Deshaun Watson...Guilty Until Proven Innocent!


You know it never ceases to amaze me. You get these so called “journalists” who have for years been urinating on what good journalism used to be, they’re up on TV pushing their own personal opinions ranging from politics, to sports, to everything under the sun. Spin doctors. With a scripted agenda and an ego as big, if not bigger than the athletes themselves.

Gone are the days when real reporting consisted of giving people the scoop, and that scoop might not have always consisted of the facts, but it was a scoop that left it wide open for the general public to make their own minds up. I didn’t need Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman giving me their horse shit views. I mean, you got a guy sitting on the right who has been feeding you his own personal bullshit on the decline of Tom Brady’s career for the past 3-4 years.

So tell me how credible he is. The so called “experts”. The pundits. You got guys like Skip Bayless who just signed a 32 million dollar contract with Fox to pretend he knows what the fuck he’s talking about, then you turn on the TV and he’s telling you exactly how a UFC fighter with zero professional fights in the boxing ring is gonna defeat arguably the greatest pure boxer that ever lived.

These are the voices of American sports. Never afraid to give you their opinions on anything. Well, up until it’s time to address the #ChooChooMovement
... ERRRRRRR!!!!
The #MeToo movement.

Then they all sit there, like the fuckin’ weak little puppets that they are, in fear of rocking the boat. I mean, they’ll spend years pushing baseless assumptions to destroy the character of guys like Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant. They’ll crush players like Rickey Henderson for nursing his own hamstring injury. Destroy Ricky Williams’ character for turning on football and smoking a plant that he finds beneficial for an obvious social anxiety disorder. They’ll write bullshit articles about Randy Moss, Marshawn Lynch, and tell you how Jason Williams “doesn’t care” about winning because he said he looks forward to hanging out with his kids after getting bounced in the NBA Playoffs.

But when a woman accuses a guy like Deshaun Watson of sexual misconduct, a guy who by the way has shown himself to be one of the best character guys in the NFL, GONE is the very idea of innocent until proven guilty. Now all of a sudden these loud mouths aren’t so loud anymore. Not when Walt Disney is breathing down their necks. Now we’re gonna be sensitive towards the accuser. Because Molly there in the middle might get her little feelings hurt if we entertain the possibility that some scandalous Robin Givens shit might be going on.

Let’s steer away from said accusers (plural) being represented by a lawyer who lives right next door to the team owner, an owner whose father once referred to his players as “inmates running the asylum”, drawing the ire of the best wide receiver in the NFL, then promptly trading said wide receiver to the Arizona Cardinals for a low level running back and a Nike ball bag. Leaving Deshaun Watson on an island, with nothing but a useless roster that can’t protect him and nobody to throw the ball to.
So what does Watson do? Respectfully asks to be traded. Team refuses. Player becomes disgruntled. And straight out of the rich white owners handbook, player mysteriously gets his name ran through the mud. No police reports. No arrests. Just some reeeeeal interesting timing is all.
You know it never ceases to amaze me. You get these so called “journalists” who have for years been urinating on what good journalism used to be, they’re up on TV pushing their own personal opinions ranging from politics, to sports, to everything under the sun. Spin doctors. With a scripted agenda and an ego as big, if not bigger than the athletes themselves.

Gone are the days when real reporting consisted of giving people the scoop, and that scoop might not have always consisted of the facts, but it was a scoop that left it wide open for the general public to make their own minds up. I didn’t need Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman giving me their horse shit views. I mean, you got a guy sitting on the right who has been feeding you his own personal bullshit on the decline of Tom Brady’s career for the past 3-4 years.

So tell me how credible he is. The so called “experts”. The pundits. You got guys like Skip Bayless who just signed a 32 million dollar contract with Fox to pretend he knows what the fuck he’s talking about, then you turn on the TV and he’s telling you exactly how a UFC fighter with zero professional fights in the boxing ring is gonna defeat arguably the greatest pure boxer that ever lived.

These are the voices of American sports. Never afraid to give you their opinions on anything. Well, up until it’s time to address the #ChooChooMovement
... ERRRRRRR!!!!
The #MeToo movement.

Then they all sit there, like the fuckin’ weak little puppets that they are, in fear of rocking the boat. I mean, they’ll spend years pushing baseless assumptions to destroy the character of guys like Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant. They’ll crush players like Rickey Henderson for nursing his own hamstring injury. Destroy Ricky Williams’ character for turning on football and smoking a plant that he finds beneficial for an obvious social anxiety disorder. They’ll write bullshit articles about Randy Moss, Marshawn Lynch, and tell you how Jason Williams “doesn’t care” about winning because he said he looks forward to hanging out with his kids after getting bounced in the NBA Playoffs.

But when a woman accuses a guy like Deshaun Watson of sexual misconduct, a guy who by the way has shown himself to be one of the best character guys in the NFL, GONE is the very idea of innocent until proven guilty. Now all of a sudden these loud mouths aren’t so loud anymore. Not when Walt Disney is breathing down their necks. Now we’re gonna be sensitive towards the accuser. Because Molly there in the middle might get her little feelings hurt if we entertain the possibility that some scandalous Robin Givens shit might be going on.

Let’s steer away from said accusers (plural) being represented by a lawyer who lives right next door to the team owner, an owner whose father once referred to his players as “inmates running the asylum”, drawing the ire of the best wide receiver in the NFL, then promptly trading said wide receiver to the Arizona Cardinals for a low level running back and a Nike ball bag. Leaving Deshaun Watson on an island, with nothing but a useless roster that can’t protect him and nobody to throw the ball to.
So what does Watson do? Respectfully asks to be traded. Team refuses. Player becomes disgruntled. And straight out of the rich white owners handbook, player mysteriously gets his name ran through the mud. No police reports. No arrests. Just some reeeeeal interesting timing is all.

I'm with you. This is all very fishy.
Great post Vap. The Texans organization is pathetic at best. Bob McNair deserves a spot on the Asshole Mt Rushmore. Not for anything football related but he told me to keep the change on a $4.75 cab fare. The change was $0.25 from the 5 he tossed me.
12 lawsuits, investigating 10 more for a potential of 22....
Think that's the key here

It's not a woman as the op said, its 12 so far...

Also the timing seems fishy at first, but when you think about it, it makes no sense for houston to have set this up

If the texans were doing this and it was some elaborate plan, he wouldnt have the lawyer of one of the women be his next door neighbor for one

Also, more importantly even, why?

This fucks houston over more than anybody, besides the victims, watson is a pariah if any of this is true so hes untradeable, his value is at the very least ranked, and how can he start for houston either?

If it ever came out the texans were behind this as well, they would be forced to sell the team
The movement died last spring...

Maybe this is the revival?

All civil... that always is interesting...

That lawyer has a lot of red flags...

Obv innocent until proven guilty so we shall see...

women always have the upper hand..thank larry nasser
real reporting went out the window years ago, now all the so called “journalists” are far more interested in pushing their opinion or saying shit for click bait!! You mentioned skip baseless, if he considered a journalist that says it all! His takes are the most ridiculous crap in a sea of garbage! Any “reporting” being done is done so in a attempt to back up their redic takes far more than looking for truth. Good luck finding anyone willing to be unbiased.
They can't all be lying could they?

you don’t think? I dunno if they are or not but damn sure possible these days. Once one came out then any chick who had contact with him start circling like Sharks!! Timing seems suspect at the least, why didn’t any of them come out way sooner?
I’m just throwing this out here. Wondering when we will lean the Texans were involved w these allegations to drive interest in Watson down so they can say they can’t move him bc they aren’t getting equal value in return and plan to keep him. Just saying.
Not usually a big Clay guy... But most of this is excellent...

I hadn't heard the instagram stuff, that's a bad look for Deshaun

But clay nails it on the lack of coverage, cant use the it's a busy time either, tuesday and today were dead quiet

Also the conspiracy thing is a big one, I mentioned it before but there's been studies that something like anymore than 3 people and the odds a conspiracy or lie gets out goes up exponentially. These are 16 individuals without any ties to each other, it would get out if they concocted this.
What exactly is he accused of doing? Doesn’t sound like he raped anyone. Playing grab ass?

I got kissed on the cheek at a super bowl party this year without my consent by a woman.
I’m just throwing this out here. Wondering when we will lean the Texans were involved w these allegations to drive interest in Watson down so they can say they can’t move him bc they aren’t getting equal value in return and plan to keep him. Just saying.

I don’t think they had any intention of moving him anyways but certainly wouldn’t shock me if they had something to do with it. Maybe just out of spite, to pigeon hole him into a corner, or just anything to sway public opinion off his side where it seemed to be. Who knows, can’t imagine it helps them tho, I mean whether they want to trade him or not it never good for the value of one your players to depreciate.
I hadn't heard the instagram stuff, that's a bad look for Deshaun

But clay nails it on the lack of coverage, cant use the it's a busy time either, tuesday and today were dead quiet

Also the conspiracy thing is a big one, I mentioned it before but there's been studies that something like anymore than 3 people and the odds a conspiracy or lie gets out goes up exponentially. These are 16 individuals without any ties to each other, it would get out if they concocted this.

well they do have one common bond, desire to get money out of someone with a bunch of it!!
I have such a hard time understanding why in the hell he would fly these broads out and pay them what I’m sure was a nice chunk of change to sexually assault them??? Why wouldn’t he have a understanding of what was expected? We all know he could have found plenty willing woman to do exactly what he wanted, gotta think these chicks knew what was expected. If not then why wouldn’t he just pass and bring out another who was more than happy to put out?? I don’t think any of them lying about what happened, I think they lying when they say that wasn’t the deal in the 1st place!!! I thought massage was code for prostitute anyways! What the point paying a chick to touch you without a happy ending!?!?!!?!
Kinda like the Kobe case, he has 1000 white girls lined up and willing but takes the one to his room that wasn’t offering up the ass? Cmon now, why you going to guys room if it ain’t to fuck???
1 accuser. 3 accusers. 15 accusers. I don’t give a rats ass if by next week, these accusers start infecting each other like the god damn COVID-19. My instincts don’t change based on statistics. “Could all these women be lying?” @cogenman Hell yes!

In fact, when being railroaded by people in power, I’d argue the best method is to fund as many liars as humanly possible. People gotta steer away from this insanely delusional idea that most humans aren’t evil. That most humans would never conspire to ruin someone’s career. Most humans are pieces of shit, in my humble opinion. And will absolutely go to whatever lengths it takes, especially when there’s CASH on the table.

We’re all capable of selling our souls to the devil. Every last one of us. So if this scumbag lawyer thinks he can destroy a guy based on statistics...
He’s gonna find out the hard way.

What’s done in the dark will always come to light. It’s sort of like the idiots in life who disagree with an opinion you have, and then are quick to point out how many people agree with them. So therefore you must be wrong.
Herd mentality at its best Vap

What sucks is if a couple of them are telling the truth but the rest move in to make it seem like some massive stunt at the end of the day
I’d be shocked if all are lying. They’d pull the franchise if it came out. So doubt they are in on this. Lawyer would be disbarred maybe? I don’t know law like that.
He’s a like able guy before all this...sponsors haven’t been pulled yet have they?
And wtf is he even accused of? All I heard was forcing chicks to give him head? Seems impossible. If so, I’d guess he gets massages and pays extra for bj. That’s a crime that happens on 50 street corners in Sterling Heights or Utica Michigan. Is he drugging chicks Bill Cosby style? I just don’t know enough besides his reputation is damaged no matter what now.
And don’t get me wrong, I understand we’re mired in the middle of a #MeToo movement where women are educating the public on their daily dealings with dirt bags. It’s not a myth. Nor is it to be taken lightly. I understand how questioning any woman, when she speaks out on matters like this, could be viewed detrimental to the cause.

I’m not trying to be insensitive to that. I’m glad women are out there exposing how difficult it is. Having the courage to stand up and share their stories. But if we’re gonna throw around words like courageous, be all the way courageous. Because I’m trying. I’m trying real hard to walk in the shoes of anyone paralyzed by fear. And intimidation. I’m trying to brin162049358_10221442582073018_5097253523050149633_n.jpgg myself to understand the part where charges aren’t being filed, only to come out of left field when it’s time to destroy someone’s character.

I’m trying to see every woman in the same light as I see my own mother. I’m trying real hard. But I’m also not gonna ignore this.
And wtf is he even accused of? All I heard was forcing chicks to give him head? Seems impossible. If so, I’d guess he gets massages and pays extra for bj. That’s a crime that happens on 50 street corners in Sterling Heights or Utica Michigan. Is he drugging chicks Bill Cosby style? I just don’t know enough besides his reputation is damaged no matter what now.
Not so sure his reputation is ruined though. If it came out (no pun) that one or two were real, it would be forever ruined. Now, at least from where I stand, it seems like a massive circus.

Just hope no lives have been ruined when all is said and done
Cuomo killed a bunch of people ( no one cares) and then is getting torn down for comments and advances to women (no assault or rape). So this is the world we have created.

1. If Watson is guilty. He deserves at least whatever punishment he gets.
2. if he is innocent, he is in a country where that might not matter because more than half the voting populace (allegedly) voted for this world. You get what you get.
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1 accuser. 3 accusers. 15 accusers. I don’t give a rats ass if by next week, these accusers start infecting each other like the god damn COVID-19. My instincts don’t change based on statistics. “Could all these women be lying?” @cogenman Hell yes!

In fact, when being railroaded by people in power, I’d argue the best method is to fund as many liars as humanly possible. People gotta steer away from this insanely delusional idea that most humans aren’t evil. That most humans would never conspire to ruin someone’s career. Most humans are pieces of shit, in my humble opinion. And will absolutely go to whatever lengths it takes, especially when there’s CASH on the table.

We’re all capable of selling our souls to the devil. Every last one of us. So if this scumbag lawyer thinks he can destroy a guy based on statistics...
He’s gonna find out the hard way.

What’s done in the dark will always come to light. It’s sort of like the idiots in life who disagree with an opinion you have, and then are quick to point out how many people agree with them. So therefore you must be wrong.

damn bro, you have a incredibly bleak view about humanity! I feel like a eternal optimist after reading this, lol. “Insanely delusional” idea that most humans are not evil? Fuck! I think for the most part ppl are decent, certainly half of us at least! Obviously there a lot of shitty ppl but there plenty of good also! Maybe the problem is there just way to many ppl! Lol.
  • Haha
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I’d be shocked if all are lying. They’d pull the franchise if it came out. So doubt they are in on this. Lawyer would be disbarred maybe? I don’t know law like that.
He’s a like able guy before all this...sponsors haven’t been pulled yet have they?

as i said I think it far more likely he was paying them for sex in the 1st place and now that opportunity knocking they see a chance to get paid. The whole idea of flying these chicks out to give him a massage and nothing more is freaking ridiculous isn’t it?
Not so sure his reputation is ruined though. If it came out (no pun) that one or two were real, it would be forever ruined. Now, at least from where I stand, it seems like a massive circus.

Just hope no lives have been ruined when all is said and done
To some, it won’t matter, no matter the outcome. A lot of the he had to do something bad crowd. He’ll be heckled forever about it l.
when multiple assault or rape accusations are made against sports players, executives, actors, or politicians, what percentage seem to turn out legitimate? i don't think we're talking a 50/50 crapshoot. sometimes philanthropists are predators in other aspects of life. lots of famous people are clean in the public eye, but are pieces of shit in reality. no matter how much professional success someone achieves, if they have insecurities, especially sexual, that success isn't going to stop the person from acting out on them. we see these guys on tv and they are portrayed as more than human. the reality is they excel greatly at one particular thing in life. in lots of cases, the rest of their lives are marginal at best, just like the average scrub you see out there walking the streets.
Ya hes done

Firdt thought is I dont think he plays another down

Wonder if it gets media coverage now from certain blue checkmarks
That's a red flag in itself though that hes had at least 37 different massage therapists

Everything I've seen from athletes is that they are so particular with who they let treat them, most use the same person for years

Deshaun is not only using this many, but hes flying people in from out of state that he finds on the gram