle would be thunderfucked on the season. With Kap in SF you can understand it a little more as they have Alex Smith on the bench. But if Cam goes down? If RGIII goes down—forget losing a season, if they're really hurt you set your franchise back financially for years.
Ironic that they ran mostly traditional drop back passing plays all game and he gets hurt escaping pressure on a 2nd and 19 with 1:45 left in the game.

Most of the hits that came on runs were before the Falcons game. After the concussion, he has done alot better about sliding or going out of bounds. But, with the game on the line, he's going to stay in bounds like he did vs the Giants last week to keep the clock running.

I don't think any of us know. Brady/Big Ben/Palmer tore knees up standing in the pocket. Marino tore an achilles.
I think you also have to take the good with the bad. The whole franchise has been transformed bc of RG3 (both passing and running). You have him playing scared and he may never be the same.
Ironic that they ran mostly traditional drop back passing plays all game and he gets hurt escaping pressure on a 2nd and 19 with 1:45 left in the game.

Most of the hits that came on runs were before the Falcons game. After the concussion, he has done alot better about sliding or going out of bounds. But, with the game on the line, he's going to stay in bounds like he did vs the Giants last week to keep the clock running.

I don't think any of us know. Brady/Big Ben/Palmer tore knees up standing in the pocket. Marino tore an achilles.

should've slid
What is the point of paying him the money for all of his abilities if you don't take advantage of them? There is no guarantee that he does not get hurt if he is just a pocket player anyway. In the case of RG3, I think he could be an effective player even if you took his running away from him but I also think it would make him a far lesser player. If you are RG3, you are better off if they stop you from running ( long term health, longer career probably ) but if you are the Redskins, you are far less likely to win football games and compete for titles going forward.

If I were talking in the ear of RG3 and the coaches there ... I would be about teaching RG3 how to protect himself better when he does run but I wouldn't limit him from being the best player he can be.

I never understood why the Falcons limited Vick or the Titans limited VY .... maybe they extended both of their careers by doing so but last time I looked neither franchise has a Super Bowl win either.
I can't think of more than a handful of current nfl qb's that even would have attempted to go back in the game after that hit...kid is tough as nails.. He sold me on that yesterday..

Cutler, might have went off in an ambulance.
What is the point of paying him the money for all of his abilities if you don't take advantage of them? There is no guarantee that he does not get hurt if he is just a pocket player anyway. In the case of RG3, I think he could be an effective player even if you took his running away from him but I also think it would make him a far lesser player. If you are RG3, you are better off if they stop you from running ( long term health, longer career probably ) but if you are the Redskins, you are far less likely to win football games and compete for titles going forward.

If I were talking in the ear of RG3 and the coaches there ... I would be about teaching RG3 how to protect himself better when he does run but I wouldn't limit him from being the best player he can be.

I never understood why the Falcons limited Vick or the Titans limited VY .... maybe they extended both of their careers by doing so but last time I looked neither franchise has a Super Bowl win either.

vince young's career got extended? lol...
Extended health wise .. unfortunately winning isn't important to nfl execs/coaches ... just fitting the mold is.

Sort of a travesty that Fisher is still coaching and VY is not at QB somewhere. :thinking:
Extended health wise .. unfortunately winning isn't important to nfl execs/coaches ... just fitting the mold is.

Sort of a travesty that Fisher is still coaching and VY is not at QB somewhere. :thinking:
Extended health wise .. unfortunately winning isn't important to nfl execs/coaches ... just fitting the mold is.

Sort of a travesty that Fisher is still coaching and VY is not at QB somewhere. :thinking:
most coaches are just fine going 8-8, 9-7 and keeping their job...very few even have the balls to make tough's disgusting
Sort of a travesty that Fisher is still coaching and VY is not at QB somewhere. :thinking:

you honestly believe the NFL is colluding to keep vince young out of league? cause the other option is he isn't very good in this league..
What is the point of paying him the money for all of his abilities if you don't take advantage of them? There is no guarantee that he does not get hurt if he is just a pocket player anyway. In the case of RG3, I think he could be an effective player even if you took his running away from him but I also think it would make him a far lesser player. If you are RG3, you are better off if they stop you from running ( long term health, longer career probably ) but if you are the Redskins, you are far less likely to win football games and compete for titles going forward.

If I were talking in the ear of RG3 and the coaches there ... I would be about teaching RG3 how to protect himself better when he does run but I wouldn't limit him from being the best player he can be.

I never understood why the Falcons limited Vick or the Titans limited VY .... maybe they extended both of their careers by doing so but last time I looked neither franchise has a Super Bowl win either.

Right on VK. He's the high quality QB he is due to his dual threat. The majority of those hits were early in the season, as he figured out the speed and power of the league. Have him sit back there, and maybe he gets Theismanned, who knows. The offense is fun as hell to watch, and he has electrified this city, even with the poor record. Educate him to be safe and protect himself, spend money on the o-line, and keep the Pistol. Anything else, and you are making him something he's not, and wasting your money doing so. Man he's fun to watch .
Redskins should get some O-Lineman and protect their investment, no doubt.
you honestly believe the NFL is colluding to keep vince young out of league? cause the other option is he isn't very good in this league..

No. I think the coaches put a huge value on practice and VY is the type of player that just gets it done in games and I think owners/execs are more interested in seeing a traditional passer in the pocket putting up huge stats. So you get a guy like Stafford and every coach, GM, and Owner drools over his raw ability as a pocket passer.... but in the game Stafford doesn't have the intangibles to win football games that VY does. The league isn't about winning, it is about selling tickets and putting up fantasy numbers. I shiver to think what VY could have done with Detroit talent on offense .. alas his best target was Justin Friggin' Gage.
I don't think he gets by without major injuries. Said it when the Skins drafted him.

Dude is built like a track and field athelete. No way he can continue to take hits and survivie in this league. He's just not built for it at this level. But somebody knew this when they drafted him. Why else would they spend a pick on Cousins that early?
Extended health wise .. unfortunately winning isn't important to nfl execs/coaches ... just fitting the mold is.

Sort of a travesty that Fisher is still coaching and VY is not at QB somewhere. :thinking:

If you would spend more time admitting VY wasnt really all that in the NFL as bashing Kobe's balls LOL

VY top 5 CFB all time....just unreal

to defend his NFL career is a reach kyle