Do you tatis jr!!


Voice of Reason
I swear some these managers and players are fucking retarded. I would fire pads manager For being a twink and rangers manager for crying If I’m either gm today. Keep putting those bombs up tatis cause all of us have lost a game cause some shitfuck pen blew a 7 run lead! Fuck your pussy manager telling you to give away a strike like a bitch, you ain’t the bitch, he is!! And fuck the crybaby rangers who couldn’t stop you! You don’t want bombs hit, pitch better!!
Who knows how many dts tourneys were decided by him being a man and swinging away like he should!! I’ll be damned if I’m taking a 3-0 meatball when my earnings are decided by my numbers!!
Don’t shock me rangers cried bout it like some ho’s but for tatis bitch manager to even give him a take sign then say after the game it a “teaching moment”. You gotta be shitting me, only thing tatis should have learned is he playing for a manager with a loser mentality.
Are rangers saying they were done trying to compete that why he shouldn’t have did his job? Cause they wernt gonna try to come back? If ya ask me that is disrespecting the game, not the guy trying to produce!
I think with a 60 game schedule, DH universal and 7 inning DHs we can get rid of the "old rules" that are unspoken as well.

I think with the way pens suck ass and huge leads are blown regularly it nuts to expect a guy to lay down and give away strikes just cause his team up 7. Few minutes ago I even heard cowherd call them snowflakes and he don’t know shit bout baseball! lol.

Like I said rangers crying about it doesn’t surprise me even tho it pathetic! the fact Tatis manager didn’t like it and was giving out a take sign is even more disgusting. I’d ask for a trade! Tell them to send me somewhere with ppl more worried about winning then the other teams feelings!! Like they say in football and hoops, if you don’t like it, stop us!! In this case don’t throw 3-0 meatballs if you don’t want me to hit a bomb, flip my bat, and maybe do a little dance as I slowly trot around the bases! Telling ya how weak the pitch was the whole way!!
God forbid we hurt anyone’s feelings! Just cause they making way more than the average person doing a shitty job to pay their bills doesn’t mean they should have to face any adversity! Maybe we should have thrown him a parade for throwing a strike instead of blasting the pitch! That would have been so this participation trophy generations idea of sportsmanship!!
Maybe once a team gets a 7 run lead we should simply call the game?? Is that what rangers want? Mercy rule?
I swear next time rangers down more than 5 runs and start mounting a comeback someone needs to intervene and let them know in accordance with their previous stance they not allowed to try at that point! They supposed to simply go thru the motions and cheat the fans!

Ok I’m done. In conclusion, fuck everyone that had a problem with it, and don’t let anyone change you Tatis, we like watching you play!!!