Did I just hear what I think I heard?


Pretty much a regular
I just mentioned this in my thread, but I think it deserves it's own thread:

At the end of the Bama/Michigan broadcast, did I just hear Dave Pasch and Greg McElroy praise the Alabama coaching staff, and even suggest this was one of Nick Saban's best coaching jobs? For going 11-2 against a schedule that included 2 legitimate top 25 teams and with a roster that has 9 sure fire first rounders IN THIS YEAR"S DRAFT on it?
Early in the 4th or late in the 3rd quarter one of them made the point that Michigan was probably the best team they’ve faced all season since aTm. Seems a bit contradictory, doesn’t it?
Pretty hyperbolic for sure, but given the injuries and other attrition of players we were counting on this season, 11-2 is pretty good, weak schedule or not. 9th straight 11 win season
Early in the 4th or late in the 3rd quarter one of them made the point that Michigan was probably the best team they’ve faced all season since aTm. Seems a bit contradictory, doesn’t it?
On that one in particular I think he said it would be their best win, not necessarily the best they’ve played.
In that context I think good only matters as it relates to the teams on their schedule. I may be mistaken because I missed some of their comments just prior to that, but I don’t think they were playing it up as a huge win, just stating it was significant because Michigan was one of the two best teams they’ve beaten.

Other wins were Duke, New Mexico State, South Carolina, Ole Miss, Southern Miss, A&M, Tennessee, Arkansas, Western Carolina, and Mississippi State.
It's an odd thing. One of the best offenses in school history and certainly the worst defense of the program since they started their dominance. Do you say good job getting 11 wins when that great offense was either missing or utilizing an injured QB who made it go? Or do you say good job getting 11 wins with your worst defense in a long time? I dunno.

I don't think he did terrible and the LSU game was so weird with all the fluke plays can you even blame him for that?