Did this strike anyone odd (Cal/Air Force)

Sarcastic Sword

Pretty much a regular
I played Cal -4.5..........Air Force scores with a couple minutes left to make the score 42-36...Troy Calhoun decides to go for two.........Why in the hell would he make that call? Of course it would have affected me because I would have lost the cover but even the announcers strongly denounced the decision...The only think I can think of is he wanted to get within 4 and if they score again, they are ahead by a FG....................But, "the chart", the bible that coaches use to tell them when to go for "2" called for an extra point here so a TD gives them the lead and wouldnt need to rely on an extra point to win the game....I was cursing Calhoun because I thought this game was in the bag at that point - even with Cal giving up that last TD............
I commented that day in-game thread that he needed to be investigated by the NCAA for possible violations.
I'm glad someone mentioned this as I had Cal -4 that day and would have pushed if they converted that 2-pt conversion. I would have been climbing the walls if I had laid 4'.

Air Force got the TD to pull within 6; they then lined up for the 2-pt conversion, but called timeout, amid the announcers chastising them for going for two. After the return from commercial, they announcers were actually thinking Calhoun had regained his senses and was going to kick the XP. When they sent the offense back out to go for 2, they were quite incredulous I thought.

This decision...I know this site likes to use the word "shady"...so this decision was the shadiest decision or play this bowl season IMO. I read the papers and scoured the internet the next day to try and gain some insight into Calhoun's decision but there was no mention anywhere (that I could locate).

That's why higher profile games are a lot less subject to this shadiness IMO; heck, there was no problem finding criticism in the media and from fans about Stoops going for 2 last nite in a game they lost by 20! Calhoun goes for two in a situation where the game is still on the line and there is no mention of it in the post game or the media the next day.
He went for 2 to pull them within 4, so that if Cal kicks a Fgoal they are up by 7,

If he does not he is down by 5, and a CAL td makes it 12, and you cannot get a 8 and a 3 to tie. DOwn 4, a CAL td makes it back to 11

ALso if he kicks the Xtra point down by 5, a CAL Fgoal makes it 8, harder to tie the game, if he is succesfful down 4, a CAL fgoal makes it 7

I think that is what he was thinking,

No doubt that you are right, as coaches don't always follow the two point chart/guidelines.

It was just very interesting since the spread was 4/4', depending where you got it. Sort of thing that lends itself to speculation much more than anything that went on in that game last nite.

No doubt that you are right, as coaches don't always follow the two point chart/guidelines.

It was just very interesting since the spread was 4/4', depending where you got it. Sort of thing that lends itself to speculation much more than anything that went on in that game last nite.

I didnt raise this issue because I think that Calhoun was up to no good....Rather, his decision, which is explained rather well in a post above, is just so flawed....AF was out of timeouts - there would be no need for Cal to kick a FG to go up 7....The clock would have run out...........
There just wasn't enough time for all of that to happen reasonably, Sammy.

When there is nothing to lose and something to gain when going for 2, you do it, period. From a coaching stand point its a good call. The QB just blew it with a time out.

They had to score another TD to win the game. If you can choose between being up by 2 or a chance at being up by either 1 or 3 late in the game, you should ALWAYS choose the chance at being up by either 1 or 3. It is just the logical choice.
They weren't up, they were down by 6, going for 2 would have cut the lead to 4, with no time outs and 1 minute to go.
He went for 2 to pull them within 4, so that if Cal kicks a Fgoal they are up by 7,

If he does not he is down by 5, and a CAL td makes it 12, and you cannot get a 8 and a 3 to tie. DOwn 4, a CAL td makes it back to 11

ALso if he kicks the Xtra point down by 5, a CAL Fgoal makes it 8, harder to tie the game, if he is succesfful down 4, a CAL fgoal makes it 7

I think that is what he was thinking,

well said, and exactly right
I guess what we can learn here to take into consideration next year is that Air Force knows the # and will try to cover it. Other coaches that do that are Carroll, Tressel and I believe Meyer and others. It's programs like those, that keep the bettor in mind, that are safer to play. Not programs with coaches that don't care about the spread, Erickson @ASU and Dungy with Indianapolis.
Maybe it is a case of coaches knowing there numbers to cover but I dont think so. The last few days alone should prove that coaches are just not super intelligent all knowing beings. I agree with Sammy regardless of time left and so on , all he was trying to do was make it a 4 pt game . True he could have kicked the XP made it a 5pt game and worried about the scenario later(if he was worried about a FG). I just dont give these guys any credit. Joe Gibbs a HOF coach fucked up with the double timeouts. It happens . These guys get caught up in the game and dont think straight.

More then anything maybe we should clue in on how good the oddsmakers are setting these numbers.

The Kentucky game did move alot but it had been adjusted after the suspensions and I am sure they got caught with quite abit of middling. If any one lost that game when it settled it 7 they should quit gambling. Do you even have to think to make it -6.5 or +7.5
going for 2 was the right move. You're dumb if you don't understand why. Calling the timeout was very retarded. Also, there was a lot more time than 1 minute left. Cal had to get at least one first down on the ensuing drive to ice the game.