did you hear new york city is lebrons favorite??

"Persona non grata" its too bad loyalty doesn't count that much in the NBA..Cleveland bled for a season just to get him....

But the king does what the king pleases hehe
If Lebron goes so does about 70% of Cleveland's wins. Man thats gotta suck.
lmao..i like how he has tony gonzalez and robert parish before chief wahoo..good laugh, but on a serious note. I honestly think he WANTS to stay in cleveland, he wants to bring a title to his home town, who wouldnt? listen, if he dont win one in cleveland that is what he will be remembered by in his home state and probably across the nation..Now with being said, I cant blame him at all IF ferry doesnt give him some help and pull some kinda magic, I think redd will be here this year.but im not sure if thats enough..and also the Cavs have not 1 player signed after 2010.not 1, meaning they can make a run at bosh,wade or another superstar at that time..IMO ferry knows whats at stake in the next year or so..not only his job, but the entire franchise is bascially on his shoulders, he loves this city and i cant imagine it not bothering him knowing he may literally drive this organization out of here..I guess we'll see..every move lebron makes is thought through, he is taking jabs at the front office with every new york comment he makes, if he really didnt plan on being here then he wouldnt be thinking it through to make such calculated comments..I think in his heart he wants to be here for life, but hes keeping a back door open to get out if ferry cant give him playerss, and i cant blame him

Your nuts. First of all, this isn't just his decision. Stern wants him in a big market and qwe all know the power he yields. Thats a small part. Cleveland isn't built to win a championship and in all honesty won't be. Unless Ferry can make some crazy moves its going to be like the late 80's Bulls(MJ and the Jordanaires). The guy wants to be in the spotlight. I do think he is having a bit of fun playing around with the media as well though. The Nets have made the moves though to get in position. I personally would put it at a 75 percent chance he is a Net 24 months from now.
If he turned the Knicks around and won a title there he would reach ridiculous status even more so then the love he is getting right now.

James knows that, his agent and money handlers knows that, and all of his sponsors know that.

If their was a prop bet right now on whether James would leave I'd invest a shit ton of money and even not mind waiting two years to collect.
If he turned the Knicks around and won a title there he would reach ridiculous status even more so then the love he is getting right now.

James knows that, his agent and money handlers knows that, and all of his sponsors know that.

If their was a prop bet right now on whether James would leave I'd invest a shit ton of money and even not mind waiting two years to collect.

knicks wont have the money for him untill 2011(from what all local radio is saying)...so if he doesnt opt out and gives us 3 more years thats fine with me..but in all honesty I think its the nets or cavs after 2010
I think it'll definately be with the Nets and Jay-z. The whole rap diss by Jayz on Deshawn Stevenson only helped the Nets cause. If he wants to be the first billionaire athlete, he needs to leave Clev and go there. It also depends on the squad the Nets have. By that time, Brook Lopez will be starting to hit his prime. I'm telling you guys, he's gonna be a star. His offense is there, just need to defend a little better.
He isn't leaving. Watch. Only time can solve such a discussion. Like jim said, he does WANT to stay in Cleveland, whether you believe that or not. You can preach about the market and Stern and all that other spotlight bullshit, but Cleveland will fork up the money for him and in the end that is what is MOST important...the fucking money. And he DOES want to stay in Cleveland.

Who knows, guess we will see sooner than later.
I still can't get over the "Hakeem was not finesse" statement.


Some of the stupidest shit ever written on this site.
First of all, if James wants to be the first billionaire athlete, hes gonna have to kill Tiger in the next two to three years, otherwise, he'll be the second...

I love how Clevelanders talk themselves into him not leaving...the only way hes not gone in 2010 is if they win the title before then...its not even a question anymore
First of all, if James wants to be the first billionaire athlete, hes gonna have to kill Tiger in the next two to three years, otherwise, he'll be the second...

I love how Clevelanders talk themselves into him not leaving...the only way hes not gone in 2010 is if they win the title before then...its not even a question anymore

Well, next time you talk to him tell him I said hi. Let me know what he says.
From a Cleveland fan on June 22....but still something to read:

“Finding Substance in LeBron’s presumed Departure”
We’ve all heard the rumors - LeBron James will leave Cleveland for supposed “greener” pastures. I remember being outraged years ago when ESPN.com ran a cover story titled “L.A. Bron?” with an image of LeBron dunking against the Lakers. I don’t remember the substance of the article, but it was essentially a typical NBA rumor - unsubstantiated. Someone spoke to a “source” and ran with it.
More recently, LeBron was supposed to leave Cleveland for New Jersey, so he could play with Jason Kidd and work for Rap Mogul Jay-Z. After the Nets traded Jason Kidd, the rumors got LOUDER, with the Nets planning to move to Brooklyn in the coming years.
On March 5, 2008, LeBron “called his shot” to Spike Lee and dropped 50 points (and 10 assists, 8 rebounds) on the lolely NY Knicks, exchanging words with Jay-Z, Spike, and other courtside celebs. In his post-game interview, James inadvertently gave a shot-in-the-arm to the LeBron to NY rumors.
“I’ve dreamed about playing well in this building and it’s overtaken of how I could ever dream about,” James said. “To get a standing ovation in the greatest basketball arena in the world, it was a dream come true for me. It’s one of the best things that ever happened to me.”
The media took to LeBron like a piranha to a bloody carcus. He vehemently denied wanting to play for such a sorry organization as the Knicks, but soon said that he accepted the questions would continue for 2 years, but he reiterated that he was content [in Cleveland].
In the past month, Stephen A. Smith boldly declared that LeBron James would definitely be playing in NY in 2010, claiming that he had spoken with LeBron’s “people” and that you can count on it.
Outside of the mainstream media is the blogosphere, where the LeBron to NY/NJ/Pluto rumors are not rumors - they are canon.
As a die-hard Cleveland fan, it is increasingly difficult to live in the internet realm and enjoy the Cavaliers at the same time. A typical post-game exchange between fans follows 1 of 2 templates.
Template 1: Cleveland Fan (after a Cavs win): “You can’t stop the L-Train!!!!”
Opponent Fan: “Too bad he’ll be winning a ring in NY in 2010.”
Template 2: Cleveland Fan (after a Cavs loss): “LeBron looked tired tonight - had no legs.”
Opponent Fan: “LeBrick/LeBronze/LeSuck/LeBrookyln Blows - he’s the most overrated player in NBA history.”
So that’s pretty much it. It’s not like I expect fans of other teams to shell out love to Cleveland, it’s just nauseating at how little respect the city gets. But enough about that.
Here are the top 10 reasons that LeBron James will remain a Cleveland Cavalier.
10.) Loyalty - James is a very loyal person - to his family, his friends, his teammates, and the Cavalier organization. He fired Aaron Goodwin (who landed him a $100 million dollar shoe deal with Nike) in favor of his best friends. They have since started a marketing company called LRMR. LeBron bought a house for his mother in Bath township on the south side of SR-18.
9.) Commitment - The Cavs can lose a game 80-75 and if Coach Mike Brown is upset about the defense, LeBron will be the first person to say “We didn’t play tough enough on the defensive end.” While many NBA fans are captivated by Phoenix Sun-like juggernaut offenses, it is the hard-nose defensive teams that have won the last 5 champtionships (Celtics, Spurs, Heat, Spurs, Pistons) and LeBron James is committed to defense - the mantra of Mike Brown, and the Cleveland Cavaliers. The media would give him a free pass if he threw his coach and/or teammates under the bus and yet he remains committed to them through thick and thin. In his most recent interview, James announced:
Q: Will you make any suggestions to the front office?
A: I think they know. If my opinion is asked for, I’ll offer my opinion, because I am the guy out there playing, and I know talent, I guess you could say. But I think they know.
Q: Well, I’m asking your opinion.
<!--[if gte mso 9]&gt; Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 &lt;![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]&gt; &lt;![endif]-->
A: We will get better. I believe in our front office. I think they’re going to do a good job this summer.
8.) Home - There’s no place like it. LeBron has just recently built an enormous mansion on the north side of SR-18 in bath township. And it’s not like he built it on a farm. There was an EXISTING 40-million dollar mansion that he knocked down because the ceilings were too low. He is minutes away from the Cavaliers state-of-the-art — “off-the-hook” — practice facility and minutes from his mother, and close friends. He lives in a neighborhood, not a secluded area - and when asked about his choice of location he replied that he was close to family.
7.) Winning - LeBron is a winner. He does whatever it takes to win. In high school he averaged 30 points a game and in his rookie season he averaged 20. It was VERY CLEAR that he could have averaged MANY MORE points in high school but he chose to get his teammates involved. He wants to win - this is apparent in LeBron’s determination to better himself defensively, where he has made great strides. If the Cavaliers are competitive every year, it’s hard to imagine LeBron trading that in to restart his career on a bottom-feeding team like the Knicks.
6.) Cake - Why not have it and eat it too?! The logic that LeBron NEEDS NY could not be more faulty. LeBron was the highest paid NBA player last year when taking into account endorsements. LeBron is ALREADY great friends with Jay-Z. It’s not like their friendship is conditional. He already parties with him (before and after LeBron resigned with Cleveland in 2006), has songs written by jigga, and can be seen fraternizing at Knicks/Nets games with him.
5.) Payton Manning is more popular than Eli Manning - Payton Manning plays in Indianapolis, a market too small to carry a professional baseball team. Eli Manning just won the SUPER BOWL for a New York team - and Payton is still WILDLY more popular and recognizable than Eli. This is the world we live in today. LeBron does not need to play in a big market to get endorsements deals. He is already the most marketable player in the NBA.
<!--[if gte mso 9]&gt; Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 &lt;![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]&gt; &lt;![endif]--> 4.) Money - This isn’t baseball, it’s not like the highest bidder wins. The Cavaliers drafted LeBron James so they can offer him more money than any other organization. The [Larry] “Bird rights” allow a team to resign a drafted player for 1 extra year and 20 million extra dollars than any other team. The last person to walk away from a max deal? Shaquille O’Neal – in 1996!
3.) Golden Opportunity - If LeBron James goes to NY and wins a title - he will be woshipped. King James, to be sure. But the Yankees are the winningest sports franchise in North America. If LeBron wins a title in Cleveland - he will be worshipped as a god. Cleveland is the most championships starved, tortured sports city in America, and with it’s continued ecomonics problems, sports is about the only thing Clevelanders can get excited about. Even if it was just one - nothing would ever be the same for Cleveland, or for LeBron.
2.) Legacy - What do Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan all have in common? Besides being among the games greatest players they played for 1 town - 1 team. (We’ve all erased Jordan in Washington by now right?) This is part of their legacy. LeBron is a student of the game and takes basketball history very seriously. He may not say it, but deep down he wants to be BETTER than everyone that has come before him. The greatest. If he bolts for another town, his legacy is IMMEDIATELY tainted, especially if the Cavs are on the cusp of a Championship. And judging by the fight they put up against the juggernaut Boston Celtics - the Cavaliers aren’t THAT far away. If LeBron wants to be recognized as the greatest to ever play the game, he’s going to have to do it with Cleveland.
1.) Because he SAID SO - Resigning with the Cavs did nothing to silence the LeBron-to-anywhere-but-here rumors - it only strengthened them since he signed a 3 year deal instead of a 5 year deal. What is interesting is that Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, and Carmelo Anthony all signed the same contract and there have been ZERO rumors of their departure through free agency. When asked after the NY game about leaving Cleveland he responded that he likes it in Cleveland, it is home, where his family is, he loves that his family can sit courtside every game, and that the organization has been very good to him. In his most recent interview:
“I’m dedicated to bringing a championship to this city,” James told Mark “Munch” Bishop during an appearance later Wednesday on ESPN 850 WKNR to promote the upcoming King for Kids Bike-A-Thon. “I’m bringing a parade to this city. I love this city. I love Northeast Ohio. . . . Right now I can’t see myself going anywhere else.”
Lot depends on how Cleveland positions themselves over next few years. This Cleveland fan is talking in terms of the Knicks at first. Thats not going to happen. Its def. not about money. He will make more in endorsments, etc in his career than salary. The Nets are positioned perfectly. They have the space, some very nice young talent in place.
Can't wait to see the turn out on this. I don't disagree w/ you in a SERIOUS matter very often BAR...but I think you're wrong here....Cleveland fan or not.


Should be interesting.
not a chance he leaves....He is just taking advantage of the media
That's what I'm saying...all of us would do the same thing, but as a "Ohio Homer" no one understands that and thinks I'm just talking on hope.

Not goin anywhere fellas...
If it wasn't for the Brooklyn/Jay-Z thing, he would be going to the Knicks for sure. Jay-Z aside, if it wasn't for the Brooklyn move, Knicks would get him. If this Brooklyn thing falls through, he won't go to the Nets and play in that dump they call an arena. My fucking high-school gym was bigger and more exciting than that place. I know he's a big fan of Devin Harris's game, so that's another thing in the Nets' favor. And the Nets will be in perfect position in 2010, the Knicks not until a year later. But NYK will still have the cap room to offer him max.

I would say the odds of him staying though are pretty close to zero. He has business interests, outside interests, he's a huge personality, does he want to set up shop in Cleveland, Ohio, or in New York City? That team has no good players, their coach sucks, and their management hasn't done shit to make LBJ happy. He's gone.

Real quick, who the fuck is their second best player?
If it wasn't for the Brooklyn/Jay-Z thing, he would be going to the Knicks for sure. Jay-Z aside, if it wasn't for the Brooklyn move, Knicks would get him. If this Brooklyn thing falls through, he won't go to the Nets and play in that dump they call an arena. My fucking high-school gym was bigger and more exciting than that place. I know he's a big fan of Devin Harris's game, so that's another thing in the Nets' favor. And the Nets will be in perfect position in 2010, the Knicks not until a year later. But NYK will still have the cap room to offer him max.

I would say the odds of him staying though are pretty close to zero. He has business interests, outside interests, he's a huge personality, does he want to set up shop in Cleveland, Ohio, or in New York City? That team has no good players, their coach sucks, and their management hasn't done shit to make LBJ happy. He's gone.

Real quick, who the fuck is their second best player?

Pretty close to 0%...come on. You're wrong there, too. Like SHSU said above, the only people believing he'll stay are those that live close or in Ohio, right? So I who knows, only way to settle this is to wait and see. He is not gone.

I wish I lived in Texas or somewhere else for about five minutes so I wouldn't be looked at as a homer, but this is real. Watch.
Why would he stay?

I reject most of BAR's conspiratorial theories about the Almighty David Stern, but in this case, he's dead right. The pressure on LBJ to go to NYC from Stern and the NBA will be intense. Stern already laid the groundwork when he basically set up Walsh to take over the Knicks, while Walsh was employed in another job with another team. LBJ going to MSG will be the biggest boon to the NBA since MJ's first comeback.
So many factors guys.

As it stands now, with what CLE management has done to the team and with the Nets positioned to have a perfect nucleus and be in Brooklyn, I say he is gone.

Its up to the Cavs to make the moves in the next few years to make him see a future in CLE, where he can be part of a dynasty.

Also, you guys point out mom and friends in CLE..understandable. He is married..right? Had the kid or 2nd whatever last year. She will be a HUGE influence. Why the fuck you think G Hill ever left Detroit. The owner of the Stons semi disrespected her at a team function and she wanted out. She was a local girl too. Thats a BIG factor.
So many factors guys.

As it stands now, with what CLE management has done to the team and with the Nets positioned to have a perfect nucleus and be in Brooklyn, I say he is gone.

Its up to the Cavs to make the moves in the next few years to make him see a future in CLE, where he can be part of a dynasty.

Also, you guys point out mom and friends in CLE..understandable. He is married..right? Had the kid or 2nd whatever last year. She will be a HUGE influence. Why the fuck you think G Hill ever left Detroit. The owner of the Stons semi disrespected her at a team function and she wanted out. She was a local girl too. Thats a BIG factor.

Dont think he married, but has 2 kids..most frustrating thing is right now i hear all these free agents talking to teams and hear NOTHING about cleveland..baron to clips(i know he had 0% chance of coming here), but brand to 6ers, i knbow we coulda got involved in that..posey would be perfect,playing 20 mins away from his hometown, but i hear nothing there, i just dont get it..granted we have a ton of money in a few years but by this trading deadline we will have like 25 mil in expiring contracts so i hope to god they can do something, i just hope its not to late in the season and we already are locked in the 4 spot, FA can sign in a few days so we will see, but pretty much everyone is taken:hang:
and for the record, i woulda loved TJ FOrd here, give em andy, throw in a few players here and there, that coulda worked too
Could LeBron Sign With Heat In 2010?

Posted: 7/14/2008 3:13:00 AM
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Sunday, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James were winking and grinning before participating in the Zo's Summer Groove charity game at AmericanAirlines Arena.

The punchline? The summer of 2010, when Wade, James and several other top-tier NBA players can become free agents, such as Kobe Bryant, Amare Stoudemire and Chris Bosh.

"We're just going to joke about it for the next two years until that time comes," Wade said. "So, it's going to be an exciting year for the NBA, but it's two years away."

For fans, it could be two years of torment — or two years of hope.

"I've been playing with him for the last four years now, playing in the summertime, off and on," James said of the time the two have shared on the U.S. national team. "So I could see myself playing with him."

James, of course, has indicated the same of playing for the Nets, who have already cleared out the requisite salary-cap space for '10.

The Heat also has made 2010 a focus, which is among the reasons it has been taking a low profile in this summer's free agency, utilizing its salary-cap exceptions on short and small deals for James Jones, Mario Chalmers and, possibly, Tyronn Lue.
LeBron's conspicuous top five lists<!-- begin pres by --> <!-- end pres by -->

By Page 2

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<!-- end story header --><!-- begin left column --><!-- begin page tools -->Updated: July 2, 2008, 11:42 AM ET

<!-- end page tools --><!-- begin story body --><!-- template inline -->At a rally for Team USA in New York City on Monday, LeBron James raised a few eyebrows when he listed his top five favorite cities … and not only did he pick New York as his No. 1, but Cleveland didn't make the cut.
After careful research, Page 2 breaks down the rest of LeBron's favorites.

[+] Enlarge

Getty Images
Whoa! And a Brooklyn guy to boot! No wonder LeBron loves it in Cooperstown.

Top 5 Halls of Fame
1. Basketball Hall of Fame
2. Baseball Hall of Fame
3. Lacrosse Hall of Fame
4. Cowgirl Hall of Fame
5. International Paper Hall of Fame
6. Pro Football Hall of Fame
22. Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame

Top 5 baseball teams
1. New York Yankees
2. Brooklyn Dodgers
3. New York Mets
4. Chicago White Sox
5. Nippon Ham Fighters
31. Cleveland Indians

Top 5 "Family Guy" characters
1. Stewie
2. Meg
3. Peter
4. Lois
5. Quagmire
19. Cleveland

Top 5 baseball movies:
1. Rookie of the Year
2. Angels in the Outfield
3. Ed
4. Damn Yankees
5. BASEketball
11. Major League: Back to the Minors
12. Major League II
13. Major League

Top 5 "lands"
1. Po
2. Green
3. Rhode Is
4. Ice
5. o' Lakes
97. Cleve

Top 5 Chiefs
1. Chief Bromden
2. Tony Gonzalez
3. Chief Wiggum
4. Chief Justice Roberts
5. Robert Parish
14. Chief Wahoo

Top 5 Presidents
1. George Washington
2. Abraham Lincoln
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Gerald Ford
6. Grover Cleveland

Top 5 states through which the Ohio River flows
1. West Virginia
2. Pennsylvania
3. Kentucky
4. Indiana
5. Ohio
[+] Enlarge

Jim McIsaac/Getty Images
The Captain is No. 1 with King James.

Top 5 favorite baseball players
1. Derek Jeter
2. Alex Rodriguez
3. Willie Mays
4. Hank Aaron
5. Shelley Duncan
2,345. Reggie Cleveland

Top 5 lakes
1. Michigan
2. Huron
3. Superior
4. Ontario
5. Speed
77. Erie

Top 5 comedians
1. Dave Chappelle
2. Chris Rock
3. George Carlin
4. Carlos Mencia
5. Richard Pryor

99. Dane Cook
100. Drew Carey

Top 5 flaming rivers
1. Styx
6. Cuyahoga

Top 5 college football teams
1. Michigan
2. Michigan
3. Michigan
4. Michigan
5. Michigan

Top five states that start with a vowel and end with a vowel
1. Alaska
2. Oklahoma
3. Iowa
4. Alabama
5. Indiana

Top 5 favorite sports moments
1. Michael Jordan's Shot Over Craig Ehlo
2. Earnest Byner's Fumble
3. The Drive
4. Baltimore Ravens Inaugural Game
5. 10-Cent Beer Night


Whats most likely to happen

A-scum beats tOSU

B-LeBron leaves Cleveland

C-BAR abd Frito HUNT end their secret lovelife together and go back to liking boobies again(and not each others)

D-None of the above

My answer - D