Do The St Louis Rams get to 8 wins


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I have a wager on there under 7.5 wins this season. At this point, I didn't think it would be in doubt....but wins over SF, SEA, and Denver have decided otherwise.

They have 3 games left, to win two games to beat me.

@ home against Arizona
@ home against New York Giants
@ Seattle.

I'm possibly thinking about hedging, but curious what others think if they win 2/3. I know they're favored this weekend, and will be favored against New York. As of now, that Seattle game will matter to Seattle.
Take this for what it's worth since I haven't been around for very long and there's more respected and prolly more qualified people to answer this than I am. But here ya go...

AZ - ?
Sea - L

I think your bet hinges on the game this week. It's gonna take 12 to win the west me thinks. I think Seattle wins out (which means they beat St Lou in week 17) and gets to 12 wins. They're hitting their stride at the right time and can taste another division title. Although I freaking hate the Seahawks and Petey. Cards can get to 12 wins but they'll have to win this week and beat SF in week 17 to do it as I think the Cards will lose in Sea. So you should get max effort this weekend from AZ and it should be a good game but you never know with Stanton on the road and Ellington being out hurts a little as well. I give the Rams a fighting chance this week. I think St Lou will beat the Giants next week. Their D is playing really well and should give shEli all sorts of problems. But if the Rams lose this week I think you're good.
I don't see the Rams losing the next 2. If I had your bet I'd wait to hedge next week and take them vs the Giants. Rams are clicking on all cylinders and have a good chance to win out. Yes, that means even win in Seattle because their defensive line is destroying teams.
Rams are hot no doubt and their d is playing extremely well but they have beat seattle and denver this year as their only two significant victories....seatt and zona both better teams and will need the wins....i agree with wiseplayer on his hedge of the nyg next week if they beat zona and you are so inclined....if zona wins this weekend then i would ride your wager as it is unlikely they will beat seatt twice in one .02 but i am probably not the guy to be listening to
I have an LVH ticket for over 6.5 -130 after the Bradford injury, so I need one win in next 3. Feel pretty good about that.

Your bet is tricky Marlo. I would consider a hedge strategy. That defense will face two struggling QB's at home and that's gonna be a big problem for your bet IMO.. Rams defense now that it has Barron (trade from TB) fully integrated and Chris long back from injury, is a top 2 or 3 defense in the league. the other thing to consider and you alluded to it above. The Seattle game is a 4:25 start time currently and its very possible they are playoff slotted before game starts.. That would be a big risk to your bet.. Tho I see SF and Ariz play at same time so that could help your cause.... Me, I'd hedge if its a significant bet.. GL