Did Redskins Do RGIII an Injustice Tonight?


In transit, arriving late.
Seems like he had a fuckin serious brace out there. Liked Bags all day and said as much, but man. RG!!! is a gamer, he aint gonna tell coach he cant go. It is THE job of the medical staff and coaches to tell him, "No". This happened/happens with athletes all the time...not as much or as visible because he is havin a good year and a star in the making.

A gamer is never gonna say, "Sit me Coach"......I put that shit on the Drs and coaching staff. Look I think Skins were losin either way, but

Did the Skins make the wrong move?
they did themselves one by playing a guy with one leg and costing themselves a playoff win. Also, by running Al Morris 5 times in the 2nd half was laughable.
He is partially to blame, kept insisting he was fine, lied to Shanny after he limped to the sideline on that 9 yard run, said he jogged because he didn't need to run faster. That said Shanny is also lying if he says he was the only person watching the game who didn't notice that he was limping like crazy and hurting the team post 1st Q.....
Almost every athlete would say that he or she is fine until it's too late. It's the coach's responsibility. How could you keep him in with the way he was limping? It was even affecting his throws. I just hope he is able to make a full recovery

RGIII saves his coaches ass somewhat with that post game presser though.
I was screaming for Cousins during the in game yesterday, but after sitting on this - to some degree I understand the "go with the horse that brought you here mentality". If Griffin was adamant that he can go, they letting him play a few series was fine, but at some point you had to go - "shit the kid is really hurt"

Will be interesting to see what doctors say about his knee. The fall on the fumbled snap really didn't look that bad at all to me. Wouldn't be surprised if he isn't anywhere near as injured as many are suggesting
i think it's absolutely fuckin crazy to let the guy play,. RG3 can say he's 100% healthy all he wants but anyone could see he was in bad shape pretty early in that game.
Halftime is when they should've gotten a better assessment and realized they needed to replace him.
We wouldnt be having this convo if the fumble didnt happen and the Skins won. Hindsight is 20/20.

nah dude, even in this in-game on this site, and all over twitter, ppl were calling for him to come out at halftime well into the 4th. ppl knew something bad was bound to happen
There was no reason to keep him in the game. It was obvious to anyone watching the game that he was limping badly after the first tweak that occurred just before going up 14-0. Give him one or two series past that to prove he is ok and then put in Cousins. Sad part is we're in the in game saying exactly that yesterday. Shanny saw the exact same thing and he was also warned by Andrews so there is no excuse.
I firmly believe that if cousins gets in the game in the second quarter the skins make enough plays to hold the Seahawks off. RG could not even plant to make a throw, he could barely even make a fucking handoff. Seattle was all over them from the injury on.
I blame the team. This happened with Aaron Brooks and the Saints years back...the team has to sit a player
The situation of being down 7 and bringing in cousins is EXTREMELY different than the situation after RGIII had to be taken off the field. When he was limping off to the sidelines during the run, you take him out. End of story.

I know he's the reason you got this far, but it's more than about him. The team deserves to have the QB out there that gives them the best chance to win. By keeping him out there the head coach believes he gave the team the best opportunity to win.

That is what it comes down to.
it was a 1 pt game... limping QB.
cousins already helped you win a game to get a shot at the playoffs.
seems pretty logical no?
Jump and a few others have used the example of Jay Cutler...he got benched in a playoff game a few years back and everyone was laying into him. Cant have both ways
I firmly believe that if cousins gets in the game in the second quarter the skins make enough plays to hold the Seahawks off. RG could not even plant to make a throw, he could barely even make a fucking handoff. Seattle was all over them from the injury on.

This. Why wouldn't you pull RGIII after you went up 14-0, and it was clear that he just injured his knee again? Of all of the scenarios in which the Skins would have had to rely on Cousins, being up 14-0 had to be at the top of the list. There's no reason that with Morris and a 14-0 lead, Cousins couldn't have simply managed the rest of the game and the Skins to a victory. They simply needed a QB who could make the throws necessary to keep the chains moving and not turn the ball over. One could argue that Cousins actually improved their chances of winning that game yesterday after Griffin hurt his knee on the 2nd TD drive. The way that RGIII played the rest of that game, it's tough to see how Cousins could have done any worse.

Shanahan has always seemed like a pretty intelligent guy. I have no idea what the hell he was thinking yesterday, letting a rookie QB talk him into letting him stay in the game. Hell, if you bring Cousins in and Seattle comes back and your offense looks horrible, you could always go back to RGIII. Well they probably wouldn't have been able to since he was actually seriously hurt and would have stiffened up, but the point still remains. On top of that, Cousins actually looked pretty damn good when he played in place of RGIII when he first hurt the knee. He didn't even need to be spectacular yesterday, he simply needed to hand the ball off to Morris a whole bunch, and complete a few passes here and there.

At the very least, you take RGIII out so that you can possibly play him next week, after you win the game you are leading 14-0. I think it was a horrible decision and one that, if Shanahan is completely honest about at some point, he will say it was the wrong decision and that he's fully to blame for them losing that game. He should be regretting that decision for many years to come.
it was a 1 pt game... limping QB.
cousins already helped you win a game to get a shot at the playoffs.
seems pretty logical no?

It does. It also seemed logical at 14-0, 14-3, 14-10....after clearly seeing that RGIII was nowhere near himself.

Griffin is to blame for this as well. I know guys are competitive and want to be in the game. But at what point are you being selfish, and no longer being a team player? He is the one who knew, without a doubt, how injured he was. Did he want the team to win the game....or did "he" want to win the game?
Jump and a few others have used the example of Jay Cutler...he got benched in a playoff game a few years back and everyone was laying into him. Cant have both ways
Different, no? Did Cutler try and go back in at all, or take himself out?
It does. It also seemed logical at 14-0, 14-3, 14-10....after clearly seeing that RGIII was nowhere near himself.

Griffin is to blame for this as well. I know guys are competitive and want to be in the game. But at what point are you being selfish, and no longer being a team player? He is the one who knew, without a doubt, how injured he was. Did he want the team to win the game....or did "he" want to win the game?
Laruex any player at that level is gonna just believe in themselves so much....physically and emotionally. And you WANT that as a coach/organization.

THE coaches and staff are paid to see what is goin on, evaluate it all week and in the game and make those decisions

Someone post the Cutler story...did he pull himself out, or coach did, or mutual decision?
Disagree with laureux. No player is gonna take himself out. Every player or ex player interviewed about the situation has said as much. RG3 woulda been pissed if he got pulled. But it woulda been for his own good. Thats on the coach. Hes the one who should be mature and see the big picture
The thing about Cutler is once he was out, he didn't try and rally the troops. He didn't get behind the backup and try to coach him up. He just sat there with the Bears trench coat on looking like he didn't really care. I know that's his demeanor but at least act like you care.
Disagree with laureux. No player is gonna take himself out. Every player or ex player interviewed about the situation has said as much. RG3 woulda been pissed if he got pulled. But it woulda been for his own good. Thats on the coach. Hes the one who should be mature and see the big picture

Im not sure we disagree. I know that no player would want to come out or take himself out. That doesn't mean he's not to blame. They lost the game.
Laruex any player at that level is gonna just believe in themselves so much....physically and emotionally. And you WANT that as a coach/organization.

THE coaches and staff are paid to see what is goin on, evaluate it all week and in the game and make those decisions

Someone post the Cutler story...did he pull himself out, or coach did, or mutual decision?

i understand, and you're right. That doesn't change the fact the he is somewhat to blame. They are trying to win a game, not prove who the toughest warrior is. You also want that as an organization, teammate, fan, until its clear that someone is doing more harm than good and your chances for winning are drastically reduced. Common sense has to step in at some point and overtake warrior.

Shanahan is mostly, if not nearly 100% to blame, but Griffin didn't do anyone any favors by trying to play the hero.
It's not his responsibility to take himself out of the game. So you cannot blame him.

Blame for lying about the severity of the injury. Of course you can. Again guys I agree with you and know that most, if not all players want to be in the game. But when you are actually costing your team a chance at winning, you need to be honest with yourself and everyone else....for the sake of the team.
Oh I had no idea he lied about anything, but yes it comes down to doing what's best for the TEAM. They get bonuses too based on the teams performance.
Blame for lying about the severity of the injury. Of course you can. Again guys I agree with you and know that most, if not all players want to be in the game. But when you are actually costing your team a chance at winning, you need to be honest with yourself and everyone else....for the sake of the team.


my high school basketball coach would have benched anyone's ass for playing while tired. send the player a message. get on the bench and get your rest, tell coach "I'm ready again" and he rewards you by putting you in.
signal to the sideline you need to get out so you don't mess the teams chances up.
football is not basketball but come on, this is shit you learn in high school.

of course RGIII doesnt get tired, but same should go for a 1 legged man
I blame the coach/vp/gm (aka Shanahan) for putting the financial future of the organization in the hands of one guy and asking him to run the read option in the NFL. Arguing about Sunday's game is missing the point and missing the big picture.
I blame the coach/vp/gm (aka Shanahan) for putting the financial future of the organization in the hands of one guy and asking him to run the read option in the NFL. Arguing about Sunday's game is missing the point and missing the big picture.

This. Its only a matter of tmie before RG3 is done.